Public transit
BC Greens's promise
Climate Change & the Environment
Forests and forestry
BC Greens's promise
Power generation
BC Greens's promises
Public transit
BC Greens's promise
K-12 funding
BC Greens's promise
K-12 learning needs
BC Greens's promise
School nutrition
BC Greens's promise
Student mental health
BC Greens's promise
Drugs and addiction
BC Greens's promise
Family doctors and primary care
BC Greens's promise
Health staffing
BC Greens's promise
BC Greens's promise
Housing & Homelessness
Drugs and addiction
BC Greens's promise
Jobs, Businesses, & Labour
Forests and forestry
BC Greens's promise
They may still in the future!
In the meantime, you can learn more about them on their website.
Jonah Timms has been representing people and helping them make their voices heard for over ten years serving as the youth representative on Council for the District of Clearwater, the BC Greens' Youth Advisory Council, and he is now a Member-at-Large on his union local 2005 with the BC General Employees' Union.
He has volunteered for many organizations in the Fraser-Nicola area including the Lillooet Regional Invasives Species Society, the Lillooet Naturalists, and his local church, St. Andrew's and St. Mary's United/Anglican Church.
Jonah works for the BC Government where he works with First Nations communities, natural resource companies, and the public ensuring that we all live up to the commitments laid out in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's Calls to Action.
Jonah has also worked for Parks Canada and other provincial governments working to study the effects of FireSmart practices on fire around communities and sharing beautiful places, like Jasper, to visitors from around the world.
Jonah and his wife, Christina, have one daughter, Julia, who was born in April this year. Julia keeps them both learning and striving to make BC better for present and future generations.
Reason for running