Public transit
BC Greens's promise
Climate Change & the Environment
Forests and forestry
BC Greens's promise
Power generation
BC Greens's promises
Public transit
BC Greens's promise
K-12 funding
BC Greens's promise
K-12 learning needs
BC Greens's promise
School nutrition
BC Greens's promise
Student mental health
BC Greens's promise
Drugs and addiction
BC Greens's promise
Family doctors and primary care
BC Greens's promise
Health staffing
BC Greens's promise
BC Greens's promise
Housing & Homelessness
Drugs and addiction
BC Greens's promise
Jobs, Businesses, & Labour
Forests and forestry
BC Greens's promise
They may still in the future!
Lawrence Taylor, the BC Greens Candidate for Vancouver-Renfrew, is a dedicated regulatory affairs specialist in public health and therapeutic product research. Holding science degrees from Simon Fraser University and the University of Western Ontario, Lawrence has a deep understanding of the intersections between science, policy, and public welfare.
Having lived in Vancouver-Renfrew for over 10 years as a renter, Lawrence has firsthand experience with the challenges of affordability, housing accessibility, and the impacts of the opioid crisis on local communities. He has been a consistent voice for change, running federally in the area in 2019 and actively serving on the BC Vancouver Riding Association for the past four years.
Lawrence believes in an economic shift that prioritizes sustainable industries and affordable education. He advocates for ending the province’s reliance on resource extraction, investing in renewable energy, and ensuring accessible healthcare. He supports transforming BC’s economy to be fair and inclusive, promoting education in trades and the creation of green jobs for the future.
As the Green candidate, Lawrence is committed to representing the needs of Vancouver-Renfrew. With his background in regulation and law, he is ready to scrutinize legislation and champion policies that align with the Green Party’s principles. Electing Lawrence means elevating politics with a focus on evidence, integrity, and action.