Tom Ikonomou

At the core of every policy I advocate for is the unwavering belief that government should work for the people, not against them. My policies are driven by three key principles: integrity, accountability, and common sense solutions that serve the community's best interests.

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Tom is the son of immigrant parents who came here from Greece over 60 years ago. They opted for a life full of risk and uncertainty and raised a family of respectable and hard working individuals. Tom has 4 adult children (3 boys, 1 girl) and has 2 siblings both school teachers.

Tom brings over 40 years of entrepreneurial skills, family values and his love for Canada's most beautiful Province.

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I spent the first 15 years of my life as a restaurant owner Feeding people, then I spent the next 15 years of my life (currently) in real estate sales Housing people, it's a natural transition to spend the next 15 years of my life as MLA Serving people.

I've succeeded at a high level in both previous and current careers, put me to work for you. On October 21, 2024

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