Transit & Transportation platforms

Here's what the BC 2024 parties are promising.

BC Ferries

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We don't have any BC NDP policies on BC Ferries.

BC Conservatives

  • Create a BC Ferries Charger to outline performance and service expectations

    "Hold the BC Ferry Authority accountable: We will ensure that coastal communities have a strong voice in ferry operations. A BC Ferries Charter will be established to clearly outline the performance and service expectations of the Ferry Authority. Should they fail to meet these expectations, we will seek new leadership capable of delivering the reliable and timely service residents depend on." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15

  • Tie executive compensation to performance metrics

    "Hold management accountable: Coastal residents deserve dependable service. We will tie a portion of executive compensation to performance metrics, ensuring that BC Ferries’ leadership is directly accountable for meeting service delivery commitments." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15

  • Start a monthly flat-fee programme or similar measure for frequent ferry users

    "Help frequent users: Many coastal and island residents are travelling regularly for work. We will consult with commuters and other frequent users to design a monthly flat-fee program or other measures that will improve certainty and reduce the hassle of frequent ticket purchases." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15

  • Consider small electric autonomous and semi-autonomous ferries for walk-on passengers

    "Explore innovative technology including small electric autonomous and semi- autonomous ferries for walk-on passengers, which are operating successfully in Europe and have the potential to improve service on shorter routes with high walk-on demand." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15

  • Require public reporting from BC Ferries on solutions and timelines for fixing bottlenecks on critical routes

    "End the bottlenecks: Critical routes such as Horseshoe Bay, Departure Bay, and Tsawwassen have long been over-capacity, with no meaningful action from the BC NDP. We will direct the Ferry Authority to resolve these issues and require public reporting on solutions and timelines." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15

  • Introduce domestic content scenarios to RFPs

    "Introduce domestic content scenarios to RFPs so decision makers can evaluate bids for scenarios with and without BC suppliers, to ensure that the full extent of potential benefits to British Columbians are being evaluated alongside lowest-bid scenarios." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15

We don't have any BC Greens policies on BC Ferries.

Electric vehicles

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  • Double the number of public chargers by 2030

    "We will prioritize building new EV charging stations at community and recreation centres, municipal parking, highway rest stops, and park-and-ride stations, with a goal of doubling the number of public chargers across the province by 2030 – removing a significant barrier for people thinking about going electric." — An Action Plan for You, retrieved 2024-10-07

  • Switch the school bus fleet to electric

BC Greens

  • Expand electric vehicle charging infrastructure across the province

    "Expand the EV charging infrastructure across BC to support the growing number of electric vehicles and facilitate their use in rural and urban areas." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Set sales targets for electric medium- and heavy-duty vehicles and introduce purchase requirements

    "Set sales targets for MHDVs and introduce fleet purchase requirements to accelerate the shift towards electric vehicles in the province." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Make sure rebates for zero-emission medium- and heavy-duty vehicles goes to small fleets

    "Adjust rebates for zero-emission MHDVs to ensure funding goes to small fleets." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Extend financial incentives for electric vehicles to EV retrofits for conventional vehicles

    "Support the conversion of gasoline and diesel vehicles to electric vehicles by extending financial incentives to EV retrofits, ensuring that older vehicles can also contribute to emissions reductions." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

Fuel and transportation costs

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  • Make transit free for seniors in non-peak hours

BC Conservatives

  • Eliminate PST on affordable used cars

    "Eliminate the PST on affordable used vehicles that have already had PST charged on them. Double taxation is unfair, especially for basic cars that people need for their commute. Additionally, we will reverse the NDP’s tax grab and ensure that any PST charged on a used vehicle is based on the sale price, not an arbitrary value made-up by the government." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15

  • Index the vehicle Luxury Tax to average vehicle values

    "Index the vehicle Luxury Tax to average vehicle values to reflect car price inflation, and ensure people are not punished for buying vehicles needed for work. The so-called ‘luxury tax’ kicks-in at $55,000, even though the average price of a new car sold in BC is $66,000." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15

  • End inspections for out-of-province vehicle imports
  • Require speed cameras and road safety units to be highly visible

    "Prioritise traffic safety over ticket revenue by requiring speed cameras and road safety units to be highly visible. This will improve deterrence, increase fairness for drivers, and prevent reactionary law enforcement tactics that lead to distracted driving.

    o We believe the primary role of traffic enforcement should be to promote road safety via visibility and deterrence, with penalties for those who break the law."

    Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15


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  • Freeze ICBC premiums

    "Freeze your ICBC premiums to lock in your car insurance savings. Changing ICBC to an Enhanced Care model saved drivers an average of 20% on their premiums each year. This model has proven to deliver better care while drastically reducing what is spent on lawyer fees. And we’ll make it work better for everyone: we’ll make sure ICBC’s coverage keeps pace with increasing costs for the services people need as they recover from a car accident." — An Action Plan for You, retrieved 2024-10-07

BC Conservatives

  • Ensure ICBC rate fairness for younger and older drivers
  • Encourage private sector auto insurance
  • Make sure individuals with life-altering injuries from car accidents receive proper representation

    "Make sure individuals with life-altering injuries receive proper representation to fight for what they need to get their lives back on track." —, retrieved 2024-10-08

BC Greens

  • Amend the legislation governing ICBC to cover lost earning potential and all reasonable costs relating to accidents

    "The BC Greens would amend the Legislation governing ICBC, to make clear that all reasonable costs relating to an accident should be covered. We would also amend the income replacement sections, to take into account not only current income, but earning potential, so that students and people temporarily out of the workforce are not penalized." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Reorient the culture of ICBC to focus it on care, and require all client notes be proactively shared with the client

    "The BC Greens would reorient the culture of ICBC, to require it to focus on care, rather than minimizing payouts. We would require full transparency from ICBC, including having all client notes be proactively shared with the client so that people can trust the processes and the outcomes." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09


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  • Integrate flood mitigation infrastructure in the Highway 1 expansion to mitigate floods in the Sumas Prairie
  • Upgrade key highway infrastructure in BC's northwest

    "Upgrading key highway infrastructure in BC’s northwest needed to unlock investments in new critical mineral mines, create good jobs, and improve community access and safety." — An Action Plan for You, retrieved 2024-10-07

  • Create a new local infrastructure investment fund tied to housing starts

    "Encourage municipal partnerships to build more housing through a new local infrastructure investment fund that’s tied to housing starts, while offering more flexibility to cities exceeding those targets."

    An Action Plan for You, retrieved 2024-10-07

BC Conservatives

  • Build a new bridge across Okanagan Lake by 2032

    "Commit to a new bridge across Okanagan Lake by working with the cities of Kelowna and West Kelowna to identify a preferred route, then adding the project into the provincial capital plan for completion no later than 2032." —, retrieved 2024-10-08

  • Replace the Taylor Bridge across the Peace River
  • Rebuild the Red Bridge in Kamloops
  • Upgrade Highway 19 in Nanaimo with grade separation at some intersections

    "Upgrade Highway 19 in Nanaimo with grade separation at the most dangerous and congested intersections." —, retrieved 2024-10-08

  • Expand Highway 1 to six lanes to Chilliwack, and rebuild outdated Highway 1 exits and interchanges

    "Identify and rebuild outdated Hwy 1 exits and interchanges that are past their useful life, are unsafe, and responsible for bottlenecks, such as Brunette Ave. in Coquitlam." —, retrieved 2024-10-08

  • Expand the new Patullo Bridge to six lanes
  • Build a new Ironworkers Memorial Bridge, and reverse plans to remove the Main St. eastbound dedicated to local traffic
  • Never implement road or bridge tolls

BC Greens

  • Provide $650M annually in infrastructure funding to municipalities
  • Investigate using land value capture, where some property value created by infrastructure investments is used to fund those investments

    "Investigate the potential of land value capture as a funding source for infrastructure projects and community development." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Establish an all-party Parliamentary Committee to determine sustainable transport funding

    "We will establish an all-party Parliamentary Committee for sustainable transport funding.

    The Committee will gather expert opinions to create a non-partisan mechanism for funding transport infrastructure and operations, ensuring a comprehensive network for trains, ferries, buses, bikes, trucks, and cars."

    BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Require government to spend as much on public transit, walking, and cycling as highway infrastructure and operations

    "We will require the Government to spend at least as much on public transit, walking, and cycling as on highway infrastructure and operations.

    Reduce the subsidy that car drivers receive to promote equitable transportation funding."

    BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

Inter-city transportation

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  • Expand inter-city bus service between key transportation hubs

    "Connect the province with an expanded express bus service, building on our successful BC North bus service, including a new fleet of express buses between key transportation hubs." — An Action Plan for You, retrieved 2024-10-07

  • Work with CP Rail to provide a new rail service throughout the Fraser Valley

    "Connecting communities in the Fraser Valley through a new rail service, working jointly with CP Rail. This would provide cleaner, more efficient transit options for people and help reduce traffic congestion on Highway 1." — An Action Plan for You, retrieved 2024-10-07

  • Evaluate returning commuter rail from Vancouver to Squamish, Whistler, and Pemberton

    "Develop a business plan to evaluate bringing commuter rail back to key transportation routes, including Vancouver to Squamish, Whistler and Pemberton. This will help address crowding and traffic in this fast-growing corridor and increase convenient access to more affordable housing for workers who live in Squamish and Pemberton and commute to Whistler or Vancouver." — An Action Plan for You, retrieved 2024-10-07

  • Extend West Coast Express to Chilliwack

BC Conservatives

  • Develop a business case to analyse Fraser Valley regional rail between Chilliwack, Abbotsford, Langley, and Surrey
  • Expand regional transit service in the Sea-to-Sky corridor and consider extending TransLink services to Squamish

BC Greens

  • Determine next steps to bring rail back to Vancouver Island

Public transit

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  • Launch dedicated RapidBus service on the new expanded Highway 1 shoulder lanes
  • Expand the Broadway Subway project to go all the way to UBC
  • Build two additional Bus Rapid Transit corridors
  • Provide fast, frequent, and reliable service along the King George Highway from Surrey Centre to White Rock
  • Connect Langley to Maple Ridge with rapid transit
  • Build a Bus Rapid Transit corridor to the North Shore
  • Extend West Coast Express to Chilliwack
  • Bring HandyDART services into government, instead of sub-contracting it to a private company
  • Review all use of private contractors for delivering BC Transit

    "Review all private delivery models within BC Transit to make sure British Columbians are getting the best value for tax dollars and the best service for their needs." — An Action Plan for You, retrieved 2024-10-07

  • Work with TransLink and the Mayors' Council on the Access for Everyone plan

    "Continue expanding and strengthening transit service by working with TransLink and the Mayors' Council on the Access for Everyone plan to ensure service continues to be there for people." — An Action Plan for You, retrieved 2024-10-07

  • Make transit free for seniors in non-peak hours

BC Conservatives

  • Add a north-south SkyTrain line along the King George corridor to Newton in Surrey
  • Work with municipal leaders and TransLink to identify the highest priority projects from Transport 2050 to fund

    "Fund key projects in the Transport 2050 plan, working with municipal leaders and TransLink to identify the highest-priority projects which may include expansions of SkyTrain, Bus Rapid Transit, Rapid Bus, and express and local bus services." —, retrieved 2024-10-08

  • Address service deficits in Surrey
  • Implement a zero-tolerance policy for drug use, threats, and violence on public transit

    "Implement a zero-tolerance policy for drug use, threats, and violence on public transit. Offences against both riders and operators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, and we will work with TransLink and the Transit Police to make sure they have all tools needed to keep the system safe." —, retrieved 2024-10-08

  • Invest in BC Transit, focusing on high-growth areas where services are lacking
  • Expand HandyDART services and strictly enforce service quality standards for HandyDART contractors
    1. "Expand HandyDART services to areas of greatest need, ensuring seniors have access to affordable, reliable transportation.
    2. Strictly enforce service quality standards for HandyDART contractors to improve transportation reliability for seniors.", retrieved 2024-10-08

  • Fully fund TransLink for two years, while auditing and reforming their financial model
    1. "Fully fund TransLink for two years to maintain uninterrupted, reliable service. Commuters shouldn’t need to worry about whether they can get to work or school. We will ensure full funding for transit as the financial model is audited.
    2. Audit and reform TransLink's financial model to ensure the long-term availability of funding that not just maintains service, but fuels expansion for the future.", retrieved 2024-10-08

BC Greens

  • Make all public transit free

    "We will implement a free public transit system for all people in British Columbia." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Provide at least hourly service for key bus routes, and at least four services per day on all other routes
  • Double the number of buses in 3 years, and triple within 6
  • Provide immediate funding for TransLink to maintain and expand service levels in 2025
  • Require government to spend as much on public transit, walking, and cycling as highway infrastructure and operations

    "We will require the Government to spend at least as much on public transit, walking, and cycling as on highway infrastructure and operations.

    Reduce the subsidy that car drivers receive to promote equitable transportation funding."

    BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Establish an all-party Parliamentary Committee to determine sustainable transport funding

    "We will establish an all-party Parliamentary Committee for sustainable transport funding.

    The Committee will gather expert opinions to create a non-partisan mechanism for funding transport infrastructure and operations, ensuring a comprehensive network for trains, ferries, buses, bikes, trucks, and cars."

    BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

Transit funding

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We don't have any BC NDP policies on Transit funding.

BC Conservatives

  • Fully fund TransLink for two years, while auditing and reforming their financial model
    1. "Fully fund TransLink for two years to maintain uninterrupted, reliable service. Commuters shouldn’t need to worry about whether they can get to work or school. We will ensure full funding for transit as the financial model is audited.
    2. Audit and reform TransLink's financial model to ensure the long-term availability of funding that not just maintains service, but fuels expansion for the future.", retrieved 2024-10-08

BC Greens

  • Establish an all-party Parliamentary Committee to determine sustainable transport funding

    "We will establish an all-party Parliamentary Committee for sustainable transport funding.

    The Committee will gather expert opinions to create a non-partisan mechanism for funding transport infrastructure and operations, ensuring a comprehensive network for trains, ferries, buses, bikes, trucks, and cars."

    BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Require government to spend as much on public transit, walking, and cycling as highway infrastructure and operations

    "We will require the Government to spend at least as much on public transit, walking, and cycling as on highway infrastructure and operations.

    Reduce the subsidy that car drivers receive to promote equitable transportation funding."

    BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

Walkable, bikable communities

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BC Conservatives

  • Ensure new transit-oriented communities provide space for grocery stores and small businesses within walking distance

    "Support transit-oriented communities: People deserve to live in complete communities near transit, not just dormitories. Bill 47 (Transit Oriented Areas) will be amended to ensure each new transit-oriented community is providing space for grocery stores and small businesses within walking distance of home." —, retrieved 2024-10-08

BC Greens

  • Safeguard existing green spaces and expand urban tree canopy with targets and legal protections
  • Require government to spend as much on public transit, walking, and cycling as highway infrastructure and operations

    "We will require the Government to spend at least as much on public transit, walking, and cycling as on highway infrastructure and operations.

    Reduce the subsidy that car drivers receive to promote equitable transportation funding."

    BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

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