Climate Change & the Environment platforms

Here's what the BC 2024 parties are promising.

Carbon price

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  • Remove BC's consumer price on carbon, if the federal government removes the requirement for a consumer price on carbon

BC Greens

  • Increase the industrial price on carbon and use the tax to fund climate action and preparedness in communities

    "Increase the industrial carbon tax and redirect revenue from industrial carbon pricing to fund climate action in communities." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

    "Connect carbon tax revenue directly to community climate action initiatives, including diking system improvements and wildfire prevention measures." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

    "Remove the annual emissions limits for industry, established under the output-based pricing system. Every tonne (or liter) emitted will be subject to the same fee regime.

    • Include emissions relating to venting and noncompression and non-processing activities in the oil and gas sector.

    • Continue the oversight of emissions through the GGIRCA, including the requirement for third-party verification of emissions from industrial polluters.

    • End the use of compliance mechanisms and carbon offsets."

    BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Continue with planned increases to the carbon price, by $15/year, and continue to rebate it back to British Columbians

    "Continue with planned increases to the price of emissions, by $15 per year. The price is currently $80 per tonne. We will increase this to $95 in 2025, $110 in 2026, $125 in 2027, etc." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

Climate adaptation

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  • Have the government bulk-purchase heat pumps, so as to provide them to residents at a discount

    "Energy efficiency benefits everyone – you save money on energy and heating costs while our province reduces harmful emissions. We’ll take the approach that is working well in the European Union by bulk purchasing heat pumps and passing the savings on to you. Bulk buying can also ramp up BC manufacturing, creating more jobs for people here." — An Action Plan for You, retrieved 2024-10-07

  • Integrate flood mitigation infrastructure in the Highway 1 expansion to mitigate floods in the Sumas Prairie

BC Conservatives

  • Establish permanent flood protection in high-risk areas like the Sumas prairie

    "Renew BC’s flood mitigation infrastructure so the 2021 floods cannot happen again. We will establish permanent flood protection in high-risk agricultural areas like the Sumas Prairie, safeguarding our farmland, infrastructure, and supply chains." —, retrieved 2024-10-08

BC Greens

  • Safeguard existing green spaces and expand urban tree canopy with targets and legal protections
  • Require cooling systems in existing rental buildings

    "Introduce measures to protect renters, including requiring cooling systems in existing rental buildings or setting a maximum allowable temperature for rental units." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Set a maximum allowable temperature for rental units

    "Introduce measures to protect renters, including requiring cooling systems in existing rental buildings or setting a maximum allowable temperature for rental units." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Rebuild buildings and infrastructure to withstand potential disasters and climate change impacts
  • Ban construction in disaster-prone areas
  • Negotiate with the federal government to create a dedicated funding stream for community resilience projects

    "Negotiate with the federal government to create a dedicated funding stream for community resilience projects, including neighbourhood-level emergency preparedness and resilience-building programs." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Fund the BC Flood Strategy by 2027 to protect floodplain communities and agricultural land from climate-related flooding risks

Conservation and environmental protection

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We don't have any BC NDP policies on Conservation and environmental protection.

BC Conservatives

  • Consider hunters and fishers as key partners in conservation

    "Recognize hunters and fishers as key partners in conservation efforts. The NDP has ignored their expertise and mismanaged the quota system." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15

  • Use revenue from hunting tags and fees to fund a 3rd-party entity dedicated to wildlife management and enhancement

    "Dedicate revenue from tags and fees associated with hunting to go to a 3rd- party entity dedicated to wildlife management and enhancement." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15

  • Define an areas of forests where biodiversity goals will be prioritised
    1. "Define the land area that will be prioritized for meeting biodiversity goals, where sourcing forest products will be of secondary value.

    Combined with our parks and other forested areas, our balanced approach will allow industry to access an adequate and predictable supply of fibre, while protecting the ecological value of BC’s forests.

    Having flexibility within the management of these areas will allow BC to better manage forest health issues, including wildfire mitigation plus restoration and rehabilitation where needed.", retrieved 2024-10-08

  • Strengthen programmes that task hunters with collecting data on wildlife

    "Strengthen programs that engage hunters in wildlife data collection, such as population counts and habitat health monitoring." —, retrieved 2024-10-08

  • Increase funding for conservation officers, and expand their ability to combat poaching

    "Increase funding for conservation officers, expanding their ability to combat poaching and protect wildlife." —, retrieved 2024-10-08

  • Introduce Species at Risk legislation specific to BC

    "Conservatives will introduce made-in-BC Species at Risk legislation so wildlife protections are shaped by BC-based experts - not Ottawa - and are reflective of our unique ecosystems." —, retrieved 2024-10-08

BC Greens

  • Hold industry to higher standards for environmental protection

    "• Require measures to protect and restore biodiversity and ecosystem health where necessary.

    • Improve decision-making for industrial projects by holding industry to higher standards." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Protect 30% of land and water by 2030

    "Achieve 30% land and water protection by 2030, in consultation with First Nations." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Establish Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas

    "Work with Indigenous communities to establish Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas (IPCAs), fully upholding those declared by First Nations." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Strengthen and fund BC's park system, create new provincial parks, and expand camping and recreation opportunities
  • Immediately enact Species at Risk legislation

    "Immediately enact Species at Risk legislation to safeguard vulnerable species." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Allocate $120M to fish and wildlife programmes over 3 years
  • Invest $50M in a Youth Climate Corps to provide good-paying jobs for youth in restoring and protecting natural systems
  • Invest in Indigenous-led conservation and Indigenous Guardians programmes
  • Increase bonding rates for industry, and raise fines to deter reckless behaviour

    "Increase bonding rates for industry to account for worst-case scenarios and raise fines to deter reckless behaviour." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Reduce industry's access to government during decision-making processes

    "Address industry’s disproportionate access to government in decision-making processes." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Make more projects undergo mandatory environmental assessments

    "Lower thresholds for mandatory environmental assessments and close loopholes that allow projects to avoid assessments." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Recognise the Conservation Service as a Law Enforcement Service with the same oversight mechanisms as other policing bodies

    "We will formally recognize the Conservation Service as a Law Enforcement Service and apply the same oversight mechanisms as other policing bodies to ensure accountability and public trust." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Increase oversight and independence of the BC Conservation Office Service and other Natural Resource Compliance Officers
  • Provide long-term, stable funding and support long-term employment in nature based solutions
    1. "Shift to long-term, stable funding for nature-based solutions.
    2. Support long-term employment and governance in line with community goals and priorities."

    BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09


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We don't have any BC NDP policies on Disasters.
We don't have any BC Conservatives policies on Disasters.

BC Greens

  • Ensure there are enough paid, trained professionals ready to manage disasters

    "Ensure there are enough paid, trained professionals available to manage disasters from mitigation to recovery." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Maintain strong relationships between First Nations, local governments, and emergency management agencies

    "Establish and maintain strong relationships between First Nations, local governments and emergency management agencies, including BC Wildfire Service." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Ensure local authorities and First Nations have the resources and authority to prepare and respond to emergencies, and use local expertise

    "Ensure local authorities and First Nations have the capacity, resources, and authority to prepare and respond effectively to emergencies." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

    "Utilize local expertise to enhance disaster preparedness and response efforts." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Provide ongoing funding and resources for First Nations and local governments to assess risks and vulnerabilities

    "Provide ongoing funding and resources for First Nations and local governments to conduct comprehensive hazard risk and vulnerability assessments." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Ensure timely and accurate information is communicated to the public during emergencies
  • Ensure reception centres are accessible and supports are available for all evacuees, including for economic, cultural, and practical needs

    "Ensure reception centers are accessible and supports are available for all evacuees. Ensure economic, cultural, and practical needs are met for evacuees." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Address gaps in the emergency support system, and develop a plan for assisting people who are displaced long-term

    "Identify and address gaps in the emergency support system. Develop a plan to assist individuals facing long-term displacement due to disasters." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Prioritise responding to extreme weather that disproportionately affects vulnerable populations, such as the elderly and Indigenous Peoples

    "Prioritize responses to extreme weather events that disproportionately affect vulnerable populations, such as the elderly and Indigenous Peoples." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Emphasise a "build back better" approach to recovery and reconstruction

    "Emphasize the “build back better” approach to recovery, rehabilitation, and reconstruction efforts." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Rebuild buildings and infrastructure to withstand potential disasters and climate change impacts
  • Ban construction in disaster-prone areas
  • Integrate mental health support into disaster recovery

    "Integrate mental health support and address long-term displacement issues." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Negotiate with the federal government to create a dedicated funding stream for community resilience projects

    "Negotiate with the federal government to create a dedicated funding stream for community resilience projects, including neighbourhood-level emergency preparedness and resilience-building programs." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Foster community engagement and participation before disasters occur

    "Foster community engagement and participation before disasters occur to strengthen preparedness." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

Electric vehicles

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  • Double the number of public chargers by 2030

    "We will prioritize building new EV charging stations at community and recreation centres, municipal parking, highway rest stops, and park-and-ride stations, with a goal of doubling the number of public chargers across the province by 2030 – removing a significant barrier for people thinking about going electric." — An Action Plan for You, retrieved 2024-10-07

  • Switch the school bus fleet to electric

BC Greens

  • Expand electric vehicle charging infrastructure across the province

    "Expand the EV charging infrastructure across BC to support the growing number of electric vehicles and facilitate their use in rural and urban areas." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Set sales targets for electric medium- and heavy-duty vehicles and introduce purchase requirements

    "Set sales targets for MHDVs and introduce fleet purchase requirements to accelerate the shift towards electric vehicles in the province." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Make sure rebates for zero-emission medium- and heavy-duty vehicles goes to small fleets

    "Adjust rebates for zero-emission MHDVs to ensure funding goes to small fleets." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Extend financial incentives for electric vehicles to EV retrofits for conventional vehicles

    "Support the conversion of gasoline and diesel vehicles to electric vehicles by extending financial incentives to EV retrofits, ensuring that older vehicles can also contribute to emissions reductions." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

Forestry industry

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  • Create a new Forest Value Fund to fast-track wood-manufacturing facilities and mill re-tooling for processing second-growth timber

    "A new Forest Value Fund will fast-track wood-manufacturing facilities coming online and the re-tooling of mills to process second growth timber rather than old growth as we continue to move to a value-added future for forestry." — An Action Plan for You, retrieved 2024-10-07

  • Further restrict raw log exports

    "Getting more jobs per tree by tying our working forest resources to mills and companies that employ British Columbians, and by putting further restrictions on raw log exports." — An Action Plan for You, retrieved 2024-10-07

  • Work towards a harvest of 45 million cubic metres per year

    "Increasing fibre security for primary, secondary users and value-added manufacturers by working towards a harvest of 45 million cubic metres per year." — An Action Plan for You, retrieved 2024-10-07

  • Fully review BC Timber Sales

    "Completing a full review of BC Timber Sales to improve the process for accessing public timber and drive better outcomes for jobs in forestry dependent communities." — An Action Plan for You, retrieved 2024-10-07

  • Review the stumpage system, and work toward First Nation agreements so that industry only pays once for stumpage

    "Reviewing the stumpage system in light of punishing tariffs and recent trade decisions from the US that have held our industry back, in order to identify reforms that support the industry." — An Action Plan for You, retrieved 2024-10-07

    "Working toward First Nation agreements that make sure industry only pays once for stumpage — benefiting rural, remote and First Nation communities." — An Action Plan for You, retrieved 2024-10-07

  • Expand the BC Manufacturing Jobs Fund to support the primary sector

    "Expanding the BC Manufacturing Jobs Fund to provide support to the primary sector to allow them to invest in innovation that supports local jobs – helping end the boom-and-bust economy that hurts communities, contractors, businesses, workers and their families." — An Action Plan for You, retrieved 2024-10-07

  • Double the land held in BC's new and existing community forests

    "Securing a more sustainable future for First Nations and communities that depend on local forests for their economic strength by doubling the land held in BC’s new and existing community forests." — An Action Plan for You, retrieved 2024-10-07

  • Create new Forest Landscape Planning Tables to bring together industry, First Nations, and communities

    "Bringing together industry, First Nations and communities to work together — through new Forest Landscape Planning Tables — to chart a path forward for the stewardship of BC forests that increases sustainable harvest levels, drives improved old-growth management, and respects local knowledge and community priorities." — An Action Plan for You, retrieved 2024-10-07

BC Conservatives

  • Define an area dedicated to the harvest of primary forest products
    1. "Define the land area that will be prioritized for the harvest of primary forest products.

    A healthy forest sector needs stability and predictability. This is achieved by defining an area dedicated to providing primary forest products.", retrieved 2024-10-08

  • Replace stumpage with a value-added end product tax
    1. "Replace stumpage with a value-added end product tax.

    A value-added tax system will be instantaneously responsive to current market conditions, and it will encourage industry to get more value and jobs out of each log. Input credits will be created for higher-value products and better utilization of fibre: meaning the more a producer can do with the fibre, the more credits that will be created.", retrieved 2024-10-08

  • Provide a single-permit process for projects
    1. "Implement a “One Project, One Permit” process.

    “One Project, One Permit” will significantly reduce costs to all parties (i.e. government, First Nations, and companies) and make it viable to invest in BC forestry again.", retrieved 2024-10-08

  • Do a core review of the forest sector's cost structure

    "The core review will identify all unnecessary costs and red tape which have resulted in BC shipping forestry jobs to other provinces and the US. We will make sure the industry is competitive enough to ship products again, not jobs." —, retrieved 2024-10-08

  • Support using wood fibre for power generation

    "Encouraging the use of wood fibre in power generation and other secondary applications will create new revenue streams for the industry and government, protecting jobs and realizing the highest possible value per log." —, retrieved 2024-10-08

  • Change the annual allowable cut from counting sawlogs to counting fibre
    1. "Change the annual allowable cut from a sawlog AAC to a fibre AAC.

    Tree waste from harvesting is often left behind in the forests to be piled and burned. While there is a need to leave woody debris behind to help with habitat values, BC should account for this fibre and value it." —, retrieved 2024-10-08

  • Focus harvesting on areas damaged by wildfires or other issues

    "Focus harvesting on areas damaged by wildfires or forest health issues. By responding quickly, we can better-utilize the damaged fibre while doing the necessary work of rehabilitation and accelerated reforestation." —, retrieved 2024-10-08

  • Return 20% of BC's forests to First Nations

    "Return 20% of BC’s forests to First Nations, enabling Indigenous groups to manage these resources sustainably and in line with their traditions and values." —, retrieved 2024-10-08

  • Invest in workforce training for the forest sector

BC Greens

  • Zone BC's forests into three broad categories: Primary forests, restoration in secondary forests, and second-growth forests for timber

    "Zone BC’s forests into three broad categories:

    1. Primary forests

    2. Restoration in secondary forests

    3. Second-growth forests managed for timber production"

    BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Reduce the Annual Allowable Cut to ecologically and economically sustainable levels
  • Stop clearcut industrial logging and adopt different logging practices

    "Stop clearcut industrial logging and adopt logging practices that emulate natural disturbance regimes, such as selective logging, commercial thinning, and longer stand rotations."

    BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Defer harvesting in the most at-risk old growth forests

    "Defer harvesting in the most at-risk old growth forests, as outlined by the Old Growth Technical Advisory Panel." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Improve Ministry of Forests transparency

    "Direct Ministry of Forests staff to improve transparency in government announcements, reporting, and monitoring. Make information about forests and logging accessible and current— including updated maps and data." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Ban pellet mills from converting trees logged in primary or old-growth forests into wood pellets

    "Strictly prohibit pellet mills from converting trees logged in primary or old growth forests into wood pellets. Define ‘waste’ for pellet mills to ensure ecosystem health is protected." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Increase the number of community forests, and remove the requirement for community forests to maintain the Annual Allowable Cut

    "Expand the community forest program by increasing the number and size of community forests to promote wildfire protection, rural development, and Indigenous and non-Indigenous relationships. Remove the requirement for community forests to maintain the Annual Allowable Cut." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Maximise value-added production from available timber supply

    "Ensure maximization of value-added production from available timber supply, prioritizing small value-added producers. Aim to allocate 30%- 50% of current available volume for value-added production as a short-term goal." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Review the tenure and appraisal system to encourage best practices and partial cutting

    "Review the tenure and appraisal system to encourage best practices and partial cutting in forestry." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Begin a process of tenure reform to redistribute tenures from large corporations

    "Begin a process of tenure reform to redistribute tenures from large corporations. Increase the proportion of tenures held by First Nations and community forests." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Ensure revenues flow directly to local communities

    "Ensure resource revenue benefits flow directly to local communities by sharing more revenues with First Nations, municipalities, and regional districts." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Fund training and upskilling programmes to support workers finding new job opportunities
  • End raw log exports and disallow the export of rough sawn wood without penalty

    "End raw log exports and close regulatory loopholes that allow the export of rough sawn wood without penalty." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

Forests and forest conservation

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  • Plant more than 300 million trees every year

    "Strengthening our restoration work by planting more than 300 million trees every year — with the right tree species in the right place — to help increase biodiversity and forest resilience to climate change, restore wildlife habitat, and reduce the risk of wildfire and floods to our communities." — An Action Plan for You, retrieved 2024-10-07

  • Complete the provincial commitment set out in the Old Growth Strategic Review's 14 recommendations
  • Create new Forest Landscape Planning Tables to bring together industry, First Nations, and communities

    "Bringing together industry, First Nations and communities to work together — through new Forest Landscape Planning Tables — to chart a path forward for the stewardship of BC forests that increases sustainable harvest levels, drives improved old-growth management, and respects local knowledge and community priorities." — An Action Plan for You, retrieved 2024-10-07

BC Conservatives

  • Define an areas of forests where biodiversity goals will be prioritised
    1. "Define the land area that will be prioritized for meeting biodiversity goals, where sourcing forest products will be of secondary value.

    Combined with our parks and other forested areas, our balanced approach will allow industry to access an adequate and predictable supply of fibre, while protecting the ecological value of BC’s forests.

    Having flexibility within the management of these areas will allow BC to better manage forest health issues, including wildfire mitigation plus restoration and rehabilitation where needed.", retrieved 2024-10-08

  • Return 20% of BC's forests to First Nations

    "Return 20% of BC’s forests to First Nations, enabling Indigenous groups to manage these resources sustainably and in line with their traditions and values." —, retrieved 2024-10-08

BC Greens

  • Immediately set conserving ecosystem health and biodiversity of forests as an overarching priority, with timber supply being one benefit

    "Immediately establish conservation of ecosystem health and biodiversity of BC’s forests as an overarching priority, with timber supply being one benefit (for more information, see our Environment plank)" — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Establish a Chief Ecologist as a counterpart to the Chief Forester

    "Establish a Chief Ecologist as a counterpart to the Chief Forester to ensure multiple values are adequately incorporated into timber supply analysis and other decision-making" — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Zone BC's forests into three broad categories: Primary forests, restoration in secondary forests, and second-growth forests for timber

    "Zone BC’s forests into three broad categories:

    1. Primary forests

    2. Restoration in secondary forests

    3. Second-growth forests managed for timber production"

    BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Reduce the Annual Allowable Cut to ecologically and economically sustainable levels
  • Fund and prioritise Forest Landscape Plans and Modernised Land Use Planning processes
  • Stop clearcut industrial logging and adopt different logging practices

    "Stop clearcut industrial logging and adopt logging practices that emulate natural disturbance regimes, such as selective logging, commercial thinning, and longer stand rotations."

    BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Amend the Private Managed Forest Land Act to ensure basic ecological and cultural protections on private land
  • Implement all 14 recommendations of the Old Growth Strategic Review in partnership with First Nations
  • Defer harvesting in the most at-risk old growth forests

    "Defer harvesting in the most at-risk old growth forests, as outlined by the Old Growth Technical Advisory Panel." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Fully fund the protection of old forests, and compensate First Nations for any lost revenues due to deferrals
  • Implement targets for old and mature forest retention

    "Implement effective targets for old and mature forest retention, and improve riparian protection province-wide, as an interim strategy before Forest Landscape Planning is finalized." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Improve Ministry of Forests transparency

    "Direct Ministry of Forests staff to improve transparency in government announcements, reporting, and monitoring. Make information about forests and logging accessible and current— including updated maps and data." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Ban pellet mills from converting trees logged in primary or old-growth forests into wood pellets

    "Strictly prohibit pellet mills from converting trees logged in primary or old growth forests into wood pellets. Define ‘waste’ for pellet mills to ensure ecosystem health is protected." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Dedicate funds to acquiring private land to protect old growth forests

    "Dedicate funds for private land acquisition to protect old growth forests on private lands." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

Green construction and retrofits

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  • Have the government bulk-purchase heat pumps, so as to provide them to residents at a discount

    "Energy efficiency benefits everyone – you save money on energy and heating costs while our province reduces harmful emissions. We’ll take the approach that is working well in the European Union by bulk purchasing heat pumps and passing the savings on to you. Bulk buying can also ramp up BC manufacturing, creating more jobs for people here." — An Action Plan for You, retrieved 2024-10-07

BC Greens

  • Promote conservation, efficiency, and lower-carbon designs and materials in construction

    "Reduce emissions in the building sector by promoting conservation, efficiency, and lower- carbon design and materials." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Start rebate programmes to incentivise energy retrofits

    "Develop new rebate programs to incentivize deep energy retrofits for housing providers, tenants, and landlords, helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and keep rents low." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Provide financial support for households who can't afford upfront capital costs of zero-carbon technologies like heat pumps

    "Provide financial support to households that cannot afford the upfront capital costs of zero-carbon technologies, such as heat pumps, to promote sustainable housing." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Require cooling systems in existing rental buildings

    "Introduce measures to protect renters, including requiring cooling systems in existing rental buildings or setting a maximum allowable temperature for rental units." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Provide rebates for electric heat pumps and increase their availability

    "Provide rebates for electric heat pumps to support the transition to clean, energy-efficient heating and cooling solutions." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

    "Rapidly increase the availability of heat pumps, focusing on low-income households to ensure equitable access to these energy-saving technologies." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Prevent oil and gas hookups in new buildings

    "Implement a province-wide policy to prevent oil and gas hookups in new buildings, accelerating the transition to clean energy in the housing sector." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Promote passive solar design, higher insulation levels, heat pumps, and smart thermostats for new buildings

    "Enhance energy efficiency in new buildings by promoting passive solar design, higher insulation levels, heat pumps, and smart thermostats to reduce energy use." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Create a programme for young people & apprentices to upskill in retrofitting & improving the environmental sustainability of existing homes

    "We will work with the construction industry to create a program for young people and apprentices to upskill in retrofitting and improving the environmental sustainabillity of existing buildings." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Require the use of low-global-warming-potential and PFAs-free refrigerants

    "Revise regulations to mandate the use of low- global-warming-potential (GWP) and PFAs-free refrigerants, promoting safer and more sustainable cooling practices." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

Inter-city transportation

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  • Expand inter-city bus service between key transportation hubs

    "Connect the province with an expanded express bus service, building on our successful BC North bus service, including a new fleet of express buses between key transportation hubs." — An Action Plan for You, retrieved 2024-10-07

  • Work with CP Rail to provide a new rail service throughout the Fraser Valley

    "Connecting communities in the Fraser Valley through a new rail service, working jointly with CP Rail. This would provide cleaner, more efficient transit options for people and help reduce traffic congestion on Highway 1." — An Action Plan for You, retrieved 2024-10-07

  • Evaluate returning commuter rail from Vancouver to Squamish, Whistler, and Pemberton

    "Develop a business plan to evaluate bringing commuter rail back to key transportation routes, including Vancouver to Squamish, Whistler and Pemberton. This will help address crowding and traffic in this fast-growing corridor and increase convenient access to more affordable housing for workers who live in Squamish and Pemberton and commute to Whistler or Vancouver." — An Action Plan for You, retrieved 2024-10-07

  • Extend West Coast Express to Chilliwack

BC Conservatives

  • Develop a business case to analyse Fraser Valley regional rail between Chilliwack, Abbotsford, Langley, and Surrey
  • Expand regional transit service in the Sea-to-Sky corridor and consider extending TransLink services to Squamish

BC Greens

  • Determine next steps to bring rail back to Vancouver Island

Mining and minerals

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  • Start union-training programmes focused on mining

    "Helping workers keep up with the changing nature of mining in BC by establishing union-training programs focused on building the skilled workforce and trades people we need across the entire mining industry." — An Action Plan for You, retrieved 2024-10-07

  • Guarantee permit review timelines for critical mineral projects

    "Guaranteeing permit review timelines for priority critical mineral projects while maintaining BC’s world-leading standards for environmental protection and worker safety and commitment to First Nations partnerships." — An Action Plan for You, retrieved 2024-10-07

  • Provide dedicated support for projects through a new Critical Minerals office

    "Providing dedicated support to advance projects to final investment through the new Critical Minerals Office, including coordination with the federal government to reduce duplication, and supporting First Nations engagement and capacity." — An Action Plan for You, retrieved 2024-10-07

  • Create a long-term investment outreach strategy

    "Working with the industry, unions, stakeholders and First Nations on a long-term outreach strategy to attract more investment and opportunities — from mineral exploration to advanced processing — in British Columbia’s critical minerals sector." — An Action Plan for You, retrieved 2024-10-07

  • Provide grid access to power mines

    "Building out the electricity grid across the province and supporting mines to power up with clean energy, ensuring that BC’s mining industry continues to be the cleanest in the world." — An Action Plan for You, retrieved 2024-10-07

  • Upgrade key highway infrastructure in BC's northwest

    "Upgrading key highway infrastructure in BC’s northwest needed to unlock investments in new critical mineral mines, create good jobs, and improve community access and safety." — An Action Plan for You, retrieved 2024-10-07

  • Ensure continuation of the Resource Benefits Alliance and First Nations revenue-sharing and new equity ownership opportunities

    "Ensuring that resource development provides lasting benefits to communities in the Northwest through the Resource Benefits Alliance and to First Nations through continued revenue-sharing and new equity ownership opportunities." — An Action Plan for You, retrieved 2024-10-07

  • Pursue and ask for federal funding for a battery recycling operation at the Trail smelter
  • Require industry to pay for clean up costs

    "Requiring that industry – not taxpayers – pay for the costs of clean up. For years, the government collected insufficient financial security from mining companies. We will build on the progress we have made that’s already increased the total reclamation securities held by the government from only 40% of estimated liabilities in 2017 to over 90% today." — An Action Plan for You, retrieved 2024-10-07

BC Conservatives

  • Provide a single-permit process for mining projects
  • Run a full review of mining regulations

    "Identify redundant regulations: We will conduct a full review of mining regulations – including the NDP’s changes to the Mining Act - with the aim of removing unnecessary or duplicative requirements that do not meaningfully contribute to safety or environmental protection." —, retrieved 2024-10-08

  • Ensure a competitive tax structure for mining

    "Review tax competitiveness: To attract and retain investment, we will ensure a fair and competitive tax structure so BC remains a strong investment destination.", retrieved 2024-10-08

  • Reverse cabinet orders that prohibit mining exploration in some parts of BC
  • Work with project proponents to satisfy environmental and safety requirements

    "Establish BC as a global hub for critical minerals: We commit to “getting to yes” in as timely a manner as possible – working with, not against, project proponents to satisfy all environmental and safety requirements.", retrieved 2024-10-08

  • Identify gaps in rural infrastructure and make targeted investments
  • Work with Indigenous communities to build mutually beneficial partnerships

    "Strengthen Indigenous partnerships: We will work closely with Indigenous communities to build strong, mutually beneficial partnerships. As Minister of Reconciliation, John Rustad signed more deals with First Nations than any other Minister in BC history, and knows what it takes to build trust.

    Clear and transparent consultation: Ambiguous expectations around consultation requirements can create an atmosphere of mistrust and frustration. Clarity and transparency will help all parties move forward together.", retrieved 2024-10-08

  • Require companies that build mines to be responsible for remediation costs at closure

BC Greens

  • Create an integrated and independent environmental compliance and enforcement regime

    "Create an integrated and independent compliance and enforcement regime for the Ministry of Energy and Mines." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Modernise staking regimes to respect Indigenous rights and reduce risks for watersheds and communities

    "Modernize BC’s mining and mineral staking regimes to respect Indigenous rights and reduce risks to our watersheds and communities." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Modernise the Mineral Tenure Act

    "Modernize the Mineral Tenure Act to ensure it reflects current environmental, social and Indigenous rights concerns." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Create a fund from levies on industry to mitigate the costs of mining pollution and disaster, including rehabilitating abandoned mines

    "Establish an industry-levied fund to mitigate the costs of mining pollution and disasters, including the rehabilitation of abandoned mines." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Provide a robust inspection and audit process for the mining industry

    "Enhance oversight of the mining industry through a robust inspection and audit process." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Designate certain areas, including salmon rivers, as off-limits to mining
  • Prioritise transition minerals in mining, and ensure benefits flow to communities and First Nations

    "Engage in a conversation about the future of critical minerals in BC. Prioritize transition minerals in mining. Ensure that benefits flow to communities and First Nations, not just shareholders." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

Oil and gas development

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  • Cap emissions from the oil and gas sector to a 75% reduction from 2014 levels by 2030

    "Continuing to reduce carbon pollution through a cap on harmful emissions from the oil and gas sector. Oil and gas companies are the biggest polluters in BC while making record profits — they can afford to use some of their profits to invest in innovation and reduce their emissions in line with BC’s cli- mate targets. BC is on track to ex- ceed its 2025 target of reducing methane emissions from the oil and gas sector by 45% from 2014 levels. And we’ll build on this continent-leading progress by driving the adoption of innovative, zero-emitting technology and best practices — achieving a 75% reduction by the industry by 2030." — An Action Plan for You, retrieved 2024-10-07

  • Use a portion of revenue from oil and gas development to create a Clean Economy Transition fund

    "Using a portion of the revenue raised from oil and gas development, including LNG projects, we’ll establish a Clean Economy Transition Fund and focus it on enhancing BC’s clean-economy future — so we can attract even more global investment in renewable fuels, clean tech, manufacturing, and critical mineral mines — and the good-paying jobs that come with them." — An Action Plan for You, retrieved 2024-10-07

BC Conservatives

  • Double production of Liquified Natural Gas

    "Build on BC’s LNG success story and double production by “getting to yes” for the range of proposed LNG plants which have the potential to create a new major industry for BC." —, retrieved 2024-10-08

BC Greens

  • Stop permitting new fracking wells
  • Set a date to phase out gas production by
  • Prohibit any new LNG projects
  • Stop permitting new pipelines and allow the 2014 environmental certificate for the Prince Rupert Gas Transmission pipeline to expire

    "Stop permitting new pipelines. Direct the BC Environmental Assessment Office to allow the 2014 environmental certificate for the Prince Rupert Gas Transmission pipeline to expire." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Commission a comprehensive, independent health impact assessment on the health effects of Liquified Natural Gas extraction and fracking
  • Introduce a windfall profits tax on oil and gas companies
  • End all subsidies and public financing for fossil fuel infrastructure, and reallocate towards renewable energy

    "End all subsidies and public financing for fossil fuel infrastructure, including capital cost recovery and discounted electricity rates for LNG facilities.

    Reallocate subsidies and public financing from fossil fuels towards renewable energy development and production."

    BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

    "We will stop public funds from being used for BC Hydro infrastructure that supports LNG projects. Existing LNG projects will be required to cover their own electricity generation and transmission costs, prioritizing BC’s energy resources for residential use and sustainable industries." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Accelerate the target of near-zero methane emissions from oil and gas

    "Accelerate BC’s target of near-zero methane emissions from the oil and gas sector." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Eliminate venting and flaring, and compressor emissions
  • Review the province's methane regulations by the end of 2027 to align with global best practices
  • Ban oil and gas advertisements


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  • Phase out use of the herbicide glyphosate (Round-Up) in BC forests

BC Greens

  • Eliminate loopholes allowing large industries to pollute or cause climate damage

    "Eliminate loopholes that allow large industries to pollute and cause climate damage." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Ban the use of glyphosate and other chemical herbicides
  • Monitor and regulate air quality, both indoors and outdoors, especially in places frequented by vulnerable groups

    "Monitor and regulate air quality in both indoor and outdoor environments, particularly in places frequented by vulnerable groups such as children, pregnant people, those with pre-existing health conditions, and the elderly." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Invest in clean air centres in every community

    "Invest in clean air centres in every community to provide safe environments during air quality emergencies, ensuring they have appropriate and safe levels of air filtration and air conditioning. Ensure clean air centres are equipped to meet the needs of the community, providing water, food, beds, access to Wi-Fi and other essential services." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Provide funding for people to purchase portable air cleaners with HEPA filters

    "Make clean air accessible to people in their homes by providing funding to purchase portable air cleaners with HEPA filters." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Require existing infrastructure for vulnerable populations is retrofitted with air filters

    "Mandate that existing infrastructure for vulnerable populations- including, assisted care facilities, childcare centres, and schools - are retrofitted with air filters." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Require new buildings to have safe levels of air filtration and cooling

    "Require new buildings to have safe levels of air filtration and cooling and standardize this across the province." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Ensure employers and operators adhere to regulations to ensure air quality standards are met

    "Ensure employers and operators adhere to regulations in order to ensure safe air quality standards are met." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

Power generation

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  • Develop a Clean Energy Plan to shift BC's economy away from fossil fuels

    "Developing a Clean Energy Plan to make BC’s vision of a clean-energy future a reality. Working with First Nations and communities, we will do the work needed to transform BC’s economy away from overreliance on fossil fuels to sources of energy that are clean, affordable and reliable — while finding regulatory efficiencies to streamline the permitting and construction of new clean-energy infrastructure and renewable power projects." — An Action Plan for You, retrieved 2024-10-07

  • Double electricity generation by 2050 and upgrade the power transmission grid

    "Doubling electricity generation by 2050 and upgrading BC’s power transmission grid to help make sure that power gets to industries, businesses and homes where and when it’s needed. This includes growing new sources of made-in-BC clean energy by issuing competitive calls for power every two years. In 2024, BC Hydro put out its first call for power in 15 years, resulting in proposals for more than $3 billion in new investment in the province. Working with First Nations and the independent power industry, we will bring more renewables like wind and solar on board — helping meet growing demand, selling electricity for a profit to our neighbours to keep rates low, creating good-paying jobs and getting the lowest price for people." — An Action Plan for You, retrieved 2024-10-07

  • Expand rebates for home solar panels and solar batteries

    "Our BC Hydro rebates on solar panels and home solar batteries will help you create and store your own energy, and even make money by delivering electricity back to the provincial grid. This program also includes rebates for apartment buildings, small businesses, schools, social housing providers, and other public organizations - and we will work to expand it so more people can access it across the province." — An Action Plan for You, retrieved 2024-10-07

  • Use a portion of revenue from oil and gas development to create a Clean Economy Transition fund

    "Using a portion of the revenue raised from oil and gas development, including LNG projects, we’ll establish a Clean Economy Transition Fund and focus it on enhancing BC’s clean-economy future — so we can attract even more global investment in renewable fuels, clean tech, manufacturing, and critical mineral mines — and the good-paying jobs that come with them." — An Action Plan for You, retrieved 2024-10-07

BC Conservatives

  • Accelerate BC Hydro's 10-year transmission and distribution capital plan

    "Accelerate BC Hydro’s 10-year transmission and distribution capital plan to keep pace with population growth and proactive maintenance needs." —, retrieved 2024-10-08

  • Support BC Hydro's drought resilience efforts

    "Support BC Hydro’s drought resilience efforts, which include capital projects and improved forecasting and monitoring technology." —, retrieved 2024-10-08

  • Amend the Clean Energy Act to allow nuclear power
  • Conduct a comprehensive review of small modular reactor seismic hazard resilience
  • Expand the BC Energy Regulator's mandate to include nuclear power
  • Become a partner in Canada's Small Modular Reactor Action Plan
  • Commit to having a small modular reactor operating by 2035 if safety and business concerns are addressed

    "Commit to having a small modular reactor operating by 2035 - if and only if the business case makes sense, seismic safety is addressed, and the idea has the confidence of the public." —, retrieved 2024-10-08

  • Support BC Hydro capital upgrades for hydroelectric dams
  • Analyse the business case for geothermal power generation
  • Support expansion of hydrogen production and refueling capacity

    "Support the expansion of hydrogen production and refueling capacity as long as taxpayers can realize a return on investment." —, retrieved 2024-10-08

  • Support developing alternative renewable energy, such as wind, solar, and run-of-river hydroelectricity

    "Support the development of alternative renewable energy where and when the economics make sense for BC – including wind, solar, and run-of-river hydroelectricity." —, retrieved 2024-10-08

BC Greens

  • Create a procurement timetable for renewable energy projects with defined annual targets and parameters

    "Establish a renewable procurement timetable for renewable energy projects with defined annual procurement targets and parameters." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Invest in research and development of geothermal energy production

    "Invest in research and development of geothermal energy production. Investigate a technology transfer from oil and gas drilling to geothermal energy production." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Invest $20M/year in training programmes to address skills shortages in the renewable energy sector and retrain oil and gas workers

    "Invest $20 million annually for education and training programs to address the skills shortage in the renewable energy sector and to retrain oil and gas workers. Invest in a BC Clean Energy Institute in Northwest BC to drive innovation and training." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Invest $20M annually in small-scale distributed solar

    "Invest $20 million annually in small-scale distributed solar projects, with a goal of having solar account for 15% of electricity generation by 2035. Ensure these projects are economically viable and accessible to low- and moderate-income households." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Expand the Community Net Metering programme to allow people to receive credits on their electricity bills for solar energy produced

    "Expand the Community Net Metering program to allow British Columbians to own a share of community-scale solar energy production, receiving credits on their electricity bills for the energy produced." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Expand funding for the Community Energy Diesel Reduction programme to help Indigenous communities transition off diesel for power generation

    "Expand funding for the Community Energy Diesel Reduction program to help Indigenous communities transition off diesel and connect to clean power and storage solutions" — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Require at least 50% equity ownership for First Nations in large renewable energy projects

    "Mandate a minimum of 50% equity ownership for First Nations in large renewable energy projects." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Prioritise renewable energy projects under the First Nations Equity Financing Framework

    "Prioritize renewable energy projects under the First Nations Equity Financing Framework, ensuring these projects are not competing with oil and gas industry projects for resources." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Appoint a single regulatory authority for First Nations energy projects, so as to streamline approval

    "Simplify and expedite the permitting process by appointing a single regulatory authority within the Ministry of Energy." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Invest in expanding energy storage capacity and improving electricity distribution

    "Invest in expanding energy storage capacity and improving electricity distribution to support a more efficient and resilient renewable energy grid." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Create a real-time public dashboard showing BC Hydro data on electricity production, usage, imports, and exports

    "Implement a real-time public dashboard at BC Hydro, showing data on electricity production, usage, imports, and exports for British Columbia." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

Public transit

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  • Launch dedicated RapidBus service on the new expanded Highway 1 shoulder lanes
  • Expand the Broadway Subway project to go all the way to UBC
  • Build two additional Bus Rapid Transit corridors
  • Provide fast, frequent, and reliable service along the King George Highway from Surrey Centre to White Rock
  • Connect Langley to Maple Ridge with rapid transit
  • Build a Bus Rapid Transit corridor to the North Shore
  • Extend West Coast Express to Chilliwack
  • Bring HandyDART services into government, instead of sub-contracting it to a private company
  • Review all use of private contractors for delivering BC Transit

    "Review all private delivery models within BC Transit to make sure British Columbians are getting the best value for tax dollars and the best service for their needs." — An Action Plan for You, retrieved 2024-10-07

  • Work with TransLink and the Mayors' Council on the Access for Everyone plan

    "Continue expanding and strengthening transit service by working with TransLink and the Mayors' Council on the Access for Everyone plan to ensure service continues to be there for people." — An Action Plan for You, retrieved 2024-10-07

  • Make transit free for seniors in non-peak hours

BC Conservatives

  • Add a north-south SkyTrain line along the King George corridor to Newton in Surrey
  • Work with municipal leaders and TransLink to identify the highest priority projects from Transport 2050 to fund

    "Fund key projects in the Transport 2050 plan, working with municipal leaders and TransLink to identify the highest-priority projects which may include expansions of SkyTrain, Bus Rapid Transit, Rapid Bus, and express and local bus services." —, retrieved 2024-10-08

  • Address service deficits in Surrey
  • Implement a zero-tolerance policy for drug use, threats, and violence on public transit

    "Implement a zero-tolerance policy for drug use, threats, and violence on public transit. Offences against both riders and operators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, and we will work with TransLink and the Transit Police to make sure they have all tools needed to keep the system safe." —, retrieved 2024-10-08

  • Invest in BC Transit, focusing on high-growth areas where services are lacking
  • Expand HandyDART services and strictly enforce service quality standards for HandyDART contractors
    1. "Expand HandyDART services to areas of greatest need, ensuring seniors have access to affordable, reliable transportation.
    2. Strictly enforce service quality standards for HandyDART contractors to improve transportation reliability for seniors.", retrieved 2024-10-08

  • Fully fund TransLink for two years, while auditing and reforming their financial model
    1. "Fully fund TransLink for two years to maintain uninterrupted, reliable service. Commuters shouldn’t need to worry about whether they can get to work or school. We will ensure full funding for transit as the financial model is audited.
    2. Audit and reform TransLink's financial model to ensure the long-term availability of funding that not just maintains service, but fuels expansion for the future.", retrieved 2024-10-08

BC Greens

  • Make all public transit free

    "We will implement a free public transit system for all people in British Columbia." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Provide at least hourly service for key bus routes, and at least four services per day on all other routes
  • Double the number of buses in 3 years, and triple within 6
  • Provide immediate funding for TransLink to maintain and expand service levels in 2025
  • Require government to spend as much on public transit, walking, and cycling as highway infrastructure and operations

    "We will require the Government to spend at least as much on public transit, walking, and cycling as on highway infrastructure and operations.

    Reduce the subsidy that car drivers receive to promote equitable transportation funding."

    BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Establish an all-party Parliamentary Committee to determine sustainable transport funding

    "We will establish an all-party Parliamentary Committee for sustainable transport funding.

    The Committee will gather expert opinions to create a non-partisan mechanism for funding transport infrastructure and operations, ensuring a comprehensive network for trains, ferries, buses, bikes, trucks, and cars."

    BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions

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  • Cap emissions from the oil and gas sector to a 75% reduction from 2014 levels by 2030

    "Continuing to reduce carbon pollution through a cap on harmful emissions from the oil and gas sector. Oil and gas companies are the biggest polluters in BC while making record profits — they can afford to use some of their profits to invest in innovation and reduce their emissions in line with BC’s cli- mate targets. BC is on track to ex- ceed its 2025 target of reducing methane emissions from the oil and gas sector by 45% from 2014 levels. And we’ll build on this continent-leading progress by driving the adoption of innovative, zero-emitting technology and best practices — achieving a 75% reduction by the industry by 2030." — An Action Plan for You, retrieved 2024-10-07

  • Expand the Youth Climate Corps across BC

    "We’ll expand the Youth Climate Corps across BC, providing training and paid work for young people between age 17-30 who want to start their careers by making a difference on climate action in their communities in a way that makes communities safer and more prosperous." — An Action Plan for You, retrieved 2024-10-07

BC Greens

  • Develop a new Climate Action Plan

    "Develop a new Climate Action Plan, ensuring emission reduction targets are supported by measurable actions." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Convene leading scientists and clean energy experts to identify innovative approaches for reducing emissions

    "Convene leading scientists and clean energy experts to identify innovative approaches for enhancing BC’s emissions reductions." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Review and update climate targets regularly as science evolves

    "Review and update climate pollution targets regularly as climate science evolves to ensure effective action." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Fully implement the oil and gas emissions cap

    "Fully implement the oil and gas emissions cap as a backstop to upcoming federal regulations to meet or exceed BC’s oil and gas emissions targets." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Ensure carbon offsets are not used to expand fossil fuel infrastructure
  • Create a carbon offset policy based on the principles of the Science Based Targets Initiative

Walkable, bikable communities

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BC Conservatives

  • Ensure new transit-oriented communities provide space for grocery stores and small businesses within walking distance

    "Support transit-oriented communities: People deserve to live in complete communities near transit, not just dormitories. Bill 47 (Transit Oriented Areas) will be amended to ensure each new transit-oriented community is providing space for grocery stores and small businesses within walking distance of home." —, retrieved 2024-10-08

BC Greens

  • Safeguard existing green spaces and expand urban tree canopy with targets and legal protections
  • Require government to spend as much on public transit, walking, and cycling as highway infrastructure and operations

    "We will require the Government to spend at least as much on public transit, walking, and cycling as on highway infrastructure and operations.

    Reduce the subsidy that car drivers receive to promote equitable transportation funding."

    BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

Water and watersheds

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We don't have any BC NDP policies on Water and watersheds .

BC Conservatives

  • Plan for water sustainability in partnership with farmers and ranchers, and include climate resilience measures and protections

    "Plan for water sustainability in partnership with farmers and ranchers to balance the water needs of food producers and local communities. These plans should include climate resilience measures and protections to sustain food production during droughts or floods." —, retrieved 2024-10-08

BC Greens

  • Regulate the ship breaking industry to protect coastal habitats from harmful practices for disposing of old ships

    "Regulate the shipbreaking industry to protect coastal habitats from harmful practices." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Provide $100M to create and support watershed boards in every community, and commit $100M

    "Create and support watershed boards in every community. These boards will be granted authority over decisions that affect watershed security and will serve as collaborative platforms where First Nations and local stakeholders - farmers, industry representatives, commercial users, and environmental stewards - can collaboratively manage and conserve their local water sources.

    We will commit $100 million to fund the establishment and ongoing support of watershed boards across the province, ensuring their sustainability and effectiveness." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Set clear environmental and critical flow thresholds to safeguard water ecosystems

    "Set clear environmental and critical flow thresholds to safeguard water ecosystems and ensure sustainable water use across the province." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Implement stronger protections and monitoring to prevent contamination and overuse of drinking water

    "Safeguard drinking water sources by implementing stronger protections and monitoring to prevent contamination and overuse." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Require industries to accurately report their water use and watershed state

    "Require industries to accurately report their water use and provide state-of-the-watershed reporting, improving transparency and resource management." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Grant amnesty to farmers and long-standing water users who missed previous deadlines, letting them apply for water licenses before new users
  • Update the "first-in-time, first-in-right" principle

    "Update the “first-in-time, first-in-right” principle to reflect modern realities, ensuring allocations are adaptable and durable." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Give local watershed boards a role in critical water-use decisions

    "Empower local watershed boards to have a role in critical water-use decisions." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Improve the Ministry of Environment's ability to administer penalties

    "Improve the Ministry of Environment’s ability to administer penalties, enhancing compliance with water use regulations and protecting water resources." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Use federal funding to create a $1B endowment for the BC Watershed Security Fund, and provide $75M/annually of provincial funding

    "Leverage federal funding to create a $1 billion endowment for the BC Watershed Security Fund. The fund will support community planning, decision-making functions, and natural defenses against floods, fires, droughts, and contamination.

    Provide $75 million annually to the BC Watershed Security Fund to ensure sustainable, long-term investment in watershed management." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Require municipalities install water meters to track water usage

    "Mandate that municipalities install water meters to track water usage, ensuring accountability and promoting conservation." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Build more water storage reservoirs and bolster wetlands to improve water retention and resilience against drought

    "Invest in building more water storage reservoirs and bolster wetlands to enhance water retention and resilience against drought." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Protect the province's water resources to ensure long-term water security
  • Increase water rental rates, and commit to an ongoing, comprehensive review of rates

    "• Increase water rental rates to reflect the true ecological costs of water extraction in BC.

    • Commit to an ongoing, comprehensive review of water rental rates to ensure they remain fair and reflective of ecological values."

    BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Suspend all non-essential industrial water uses, including fracking and water bottling, during periods of severe drought

    "Suspend all non-essential industrial water uses, including fracking and water bottling, during periods of severe drought to prioritize essential water needs." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Mandate treatment and increased reuse of fracking wastewater to minimise the use of fresh water in fracking

    "Mandate the treatment and increased reuse of fracking wastewater to minimize the use of fresh water in fracking operations." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Use stricter standards for disposal wells and require ongoing testing of water systems affected by oil and gas operations

    "Implement stricter standards for disposal wells and require baseline and ongoing testing of water systems affected by oil and gas operations." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Transfer water licensing and permitting authority back to the Water Stewardship Branch

    "Transfer water licensing and permitting authority back to the Water Stewardship Branch, ending preferential treatment for oil and gas companies and ensuring stricter oversight." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09


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  • Increase active forest management to proactively remove highly-flammable material and prune tree stands

    "Helping protect homes, communities and local watersheds by ramping up active forest management. By partnering with communities and First Nations to proactively remove highly flammable woody material and prune tree stands and remove debris, we can slow or stop the spread of wildfires and protect primary water sources for communities – while making better use of all fibre by supplying local mills with fire- damaged timber and waste that would have otherwise been burned or decayed." — An Action Plan for You, retrieved 2024-10-07

BC Conservatives

  • Re-introduce the use of controlled forest burns to prevent and contain forest fires
  • Plant wetter tree species in ecosystems with significant wildfire history

    "Maximize the use of wetter species within ecosystems historically dominated by wildfires - helping to keep wildfires on the ground and allow for more opportunities to stop wildfires from spreading. More diverse species mixes in specific areas will also enhance wildlife habitat value." —, retrieved 2024-10-08

  • Implement more selective logging, fuel load management, and tree species mix

    "Implement more selective logging, fuel load management, and species mix in interface areas. The objective is to reduce the risk of catastrophic wildfires in areas adjacent to communities." —, retrieved 2024-10-08

  • Do a complete review of wildfire management
  • Work with private contractors for wildfire response

    "Work with contractors and the private sector to empower them to be able to act quickly in response to emerging wildfire issues." —, retrieved 2024-10-08

  • Provide local people and communities with wildfire training and equipment, and always allow local volunteers
    1. "Provide local people and communities with training and equipment.
    2. Ensure local volunteers and contractors are be able to call-in to support their efforts.", retrieved 2024-10-08

  • Support research into new technologies and methods for firefighting

    "Work with universities to support the research and implementation of new technologies and methods for firefighting." —, retrieved 2024-10-08

BC Greens

  • Dedicate $100M/year for preventive and harm-reduction measures, including fuel management treatments to mitigate wildfire risks

    "Dedicate $100 million in annual funding for preventative and harm-reduction measures, including fuel management treatments to mitigate wildfire risks." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

    "Increase the scale of fuel treatments, such as forest thinning and fuel removal, to reduce fire hazards." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Improve communication about wildfires

    "Improve communication about wildfires through engagement, better live updates, more trusted information and more detailed coverage." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Fully implement all recommendations from the Abbot Chapman report to improve firefighting strategies and community safety
  • Build on FireSmart and wildland urban interface management programmes

    "Build on FireSmart and wildland urban interface management programs to foster neighborhood resilience against wildfires." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Provide funding and technical assistance to private landowners to improve wildfire preparedness

    "Provide funding and technical assistance to private landowners to improve outreach and wildfire preparedness." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Hire additional seasonal and year-round firefighters to ensure adequate staffing
  • Invest $50M/year in community safety and firefighting responses
  • Implement strategies addressing firefighter recruitment and retention issues

    "Implement strategies to fix recruitment and retention issues within the firefighting community." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Incorporate local knowledge into first responders' training

    "Enhance agency capacity and resources for local firefighting teams to improve response effectiveness. Incorporate local knowledge into first responders’ training." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Ensure access to mental health support for survivors of wildfires and firefighters
  • Expand the use of prescribed and cultural burning

    "Expand the use of prescribed and cultural burning while supporting Indigenous fire stewardship practices." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Mandate that industry adopt better practices to enhance forest resilience, including fuel thinning and removal
  • Proactively engage communities to build trust, educate, and empower local decisions on wildfire management

    "• Proactively engage communities to build trust, educate, and empower local decisions regarding wildfire management.

    • Invest in initiatives that support communities and build social cohesion to enhance resilience.

    • Develop and implement place-based solutions tailored to local needs and conditions.

    • Establish a new cooperative and collaborative approach to wildfire management that includes all levels of government—Indigenous, local, and federal.

    • Engage industry, civil society, local experts, non- government organizations, and citizens to leverage diverse resources and knowledge for adapting to landscape and wildfire challenges."

    BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

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