Robert Botterell

Access to health care, affordable housing and the climate emergency are top of mind for constituents. My job as your MLA is to get BC to yes on those solutions, something I have been doing for 25 years."


submitted by the candidate or their team
Rob was raised in Victoria, and has lived in North Saanich, Sidney, and Pender Island. Rob has decades of experience in government, finance and law. Rob served as an Islands Trustee, a financial comptroller, and was the team lead for BC’s Freedom of Information legislation.

With deep roots on the B.C. coast, having lived in Sidney, North Saanich and Pender Island, Rob understands the issues that face residents of this riding well. Rob is a strong and a proud advocate for issues that are the most important to our constituents having dedicated much of his career to fighting for social and economic equality, better health care, a stable economy and environmental protection, including being a proud advocate for the fight against Site C.

Rob has decades and a wealth of experience in government, finance and law having worked for the BC Ministry of Finance, led the team responsible for developing BC’s Freedom of Information law, was an Islands Trustee, a financial comptroller, and negotiator representing First Nations, local governments and other clients in private law for over 25 years. Rob understands how to navigate all levels of the BC government has a proven track record of building long-term, inclusive solutions to complex issues.

Most recently, Rob worked with 800 Southern Gulf Islanders, the province and First Nations to resolve waterfront access issues and will bring his collaborative, and science-based approach as your MLA for Saanich North and the Islands.

Reason for running

submitted by the candidate or their team
I am running to serve my constituents. Access to health care, affordable housing and the climate emergency are top of mind for constituents. We must do more. By working collaboratively with all key stakeholders, we will find lasting solutions that are affordable and effective.

As a retired lawyer and negotiator, I'm looking forward to applying my 25 years of experience breaking logjams and getting the BC government to do the right thing. My canvass outings have repeatedly confirmed one thing – on most issues, the time for research is over. We need action not words. My job as your MLA will be to advocate on your behalf in order to make that happen.

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