Climate Change & the Environment

Conservation and environmental protection platforms

Here's what the 2024 BC election parties are promising.
We don't have any BC NDP policies on Conservation and environmental protection.

BC Conservatives

  • Consider hunters and fishers as key partners in conservation

    "Recognize hunters and fishers as key partners in conservation efforts. The NDP has ignored their expertise and mismanaged the quota system." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15

  • Use revenue from hunting tags and fees to fund a 3rd-party entity dedicated to wildlife management and enhancement

    "Dedicate revenue from tags and fees associated with hunting to go to a 3rd- party entity dedicated to wildlife management and enhancement." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15

  • Define an areas of forests where biodiversity goals will be prioritised
    1. "Define the land area that will be prioritized for meeting biodiversity goals, where sourcing forest products will be of secondary value.

    Combined with our parks and other forested areas, our balanced approach will allow industry to access an adequate and predictable supply of fibre, while protecting the ecological value of BC’s forests.

    Having flexibility within the management of these areas will allow BC to better manage forest health issues, including wildfire mitigation plus restoration and rehabilitation where needed.", retrieved 2024-10-08

  • Strengthen programmes that task hunters with collecting data on wildlife

    "Strengthen programs that engage hunters in wildlife data collection, such as population counts and habitat health monitoring." —, retrieved 2024-10-08

  • Increase funding for conservation officers, and expand their ability to combat poaching

    "Increase funding for conservation officers, expanding their ability to combat poaching and protect wildlife." —, retrieved 2024-10-08

  • Introduce Species at Risk legislation specific to BC

    "Conservatives will introduce made-in-BC Species at Risk legislation so wildlife protections are shaped by BC-based experts - not Ottawa - and are reflective of our unique ecosystems." —, retrieved 2024-10-08

BC Greens

  • Hold industry to higher standards for environmental protection

    "• Require measures to protect and restore biodiversity and ecosystem health where necessary.

    • Improve decision-making for industrial projects by holding industry to higher standards." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Protect 30% of land and water by 2030

    "Achieve 30% land and water protection by 2030, in consultation with First Nations." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Establish Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas

    "Work with Indigenous communities to establish Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas (IPCAs), fully upholding those declared by First Nations." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Strengthen and fund BC's park system, create new provincial parks, and expand camping and recreation opportunities
  • Immediately enact Species at Risk legislation

    "Immediately enact Species at Risk legislation to safeguard vulnerable species." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Allocate $120M to fish and wildlife programmes over 3 years
  • Invest $50M in a Youth Climate Corps to provide good-paying jobs for youth in restoring and protecting natural systems
  • Invest in Indigenous-led conservation and Indigenous Guardians programmes
  • Increase bonding rates for industry, and raise fines to deter reckless behaviour

    "Increase bonding rates for industry to account for worst-case scenarios and raise fines to deter reckless behaviour." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Reduce industry's access to government during decision-making processes

    "Address industry’s disproportionate access to government in decision-making processes." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Make more projects undergo mandatory environmental assessments

    "Lower thresholds for mandatory environmental assessments and close loopholes that allow projects to avoid assessments." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Recognise the Conservation Service as a Law Enforcement Service with the same oversight mechanisms as other policing bodies

    "We will formally recognize the Conservation Service as a Law Enforcement Service and apply the same oversight mechanisms as other policing bodies to ensure accountability and public trust." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Increase oversight and independence of the BC Conservation Office Service and other Natural Resource Compliance Officers
  • Provide long-term, stable funding and support long-term employment in nature based solutions
    1. "Shift to long-term, stable funding for nature-based solutions.
    2. Support long-term employment and governance in line with community goals and priorities."

    BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

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