Society & Government platforms

Here's what the BC 2024 parties are promising.


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BC Conservatives

  • Bring a vote on the IHRA Definition of Antisemitism to the floor of the Legislature on day one

    "Bring a vote on the IHRA Definition of Antisemitism to the floor on day one – whether as part of the government or Official Opposition, forcing the NDP to show where they stand on this critical issue of defining and condemning antisemitism once and for all." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15

  • Require universities to protect students from antisemitic harassment and violence on campus to receive provincial funding

    "Link funding for B.C. universities to upholding student safety to hold universities accountable for the safety of all their students, including Jewish students. Provincial funding will be tied directly to ensuring universities protect their students from antisemitic harassment and violence on campus. Institutions that fail to protect students from hate will not receive a penny more of taxpayer money." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15

  • Launch a full investigation into Samidoun

    "Launch a full and thorough investigation into Samidoun, a group with known ties to extremism. We cannot allow organizations with extremist views to operate freely in our province, spreading hatred and inciting violence." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15

  • Increase provincial funding to the JWest project

    "Increase the provincial government’s commitment to the JWest project, a cultural and community hub for BC’s Jewish population that represents the future of Jewish life in B.C." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15

  • Appoint a dedicated Special Advisor to monitor and combat antisemitism

    "Appoint a dedicated Special Advisor to monitor and combat antisemitism. This Special Advisor will liaise with law enforcement, educational institutions, and communities to implement strategies to fight antisemitism at every level and will work with the Premier in the Premier’s Office." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15

  • Implement a long-term funding plan for providing security for Jewish institutions, synagogues, schools, and cultural centres

    "Implement a long-term funding plan for community security, ensuring Jewish institutions, synagogues, schools, and cultural centers have the resources they need to keep their members safe." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15

  • Provide mandatory antisemitism training for law enforcement and politicians

    "Implement mandatory antisemitism training for law enforcement and politicians in collaboration with the Simon Wiesenthal Center. Our leaders and those charged with protecting us need to understand the depths of antisemitism and be equipped to root it out." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15

  • Conduct an immediate inquiry into the BC Teachers' Federation regarding teaching materials on the Israel-Palestine conflict

    "Conduct an immediate inquiry into the BC Teachers’ Federation’s role in pushing biased materials that promote one-sided views on the Israel-Palestine conflict. A directive will be issued from the Ministry of Education to cease the use of the current Israel-Palestine teachers guide. There is no place for political indoctrination in our classrooms, and the safety and dignity of Jewish students must be protected at all times." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15

  • Issue a Ministry of Education directive to cease the use of the current Israel-Palestine teachers guide

    "A directive will be issued from the Ministry of Education to cease the use of the current Israel-Palestine teachers guide." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15

We don't have any BC Greens policies on Antisemitism.


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We don't have any BC NDP policies on Budgets.

BC Conservatives

  • Eliminate the deficit within 2 terms in government
  • Conduct an audit to identify government bloat, fix poor management practices, and ensure spending efficacy
  • Require approval from voters via a referendum or election for any new tax

BC Greens

  • Introduce an additional 22.5% marginal tax rate on incomes over $350,000

    "The BC Greens would introduce an additional marginal tax rate of incomes over $350,000 per year, of 22.5%. This would impact 39,936 tax filers, with an average income of $935,090. The additional revenue raised is $394.5 million." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Introduce an additional 18% marginal tax rate for corporate revenue above $1B

    "The BC Greens would introduce an additional marginal tax rate for corporate revenue above $1 billion per year, of 18%. This would impact approximately 35 companies, with an average income of $4.75 billion per year. The additional revenue raised is approximately $4.1 billion per annum." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Apply a 2% tax on residential property values over $3M, and double existing property tax rates for homes valued over $3M, $4M, and $7M

    "Apply a 2% tax on residential property values over $3 million and double existing provincial property tax rates for homes valued above $3 million, $4 million, and $7 million, ensuring high-value properties contribute more." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

    "• The BC Greens will increase the taxes paid on the most expensive properties in British Columbia. We will double the existing provincial property tax rates (the ‘School Tax’) on residential property valued above $3 million to 0.4%, above $4 million to 0.8%, and add a new bracket for properties valued above $7 million at 1.5%.

    • We will also apply these brackets to the total property holdings of a household, rather than assessing on a per-property basis.

    • These changes will impact approximately 3.7% of British Columbian households with significant wealth. The additional revenue raised is approximately $938 million per year."

    BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

Child welfare and children in care

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We don't have any BC NDP policies on Child welfare and children in care.

BC Conservatives

  • Transfer authority for child welfare and family services to First Nations

    "We are committed to transferring authority for child welfare and family services to First Nations, enabling communities to raise their children according to their cultural values and traditions. The Matriarchs and rights holders that are identified by First Nations leadership will lead the change." —, retrieved 2024-10-08

BC Greens

  • Require anyone using the title "Social Worker" to be registered with the BC College of Social Workers

    "Implement legislative changes requiring anyone using the title “Social Worker” to be registered with the BC College of Social Workers." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Require a Bachelor's or Master's in Social Work & College of Social Workers registration for Ministry employees doing child protection work

    "Mandate a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Social Work and BC College of Social Workers registration for any MCFD employee conducting child protection work. A timeline will be provided to accommodate workforce adjustments." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Require anti-racism and anti-stigma training for all staff at the Ministry of Children and Family Development

    "Require anti-racism and anti-stigma education for all Ministry staff, informed by the Provincial Committee on Anti-Racism and individuals with lived experience in the child welfare system." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Establish a comprehensive oversight system for staff and senior leadership at the Ministry of Children and Family Development

    "Establish a comprehensive oversight system for MCFD staff and senior leadership, addressing systemic failures rather than focusing on individual social workers." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Reform legislation to ensure families get necessary resources and services

    "Enact legislative reforms ensuring families are provided with the necessary resources and services, as guided by the RCY." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Create a framework for child welfare with tiered prevention levels

    "Implement a public health framework with tiered prevention levels:

    1. Primary Prevention: Family strengthening programs, resource access, and public awareness campaigns.
    2. Secondary Prevention: Homevisits, respite care, and family resource centers.
    3. Tertiary Prevention: Wrap-around supports for children and parents affected by violence."

    BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Create a non-punitive environment where families can discuss struggles without fear of consequences

    "Create a non-punitive environment where families can discuss struggles without fear of consequences." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Redirect Ministry funds to provide families with financial resources, helping parents better care for their children

    "Redirect Ministry funds to provide families with financial resources, addressing poverty-related neglect and empowering parents to better care for their children." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Recognise full Indigenous jurisdiction over child welfare, with appropriate funding

    "Recognize full Indigenous jurisdiction over child welfare, with appropriate funding to support culturally relevant services." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Promote community-oriented, family centred care with extended family playing a vital role

    "Promote community-oriented, family-centered care where extended family plays a vital role, ensuring conditions for children to thrive." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Focus child welfare on trauma awareness, safety, collaboration, and strength-based approaches

    "• Shift the focus to trauma awareness, safety, collaboration, and strength-based approaches.

    • Acknowledge the past and ongoing impacts of colonialism, incorporating cultural safety into all child welfare practices."

    BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Provide families in kinship care with the same financial and social resources that foster families receive
    1. "Provide families in kinship care with the same financial and social resources that foster families receive.
    2. Address the insufficient financial support currently provided, recognizing the importance of familial and kinship care in child welfare."

    BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

Domestic abuse and gender-based violence

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  • Expand availability of transition housing
  • Make sure the jobs of people escaping domestic abuse are protected

"Helping women and families permanently escape domestic abuse and violence by expanding the availability of transition housing, and making sure their jobs are protected if they have to run to safety so they can keep supporting their families.

Strengthening implementation of the Safe and Supported: BC’s Gender-Based Violence Action Plan by working with service providers, Indigenous partners and families on initiatives, like the Path Forward Community Fund, to make BC safer and more inclusive for women, girls and 2SLGBTQIA+ people."

An Action Plan for You, retrieved 2024-10-07

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We don't have any BC Conservatives policies on Domestic abuse and gender-based violence.

BC Greens

  • Ban the misuse of non-disclosure agreements in cases of sexual assault and harassment

Elections and democratic engagement

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We don't have any BC NDP policies on Elections and democratic engagement.

BC Conservatives

  • Ensure stronger enforcement and tougher penalties for protesters who incite violence or block access to critical infrastructure

    "Respect the right of peaceful protest, while ensuring stronger enforcement and tougher penalties for those who incite violence or block access to critical infrastructure including highways, roadways, bridges and ports." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15

  • Have police prioritise public and emergency vehicle traffic over protest rights

    "Ensure police are tasked with protecting the right of the public and emergency vehicles to get to where they’re going, not the handful of protesters standing in their way." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15

BC Greens

  • Implement a proportional representation system for the 2028 election

    "Within the first 100 days of being elected, the BC Greens will introduce legislation to implement a Proportional Representation system for the 2028 election. This will ensure that every vote counts and supports a truly democratic, multi-party system." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Hold a referendum on the proportional electoral system after the second election held under it

    "A referendum will be held after the second proportional representation election to confirm whether the system aligns with voter interests." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Lower the voting age to 16

    "The BC Greens will lower the voting age to 16 and introduce civics and voting education in schools, empowering young people to participate actively in democracy." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Establish a biennial Citizens' Assembly to ensure ongoing citizen participation in major policy discussions and decision-making

    "We will establish a biennial Citizens’ Assembly, with topics selected by the Legislative Assembly. This Assembly will ensure ongoing citizen participation in major policy discussions and decision-making." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09


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We don't have any BC NDP policies on Governing.

BC Conservatives

  • Increase voluntary and mandatory disclosure to the point that Freedom of Information requests can become obsolete

    "Promote Transparency in government by enacting reforms to achieve such a high level of vuluntary and mandatory disclosure that FOIs can become obsolete. It’s time to bring government our of the shadows." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15

  • Make sure public servants don't feel compelled to provide their pronouns or give land acknowledgements

    "Stop any instances of compelled speech in the public service and in public institutions in which individuals feel compelled to provide their pronouns or give land acknowledgements, while ensuring those that choose to make such statements are able to do so." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15

BC Greens

  • Never use closure in bill debates, and provide enough time for debate and consideration of all bills

    "The BC Greens will commit to never using closure in bill debates, ensuring that all legislation receives adequate scrutiny. House Leaders will collectively develop a legislative calendar that provides enough time for debate and consideration of all bills." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Establish all-party caucuses based on geography, common interests, and background, with mandates to work on shared priorities

    "The BC Greens will establish all-party caucuses based on geography, common interests, and background. These caucuses will be mandated and supported to work collaboratively on shared priorities." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Commit to thoroughly considering Private Members' Bills and amendments from all MLAs

    "We will commit to thoroughly considering Private Members’ Bills and amendments from all Legislative Assembly members, fostering a more inclusive and participatory legislative process." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Strengthen the oversight role of Legislative Assembly Committees

    "We will strengthen the role of Legislative Assembly Committees as an oversight function, with responsibilities for keeping track of whether recommendations from oversight agencies, such as the Auditor-General and Representative for Children and Youth, are being implemented." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Remove the fee for Freedom of Information Requests and require all departments and ministers to respond to within legislative timeframes

    "The BC Greens will remove the fee for Freedom of Information (FOI) requests and require all government departments and ministers to respond to requests within the legislative timeframes." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Proactively release government materials, including ministerial calendars and briefing notes

    "We will proactively release government materials, including ministerial calendars and briefing notes, to promote greater transparency and public accountability." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Enforce a minimum two-year stand-down period between holding designated office in government and working in a lobbying role

    "To avoid conflicts of interest, we will enforce a minimum two-year stand-down period between holding a designated office in government and working in a lobbying role." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Set a ceiling on public servant salaries, based on salaries of the lowest-paid staff members, and implemented over time

    "We will implement a ceiling on public servant salaries, so that no staff member can earn more than five times the lowest-paid staff member. This will be implemented over time, to ensure no employment contract laws are broken." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

Human rights

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We don't have any BC NDP policies on Human rights.
We don't have any BC Conservatives policies on Human rights.

BC Greens

  • Prevent discrimination based on socioeconomic status under the Human Rights Code

    "We will add ‘social condition’ as a protected ground under the Human Rights Code to prevent discrimination based on socioeconomic status." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Use disaggregated data to remove barriers for racialised, Indigenous, and 2SLGBTQ+ people in accessing public spaces and essentials ervices

    "We commit to using disaggregated data to eliminate barriers that racialized, Indigenous, and 2SLGBTQ+ people face in accessing public spaces and essential services." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09


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  • Lobby the federal government to reallocate immigration policy and funding to the provincial government

    "Lobby Ottawa to reallocate immigration policy and funding to the provincial government similar to the agreement in place in Quebec. Returning to a program of focussing on recruiting and retaining skilled immigrants in areas of demand, and reducing the abuse of the temporary foreign worker program by some employers, is something that we’ll do a better job of than Ottawa has." — An Action Plan for You, retrieved 2024-10-07

  • Remove certification of employers found to be inflicting financial, physical, or psychological abuse on temporary foreign workers
We don't have any BC Conservatives policies on Immigration.
We don't have any BC Greens policies on Immigration.

Indigenous reconciliation

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  • Build more on- and off-reserve housing
  • Partner with First Nations and Metis on BC Builds projects

    "Build more on- and off- reserve housing, and partner with First Nations and Metis on BC Builds projects to deliver more housing for everyone in communities around the province." — An Action Plan for You, retrieved 2024-10-07

  • Expand work being done by 25 Aboriginal Friendship Centres

BC Conservatives

  • Provide clean water, adequate housing, and critical infrastructure where the federal government fails to, then pursue federal reimbursement

    "We will act to secure the well-being of Indigenous communities ignored by Ottawa: Whether it be through providing clean water, adequate housing, or other critical infrastructure. Where the federal government fails to act, the province will step-up; the province will then pursue reimbursement from the federal government through the appropriate legal avenues, ensuring that Ottawa’s responsibilities are met. UNDRIP will continue to be the guiding framework for this accountability." —, retrieved 2024-10-08

  • Strategically and collaboratively return land to First Nations

    "Returning land to First Nations is critical for achieving economic self-sufficiency while addressing legal uncertainties surrounding rights and title. This approach will help resolve long-standing issues related to Section 35 of the Constitution, which recognizes and affirms the existing Indigenous and treaty rights of First Nations.

    1. The Conservative Party of BC is committed to the strategic and collaborative return of land to First Nations, enabling bands to forge their own economic future.", retrieved 2024-10-08

  • Provide loan guarantees for First Nations to acquire equity positions in natural resource and other major commercial projects
  • Return 20% of BC's forests to First Nations

    "Return 20% of BC’s forests to First Nations, enabling Indigenous groups to manage these resources sustainably and in line with their traditions and values." —, retrieved 2024-10-08

  • Honour the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples as a set of guiding principles, prioritising economic reconciliation
    1. "Our government will honour the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) as it was intended: the central set of guiding principles for how governments can recognize and strengthen the rights and wellbeing of Indigenous peoples.
    2. Our government will work in partnership with First Nations to develop new legislation that advances, not stalls, economic reconciliation and Indigenous autonomy. This is a process that will be grounded in the aspirations and rights of Indigenous peoples.", retrieved 2024-10-08

  • Transfer authority for child welfare and family services to First Nations

    "We are committed to transferring authority for child welfare and family services to First Nations, enabling communities to raise their children according to their cultural values and traditions. The Matriarchs and rights holders that are identified by First Nations leadership will lead the change." —, retrieved 2024-10-08

  • Implement the Calls to Action of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission

    "Implement the Calls to Action of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, including education about the lasting trauma caused by the residential school system, and education that promotes understanding of Indigenous history, culture, and the need for reconciliation." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15

BC Greens

  • Recognise all Indigenous governments and remove limitations related to Indian Act bands and those incorporated under provincial statutes

    "Recognize all Indigenous governments formed in alignment with the principles of Indigenous self-determination, removing limitations related to ‘Indian Act’ bands and those incorporated under provincial statutes." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Provide stable and reliable funding for Indigenous governments, comparable to funding for other levels

    "Provide Indigenous governments with stable and reliable funding, comparable to other levels of government, allowing them to carry out their duties and make long-term investment and planning decisions." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Enact an Indigenous Languages Act to guarantee language rights and provide funding and support for preserving and revitalising languages
  • Allow the use of Indigenous languages on government-issued identification at no cost

    "We will enable the use of all Indigenous languages on government-issued identification, ensuring that people can reclaim their names in their original language at no cost." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Provide education on Indigenous history for all public servants

    "We will provide education to all public servants on the history of Indigenous peoples, including the legacy of residential schools, treaties, Indigenous law and Indigenous-Crown relations." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Transparently review the Land Act, with opportunities for public consultation, to ensure it's aligned with rights of First Nations peoples

    "We will review the Land Act to ensure its alignment with the inherent rights of First Nations peoples and the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act. This process will be conducted transparently, with opportunities for public consultation across British Columbia." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Confirm that all provincial enactments must uphold the rights of Indigenous peoples

    "Enact an amendment to the Interpretation Act confirming that all provincial enactments must uphold the rights of Indigenous peoples, ensuring that no laws abrogate or derogate from those rights." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Create a committee with specialists in Indigenous Rights, UNDRIP, and constitutional law, to advise the province and Indigenous governments

    "Establish an expert advisory committee comprising specialists in Indigenous rights, the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act, and constitutional law. This committee will advise both the Provincial Government and Indigenous governments on legislative developments—and their advice will be made public." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Co-develop a policy for Indigenous engagement across the law-making process, including financial support

    "We will co-develop with Indigenous peoples a clear policy that outlines how Indigenous peoples will be engaged consistently across government during the law-making process, including how the government will provide financial support for their participation." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Co-develop a mechanism for proactively resolving Indigenous-Crown disputes

    "We will co-develop a mechanism with Indigenous peoples for resolving Indigenous-Crown disputes proactively, to foster understanding and avoid litigation." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Create a centralised service with the Royal BC Museum to assist Indigenous communities with repatriation of cultural items

    "Develop a centralized service with the Royal BC Museum that assists Indigenous communities with repatriation of cultural items. By working and liaising with global institutions, the service would streamline Indigenous repatriation." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

Indigenous women, girls, and 2-spirited people

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We don't have any BC NDP policies on Indigenous women, girls, and 2-spirited people.
We don't have any BC Conservatives policies on Indigenous women, girls, and 2-spirited people.

BC Greens

  • Create a specialised taskforce to investigate cases of missing and murdered Indigenous women, children, and two-Spirited people

    "We will create a specialized taskforce to investigate cases of missing and murdered Indigenous women, children, and two-Spirited people. This taskforce will operate under civilian oversight from Indigenous communities, with a strong focus on women’s leadership, and follow the guidance of the Red Women Rising report." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

Justice system

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We don't have any BC NDP policies on Justice system.

BC Conservatives

  • Update prosecution guidelines to maximise penalties for violent crime against children and seniors
  • Toughen the Charge Assessment Guidelines for bail offenders
  • Hire more sheriffs and judges to clear court backlog
  • Create a new statutory court to hold trials for small criminal offences within 1 week of arrest

    "Create a new statutory court to hold trials for small criminal offences within 1 week of arrest, instead of 12-18 months at present. The right to choice of counsel will be upheld." —, retrieved 2024-10-08

  • Make audio recordings of all court proceedings available online

BC Greens

  • Establish a Parliamentary Committee to examine how the justice system treats Indigenous peoples, racialised communities, and homeless people

    "A Parliamentary Committee will be established to examine how the justice system treats Indigenous peoples, racialized communities, and homeless individuals. The goal is to identify and address systemic inequities and improve access to justice for all." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Repeal Bill 21, reinstate the Law Society, and launch a comprehensive review of access to justice

    "We will repeal Bill 21, which disrupted the role of the Law Society of BC In its place, we will reinstate the Law Society and launch a comprehensive review of access to justice in accordance with the Futures Task Force Report to ensure fairness and professional integrity in legal practice." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Commission an independent review of prison conditions

    "BC Greens will commission an independent review of prison conditions, including the use of solitary confinement, to ensure that they meet humane standards and respect human rights." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

People with disabilities

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  • Increase the Community Living BC home share rates
  • Ensure people with disabilities keep all of the new Canada Disability Benefit
  • Adjust the spousal rule to lift more people out of poverty
  • Bring HandyDART services into government, instead of sub-contracting it to a private company

BC Conservatives

  • Increase the supplemental income cap for people receiving disability assistance

    "Increase the supplemental income cap for people receiving disability assistance. The current cap of $16,200 is too low - discouraging people from seeking work. Raising the cap would also reduce pressure on family members who currently often have to provide additional financial support." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15

  • Make regulatory changes and new policies to support people with disabilities entering the workforce

    "For a person with a disability, a job can be a pathway to independence or a means to enhance quality of life. In consultation with people with disabilities and employers, we will identify and act on the regulatory changes or new policies needed to support entry into the workforce." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15

  • Review disability assistance rates annually

    "Review disability assistance rates annually. NDP-Trudeau inflation has been devastating for people across BC, especially people with disabilities who rely on assistance payments to cover the costs of living. We will review rates annually to make sure people with disabilities have the support they need." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15

  • Double the Home Renovation Tax Credit for Seniors and Persons with Disabilities to $2,000
  • Expand HandyDART services and strictly enforce service quality standards for HandyDART contractors
    1. "Expand HandyDART services to areas of greatest need, ensuring seniors have access to affordable, reliable transportation.
    2. Strictly enforce service quality standards for HandyDART contractors to improve transportation reliability for seniors.", retrieved 2024-10-08

BC Greens

  • Increase disability assistance rates

    "Increase disability assistance rates to provide adequate support for individuals with disabilities, ensuring they can thrive in their communities." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

    Single person: $1,483.50 -> $2,400

    Person and a spouse with no children: $2,548.50 -> $3,450

    Single parent with one child: $1,828.50 -> $2,900

    Person and a spouse and one child: $2,268.50 -> $3,450

  • Increase funding for Small Business BC's Workplace Accessibility Grant from $450K to $2M/year

    "Increase funding for Small Business BC’s Workplace Accessibility Grant from $450,000 to $2 million annually. Eligible small businesses will continue to receive up to $40,000 to make their workplaces more accessible." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Expand awareness and education campaigns in K-12 and post-secondary

    "Expand awareness and education campaigns in elementary, secondary and post-secondary institutions. These campaigns will focus on creating safer and more inclusive learning environments for students with disabilities and raising awareness about ableism and its harmful effects." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Create a comprehensive guidebook for ensuring public events meet accessibility requirements

    "In consultation with the Provincial Accessibility Committee, create a comprehensive guidebook for ensuring public events meet all accessibility requirements. Considerations include: sign language interpreters, ramps, automatic doors, scent-free policies, and low-stimulation spaces to ensure events are accessible to all individuals." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Implement the recommendations of the Coroner's Inquest into the 2022 Winters SRO fire, including funding assistive devices

    "Implement the recommendations from the Coroner’s Inquest into the 2022 Winters SRO fire, particularly funding all necessary assistive devices to eliminate barriers to safety for residents with mobility or hearing disabilities." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Mandate residential buildings to have emergency evacuation plans that address mobility and accessibility needs of residents

    "Mandate that all residential buildings have emergency evacuation plans that address the needs of residents with mobility or other access requirements to ensure safe evacuations in emergencies." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Expand the Home Improvement Assistance Program

    "Increase the scope of the Home Improvement Assistance Program, which provides eligible seniors, people with disabilities, and landlords with rebates of up to $20,000 per home for modifications that promote accessible, safe and independent living." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Audit Community Living BC to find gaps in service delivery

    "We will conduct an audit of Community Living BC (CLBC) to identify gaps in service delivery. Implement all audit recommendations to ensure that CLBC provides excellent service that meets the needs of those giving and receiving care." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Ensure public spaces are equipped with air filtration systems

    "Ensure public spaces across British Columbia are equipped with air filtration systems to reduce the health impacts of COVID-19, respiratory viruses, and wildfire smoke, especially for people with disabilities and compromised immune systems." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Allow one-time submission of medical documentation for people with permanent diagnoses

    "Ensure individuals with permanent disabilities do not need to repeatedly submit medical forms. Streamline the process by allowing a one-time submission of medical documentation for those with permanent diagnoses, reducing delays and frustration for applicants." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Expand accessibility definitions to include neurodiverse people

    "Expand the discussion of accessibility to include neurodiverse individuals, such as those with autism, ADHD, dyspraxia, dyslexia and Tourette’s. Create environments that are inclusive of all abilities and accommodate the needs of all individuals, including those with down syndrome." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

Public safety

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  • Increase seizure of proceeds of organised crime

    "Ramping up the seizure of proceeds of organized crime to deny profits to criminal networks and close down gang houses, take their cars, and seize properties used by criminals with the knowledge of the property’s owner." — An Action Plan for You, retrieved 2024-10-07

  • Increase funding for immediate police investigations, add prosecutor capacity, and expand rehabilitative referrals

    "Stopping repeat offenders in their tracks by strengthening targeted policing, increasing funding for immediate police investigations, adding more comprehensive case management capacity for prosecutors, and expanding sup- port for rehabilitative referrals." — An Action Plan for You, retrieved 2024-10-07

  • Tie speeding ticket costs directly to the value of cars valued over $150,000

    "Making our roads safer from reckless supercar drivers through a new deterrent that ties the cost of their speeding ticket directly to the value of cars valued over $150,000." — An Action Plan for You, retrieved 2024-10-07

  • Add red light cameras at busy intersections and use a dedicated highway patrol

    "Cracking down on bad drivers, including adding red light cameras for busy community intersections and using a dedicated highway patrol to reduce policing costs and let the RCMP tackle crime instead, improving safety on BC’s busiest highways." — An Action Plan for You, retrieved 2024-10-07

  • Introduce new hate crime legislation
  • Fast-track expansion of civilian-led, mental health-focused crisis response teams province-wide

    "Delivering supportive, safe, quality care when a mental health crisis is reported to 911 by fast-tracking the expansion of civilian-led and health-focused crisis response teams across the province." — An Action Plan for You, retrieved 2024-10-07

  • Provide sports, recreational, and education programming to help youth-at-risk
  • Unify gambling, liquor, traffic, transit, and tobacco enforcement teams into one enforcement agency

    "Unify our provincial enforcement teams for gambling, liquor, traffic, transit police, and tobacco into a single enforcement agency that uses outcomes- based regulation to reduce duplication, improve efficiency, reduce red tape, and focus on bad actors. This will free up RCMP officers to focus on crime instead of provincial regulation enforcement." — An Action Plan for You, retrieved 2024-10-07

BC Conservatives

  • Increase resources for senior protection initiatives
  • Run targeted awareness and education campaigns regarding digital fraud and scams

    "Protect seniors from digital fraud and scams through targeted awareness and education campaigns." —, retrieved 2024-10-08

  • Try to get mandatory minimum sentences for violent offences
  • Hire more front-line officers in provincially-funded police forces
  • Support community policing
  • Create a provincial school liaison officer programme

    "Create a provincial school liaison officer program, with anti-gang and at-risk student programming." —, retrieved 2024-10-08

  • Ensure full investigations into politically-motivated vandalism and arson of places of worship, and support repairs and rebuilding

    "Ensure full investigations into politically-motivated vandalism and arson of places of worship, and support repairs to, and the re-building of, vandalized or burned churches, synagogues, mosques, other places of worship." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15

  • Expand capacity to train new police officers

BC Greens

  • Disband the RCMP's Community Industry Response Group

    "The BC Greens will disband CIRG, the Community Industry Response Group, a branch of the RCMP tasked with protecting industrial interests at the expense of public and Indigenous rights. This group has caused significant harm to police-community relationships and must be dismantled to rebuild trust." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Carry out the recommendations from the Transforming Policing and Community Safety in British Columbia report

    "We will carry out the recommendations from the Transforming Policing and Community Safety in British Columbia report, which includes enacting a new Community Safety and Policing Act. This will lay the groundwork for a reformed policing structure and set clear guidelines for community safety and accountability." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Create a new provincial police service, governed by the Community Safety and Policing Act

    "We will establish a new provincial police service governed by the Community Safety and Policing Act, ensuring that Indigenous communities have direct input into the structure and governance of their police services." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Enhance and standardise police education and training across the province

    "Police education and training will be enhanced and standardized across the province to reflect key values such as cultural competence, de-escalation, and mental health awareness. This training will be integral to shifting police culture toward community-based service." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Require all police services to collect and publicly report disaggregated race-based and other demographic data

    "We will require all police services to collect and publicly report disaggregated race-based and other demographic data. Comprehensive reviews of policies and procedures will be conducted to address systemic racism within policing." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Do an All-Party review of the Mental Health Act

    "Undertake an All-Party review of the Mental Health Act and create a parliamentary working group that will oversee the implementation of the recommendations." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

    "We will appoint an all-party parliamentary committee to review and modernize the Mental Health Act. This will ensure alignment with the recommendations of the Special Committee on Reforming the Police Act and better protect individuals experiencing mental health crises." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Appoint an all-party select standing committee to oversee policing and community safety

    "An all-party select standing committee will be created to oversee policing and community safety in British Columbia. This committee will ensure ongoing scrutiny and continuous improvement in police practices and public safety strategies." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

Sports and recreation

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  • Increase funding for amateur sports

    "Connecting kids to their community by increasing funding for amateur sports so it’s more affordable, accessible and inclusive." — An Action Plan for You, retrieved 2024-10-07

  • Expand BC parks, recreation sites, and trails

    "Expanding BC parks, recreation sites and trails — particularly in areas close to regional centres — through a long-term funding commitment that will:

    » Develop and improve access roads, trails and infrastructure;

    » Expand recreation facilities particularly for accessibility; and

    » Develop new recreation projects in partnership with First Nations and local communities"

    An Action Plan for You, retrieved 2024-10-07

  • Create a cultural, sports, and recreation fund

    "Create a cultural, sports and recreation fund that will help deliver affordable family entertainment and cultural community gatherings and celebrations across the province at a time when families rely on these services more than ever." — An Action Plan for You, retrieved 2024-10-07

  • Add more campsites in BC parks, including large group capacity sites

    "Creating better camping experiences for your family by adding more campsites in BC parks, including large group capacity sites for family gatherings." — An Action Plan for You, retrieved 2024-10-07

We don't have any BC Conservatives policies on Sports and recreation.

BC Greens

  • Work with Sport BC to ensure sufficient funding is provided to amateur sport

    "Coordinate and collaborate with Sport BC to ensure sufficient funding and support is provided to BC’s amateur sport sector." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Improve the access and quality of sports and recreation services across the province
    1. "Update the “Pathways to Sport: A Strategic Framework for Sport in British Columbia 2020- 2025” to prepare for the next five years of sport development.
    2. Through extensive collaboration with sport organizations, set an ambitious plan to improve the access and quality of sports and recreation services across the province."

    BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09


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We don't have any BC NDP policies on Well-being.
We don't have any BC Conservatives policies on Well-being.

BC Greens

  • Develop a new British Columbia Wellbeing Framework

    "Establishing a British Columbia Wellbeing Framework that prioritizes the needs and perspectives of all British Columbians, with Indigenous communities at the center of its creation and implementation.

    1. Commit, in partnership with Indigenous and non-Indigenous leaders, to the development of a new British Columbia Wellbeing Framework."

    BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Make First Nations central to developing and implementing the Framework

    "Ensure that First Nations are central to the development and implementation of the Wellbeing Framework, fostering collaboration and respect." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Create a Centre of Excellence for developing the Framework

    "Create and fund a Centre of Excellence dedicated to developing the Wellbeing Framework, examining best practices and Indigenous wellbeing examples from other jurisdictions." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Require all Ministers to provide evidence on how their work contributes to increased well-being as part of each budget

    "Require all Ministers to provide evidence on how their work contributes to increasing wellbeing in British Columbia as part of each budget presentation." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Transition all performance measures in Ministry and Crown Agency service plans to align with the Framework

    "Transition all performance measures in Ministry and Crown Agency service plans to align with the Wellbeing Framework, ensuring accountability and transparency." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Require the Minister of Finance to report on improvements in well-being as part of each budget, as assessed by an external panel

    "Legislate a requirement for the Minister of Finance to report annually, as part of each budget, on improvements in wellbeing across 10, 30, and 100-year timescales, assessed by a panel of external experts, including First Nations peoples, ecologists, historians, economists, and sociologists." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

    "Create a set of indicators to survey the public, establish baseline measures, and track trends in overall wellbeing across British Columbia, with results shared publicly for transparency." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Include well-being considerations in land use planning and environmental assessments

    "Embed wellbeing considerations into land use planning and environmental assessments by utilizing a cumulative effects framework, prioritizing, expanding, and funding modern land use planning as well as Indigenous land use plans." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Support pilot programmes for a four-day work week with interested businesses, and provide tax credits for businesses who participate

    "Explore flexible work arrangements to improve productivity and wellbeing with tax credits to the companies that participate

    • Support pilot programs for a four-day work week by partnering with interested businesses to collect and track data on productivity, employee wellbeing, and employer satisfaction."

    BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

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