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Anna Warwick Sears


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Anna Warwick Sears has been with the Okanagan Basin Water Board (OBWB) since 2006, and has been the OBWB Executive Director since 2007. The OBWB is a partnership of Okanagan local governments from Armstrong to Osoyoos, focusing on water sustainability, water quality, water supply, and reducing climate change impacts to Okanagan communities. Anna holds a PhD in Population Biology. Anna is a member of the International Osoyoos Lake Board of Control, under the International Joint Commission, which oversees US/Canada water issues; and an alternate commissioner on the bilateral Skagit Environmental Endowment Commission.

Reason for running

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Anna is running for office because she care deeply about the health and well-being of the land and people of the Okanagan. Over the years, Anna has dedicated her career to advocating on behalf of Okanagan communities, and has a successful track record of protecting our water and our environment. 

Under her 18 years of leadership as executive director of the Okanagan Basin Water Board, working with local elected officials from all our communities, the valley has become the best-respected region in B.C. for collaborative water management. From drinking water providers, to farmers, and Indigenous fisheries biologists, she works with local experts and knowledge holders to find the best solutions for our communities small and large. She also represent Canada and BC on two transboundary U.S./Canada water boards.

As your representative, Anna will tirelessly advocate for Okanagan concerns in Victoria, ensuring that our valley receives the resources and attention it deserves. Together, we can build a future where our community thrives, and where our environment is protected

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