BC Conservatives's promises
"Expand $10 a day childcare availability by ending the NDP’s funding bias against independent childcare providers, who are experienced and ready to provide the $10 a day spaces that families need - right now." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
"Increase the supply of childcare, everywhere by identifying and fixing unnecessary or unreasonable regulations - by any level of government - that prevent high-quality childcare spaces from opening, whether in home-based childcares, commercial spaces, or in public buildings like schools and rec centers." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
"Provide financial relief for all lower and middle income families. The Affordable Childcare Benefit and BC Family Benefit will be reviewed and increased so families have what they need to look after their kids - whether they prefer childcare outside the house, at home with parents, or with support from family members." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
Fuel and transportation costs
BC Conservatives's promises
"Eliminate the PST on affordable used vehicles that have already had PST charged on them. Double taxation is unfair, especially for basic cars that people need for their commute. Additionally, we will reverse the NDP’s tax grab and ensure that any PST charged on a used vehicle is based on the sale price, not an arbitrary value made-up by the government." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
"Index the vehicle Luxury Tax to average vehicle values to reflect car price inflation, and ensure people are not punished for buying vehicles needed for work. The so-called ‘luxury tax’ kicks-in at $55,000, even though the average price of a new car sold in BC is $66,000." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
"Prioritise traffic safety over ticket revenue by requiring speed cameras and road safety units to be highly visible. This will improve deterrence, increase fairness for drivers, and prevent reactionary law enforcement tactics that lead to distracted driving.
o We believe the primary role of traffic enforcement should be to promote road safety via visibility and deterrence, with penalties for those who break the law."
— Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
BC Conservatives's promises
"Increase the supplemental income cap for people receiving disability assistance. The current cap of $16,200 is too low - discouraging people from seeking work. Raising the cap would also reduce pressure on family members who currently often have to provide additional financial support." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
"Review disability assistance rates annually. NDP-Trudeau inflation has been devastating for people across BC, especially people with disabilities who rely on assistance payments to cover the costs of living. We will review rates annually to make sure people with disabilities have the support they need." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
Public transit
BC Conservatives's promises
"Fund key projects in the Transport 2050 plan, working with municipal leaders and TransLink to identify the highest-priority projects which may include expansions of SkyTrain, Bus Rapid Transit, Rapid Bus, and express and local bus services." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
"Implement a zero-tolerance policy for drug use, threats, and violence on public transit. Offences against both riders and operators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, and we will work with TransLink and the Transit Police to make sure they have all tools needed to keep the system safe." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
- "Expand HandyDART services to areas of greatest need, ensuring seniors have access to affordable, reliable transportation.
- Strictly enforce service quality standards for HandyDART contractors to improve transportation reliability for seniors."
—, retrieved 2024-10-08
- "Fully fund TransLink for two years to maintain uninterrupted, reliable service. Commuters shouldn’t need to worry about whether they can get to work or school. We will ensure full funding for transit as the financial model is audited.
- Audit and reform TransLink's financial model to ensure the long-term availability of funding that not just maintains service, but fuels expansion for the future."
—, retrieved 2024-10-08
Seniors' benefits
BC Conservatives's promises
- "Expand HandyDART services to areas of greatest need, ensuring seniors have access to affordable, reliable transportation.
- Strictly enforce service quality standards for HandyDART contractors to improve transportation reliability for seniors."
—, retrieved 2024-10-08
Tax measures and rebates
BC Conservatives's promises
"1) Largest tax cut for renters and homeowners in BC history – $3,000 per month of rent or mortgage interest costs will be exempt from provincial income taxes. This will be achieved by issuing a tax credit worth 5.06% of eligible housing costs, equivalent to the rate of BC’s base tax bracket.
2) Immediate relief in Budget 2026 - by exempting $1,500 per month, increasing by $500 per year to the full level of $3,000 per month. This is a clear and long-term commitment to British Columbians who work hard.
3) A fair and fiscally responsible tax credit – The 2026 budget impact will not exceed $900 million, and we will design a targeted tax credit that ensures the relief goes to people who need it to get ahead in life." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
Climate Change & the Environment
Carbon price
BC Conservatives's promises
Climate adaptation
BC Conservatives's promise
"Renew BC’s flood mitigation infrastructure so the 2021 floods cannot happen again. We will establish permanent flood protection in high-risk agricultural areas like the Sumas Prairie, safeguarding our farmland, infrastructure, and supply chains." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
Conservation and environmental protection
BC Conservatives's promises
"Recognize hunters and fishers as key partners in conservation efforts. The NDP has ignored their expertise and mismanaged the quota system." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
"Dedicate revenue from tags and fees associated with hunting to go to a 3rd- party entity dedicated to wildlife management and enhancement." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
- "Define the land area that will be prioritized for meeting biodiversity goals, where sourcing forest products will be of secondary value.
Combined with our parks and other forested areas, our balanced approach will allow industry to access an adequate and predictable supply of fibre, while protecting the ecological value of BC’s forests.
Having flexibility within the management of these areas will allow BC to better manage forest health issues, including wildfire mitigation plus restoration and rehabilitation where needed."
—, retrieved 2024-10-08
"Strengthen programs that engage hunters in wildlife data collection, such as population counts and habitat health monitoring." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
"Increase funding for conservation officers, expanding their ability to combat poaching and protect wildlife." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
"Conservatives will introduce made-in-BC Species at Risk legislation so wildlife protections are shaped by BC-based experts - not Ottawa - and are reflective of our unique ecosystems." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
Electric vehicles
BC Conservatives's promise
Forestry industry
BC Conservatives's promises
- "Define the land area that will be prioritized for the harvest of primary forest products.
A healthy forest sector needs stability and predictability. This is achieved by defining an area dedicated to providing primary forest products."
—, retrieved 2024-10-08
- "Replace stumpage with a value-added end product tax.
A value-added tax system will be instantaneously responsive to current market conditions, and it will encourage industry to get more value and jobs out of each log. Input credits will be created for higher-value products and better utilization of fibre: meaning the more a producer can do with the fibre, the more credits that will be created."
—, retrieved 2024-10-08
- "Implement a “One Project, One Permit” process.
“One Project, One Permit” will significantly reduce costs to all parties (i.e. government, First Nations, and companies) and make it viable to invest in BC forestry again."
—, retrieved 2024-10-08
"The core review will identify all unnecessary costs and red tape which have resulted in BC shipping forestry jobs to other provinces and the US. We will make sure the industry is competitive enough to ship products again, not jobs." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
"Encouraging the use of wood fibre in power generation and other secondary applications will create new revenue streams for the industry and government, protecting jobs and realizing the highest possible value per log." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
- "Change the annual allowable cut from a sawlog AAC to a fibre AAC.
Tree waste from harvesting is often left behind in the forests to be piled and burned. While there is a need to leave woody debris behind to help with habitat values, BC should account for this fibre and value it." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
"Focus harvesting on areas damaged by wildfires or forest health issues. By responding quickly, we can better-utilize the damaged fibre while doing the necessary work of rehabilitation and accelerated reforestation." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
"Return 20% of BC’s forests to First Nations, enabling Indigenous groups to manage these resources sustainably and in line with their traditions and values." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
Forests and forest conservation
BC Conservatives's promises
- "Define the land area that will be prioritized for meeting biodiversity goals, where sourcing forest products will be of secondary value.
Combined with our parks and other forested areas, our balanced approach will allow industry to access an adequate and predictable supply of fibre, while protecting the ecological value of BC’s forests.
Having flexibility within the management of these areas will allow BC to better manage forest health issues, including wildfire mitigation plus restoration and rehabilitation where needed."
—, retrieved 2024-10-08
"Return 20% of BC’s forests to First Nations, enabling Indigenous groups to manage these resources sustainably and in line with their traditions and values." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
Green construction and retrofits
BC Conservatives's promise
Inter-city transportation
BC Conservatives's promises
Mining and minerals
BC Conservatives's promises
"Identify redundant regulations: We will conduct a full review of mining regulations – including the NDP’s changes to the Mining Act - with the aim of removing unnecessary or duplicative requirements that do not meaningfully contribute to safety or environmental protection." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
"Review tax competitiveness: To attract and retain investment, we will ensure a fair and competitive tax structure so BC remains a strong investment destination." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
"Establish BC as a global hub for critical minerals: We commit to “getting to yes” in as timely a manner as possible – working with, not against, project proponents to satisfy all environmental and safety requirements." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
"Strengthen Indigenous partnerships: We will work closely with Indigenous communities to build strong, mutually beneficial partnerships. As Minister of Reconciliation, John Rustad signed more deals with First Nations than any other Minister in BC history, and knows what it takes to build trust.
Clear and transparent consultation: Ambiguous expectations around consultation requirements can create an atmosphere of mistrust and frustration. Clarity and transparency will help all parties move forward together."
—, retrieved 2024-10-08
Oil and gas development
BC Conservatives's promise
"Build on BC’s LNG success story and double production by “getting to yes” for the range of proposed LNG plants which have the potential to create a new major industry for BC." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
BC Conservatives's promise
Power generation
BC Conservatives's promises
"Accelerate BC Hydro’s 10-year transmission and distribution capital plan to keep pace with population growth and proactive maintenance needs." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
"Support BC Hydro’s drought resilience efforts, which include capital projects and improved forecasting and monitoring technology." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
"Commit to having a small modular reactor operating by 2035 - if and only if the business case makes sense, seismic safety is addressed, and the idea has the confidence of the public." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
"Support the expansion of hydrogen production and refueling capacity as long as taxpayers can realize a return on investment." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
"Support the development of alternative renewable energy where and when the economics make sense for BC – including wind, solar, and run-of-river hydroelectricity." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
Public transit
BC Conservatives's promises
"Fund key projects in the Transport 2050 plan, working with municipal leaders and TransLink to identify the highest-priority projects which may include expansions of SkyTrain, Bus Rapid Transit, Rapid Bus, and express and local bus services." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
"Implement a zero-tolerance policy for drug use, threats, and violence on public transit. Offences against both riders and operators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, and we will work with TransLink and the Transit Police to make sure they have all tools needed to keep the system safe." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
- "Expand HandyDART services to areas of greatest need, ensuring seniors have access to affordable, reliable transportation.
- Strictly enforce service quality standards for HandyDART contractors to improve transportation reliability for seniors."
—, retrieved 2024-10-08
- "Fully fund TransLink for two years to maintain uninterrupted, reliable service. Commuters shouldn’t need to worry about whether they can get to work or school. We will ensure full funding for transit as the financial model is audited.
- Audit and reform TransLink's financial model to ensure the long-term availability of funding that not just maintains service, but fuels expansion for the future."
—, retrieved 2024-10-08
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions
BC Conservatives's promises
Walkable, bikable communities
BC Conservatives's promise
"Support transit-oriented communities: People deserve to live in complete communities near transit, not just dormitories. Bill 47 (Transit Oriented Areas) will be amended to ensure each new transit-oriented community is providing space for grocery stores and small businesses within walking distance of home." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
Water and watersheds
BC Conservatives's promise
"Plan for water sustainability in partnership with farmers and ranchers to balance the water needs of food producers and local communities. These plans should include climate resilience measures and protections to sustain food production during droughts or floods." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
BC Conservatives's promises
"Maximize the use of wetter species within ecosystems historically dominated by wildfires - helping to keep wildfires on the ground and allow for more opportunities to stop wildfires from spreading. More diverse species mixes in specific areas will also enhance wildlife habitat value." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
"Implement more selective logging, fuel load management, and species mix in interface areas. The objective is to reduce the risk of catastrophic wildfires in areas adjacent to communities." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
"Work with contractors and the private sector to empower them to be able to act quickly in response to emerging wildfire issues." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
- "Provide local people and communities with training and equipment.
- Ensure local volunteers and contractors are be able to call-in to support their efforts."
—, retrieved 2024-10-08
"Work with universities to support the research and implementation of new technologies and methods for firefighting." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
BC Conservatives's promises
"Expand $10 a day childcare availability by ending the NDP’s funding bias against independent childcare providers, who are experienced and ready to provide the $10 a day spaces that families need - right now." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
"Increase the supply of childcare, everywhere by identifying and fixing unnecessary or unreasonable regulations - by any level of government - that prevent high-quality childcare spaces from opening, whether in home-based childcares, commercial spaces, or in public buildings like schools and rec centers." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
"Provide financial relief for all lower and middle income families. The Affordable Childcare Benefit and BC Family Benefit will be reviewed and increased so families have what they need to look after their kids - whether they prefer childcare outside the house, at home with parents, or with support from family members." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
K-12 funding
BC Conservatives's promise
"Reverse the NDP’s cuts to independent distributed learning schools and establish a pathway to funding parity with government-run distributed learning." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
K-12 learning needs
BC Conservatives's promises
"Restore letter grades for students from Grade 4 through 9, and ensure parents and students in all grades have clarity about educational achievement." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
"Restore standardized provincial exams in grades 10 and 12, allowing for the consistent measurement of student and school performance." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
"Expand access to programs and supports for academically-gifted students by working with school districts to build on existing successes and identify new opportunities." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
"Restore the Transition Program for Gifted Children, cancelled by Eby earlier this year." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
"Restore funding to autism support providers, which was cancelled in 4 communities so Eby could “pilot” a radical plan that parents didn’t ask for. Parents know best what kinds of supports their children require, and unlike Eby’s plan, we will never force families into a one-size-fits-all model." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
"Accelerate the development of new independent Inclusive Education Schools which currently cover Autism Spectrum Disorder and other special needs." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
"Recruit more support workers to cut down on the 18-24 month assessment wait time under the NDP." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
LGBTQ+ students
BC Conservatives's promises
"Identify and remove lesson plans, seminars, policy guides, curriculum elements, and practices stemming from SOGI 123." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
"Replace SOGI 123 with zero-tolerance anti-bullying programs and supports, which is how SOGI 123 was originally – and falsely – marketed to parents. All students must be genuinely protected from the threat of bullying, and Conservatives will do what it takes to keep kids safe." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
Post-secondary institutions
BC Conservatives's promises
"Provide students with in-demand skills by directing a greater share of post- secondary funding to programs that prepare students for the in-demand occupations of both today and tomorrow" — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
"Link funding for B.C. universities to upholding student safety to hold universities accountable for the safety of all their students, including Jewish students. Provincial funding will be tied directly to ensuring universities protect their students from antisemitic harassment and violence on campus. Institutions that fail to protect students from hate will not receive a penny more of taxpayer money." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
"Protect free speech and academic freedom by ensuring that no student or faculty member is institutionally punished for expressing a viewpoint in class, online, on campus, in a publication, or in private life. We must uphold zero tolerance for hate speech as defined by the Criminal Code of Canada, otherwise, free speech is a prerequisite for the free exchange of ideas." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
"Enhance flexibility in education delivery by expanding remote learning options, in addition to education during evenings and weekends." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
School construction and upgrades
BC Conservatives's promises
"Open new schools when families move-in to a neigbourhood, not years later, by revamping the Ministry of Education capital budgeting process. 8 years ago, the NDP itself said that the budgeting model is broken – then did nothing to fix it." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
"Work with local government to expedite approval for new independent schools, and ensure adequate land availability and zoning flexibility for all types of schools." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
"Support school districts in the adoption of compact and urban school models, which can provide kids with access to the full range of amenities while reducing land consumption and costs." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
"Phase-out portables. Modular classrooms can provide a significantly more attractive, comfortable, and practical environment for learning compared to portables. Where it is not feasible to build a new school, modular buildings will be used to phase-out the widespread use of portables in BC." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
School curriculum
BC Conservatives's promises
"Conduct an immediate inquiry into the BC Teachers’ Federation’s role in pushing biased materials that promote one-sided views on the Israel-Palestine conflict. A directive will be issued from the Ministry of Education to cease the use of the current Israel-Palestine teachers guide. There is no place for political indoctrination in our classrooms, and the safety and dignity of Jewish students must be protected at all times." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
"Encourage educational innovation by allowing independent schools to have flexibility in non-core curriculum areas while still maintaining consistent standards." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
"Identify and remove lesson plans, seminars, policy guides, curriculum elements, and practices stemming from SOGI 123." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
"Uplift all kids by ensuring the ideological neutrality of classroom materials, and that kids are made to feel proud about who they are. Education should be about uplifting students into their full potential." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
"A directive will be issued from the Ministry of Education to cease the use of the current Israel-Palestine teachers guide." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
Student mental health
BC Conservatives's promises
"Respect parental rights and protect kids by ensuring that parents are immediately informed of suicidal intentions by their child." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
"Early mental health interventions in schools, which are vital to improving long- term mental health outcomes in children and adolescents. We will work to ensure schools have improved access to mental health professionals. Investing in mental wellness for our youth is investing in a healthier future." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
BC Conservatives's promises
"Enhance flexibility in education delivery by expanding remote learning options, in addition to education during evenings and weekends." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
Health & Healthcare
Cancer care and cancer risks
BC Conservatives's promises
"Invest in cervical cancer prevention and research through education and awareness programming, enhanced screening options, expanded treatment research at UBC, and making the HPV vaccine free to all women." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
"Build on the success of OVCARE, a made-in-BC global leader in ovarian cancer research. We will work with OVCARE researchers to identify the resources needed to increase the impact of its world-leading research." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
Diagnostic and procedure wait-times
BC Conservatives's promises
"After a brief consultation period, the Conservative Party of BC will:
- Implement the Patients First Wait Time Guarantee for select diagnostics and surgical procedures.
If diagnostic or medical procedures exceed medically recommended wait times, patients would be able to access care at a pre-approved facility out-of-province and be re-imbursed according to a set fee schedule. A similar policy (Cross Border Directive) has been helping patients across the European Union since 2013."
—, retrieved 2024-10-08
"The Conservative Party of BC will:
- Pay for patients in the public system to receive quality health care services in non-governmental clinics for specific priority procedures and diagnostic services.
We will get people off waiting lists and into operating rooms and diagnostic clinics for services like MRIs and priority surgeries. It makes no sense for non-government health facilities to sit idle when they could be contracted to help BC patients right now."
—, retrieved 2024-10-08
Drugs and addiction
BC Conservatives's promises
"We will work with Indigenous leaders to develop treatment and recovery programs available within First Nations communities. Individuals undergoing treatment for health challenges including addiction, should have the option of receiving the support they need close to home, in a familiar and culturally appropriate environment." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
"Do everything in its power to crack-down on criminals who import and distribute deadly drugs like fentanyl." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
"Integrate treatment into the correctional healthcare systems: When someone with a debilitating addiction problem arrives at a hospital or is taken into custody, we will offer or require immediate access to evidence-based addiction treatments. We won’t allow people to fall through the cracks anymore."— Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
"Expand access to addiction and mental health supports for individuals in the justice and correctional systems."— Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
"Secure our ports by working with the Port and all 3 levels of government to reinstate full and reliable funding for the RCMP-led Waterfront Joint Forces Operations, and expand the number of officers on the team." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
"Appoint an Addictions Specialist with cross-ministerial authority to oversee the BC government’s response to the addiction public health emergency." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
"Hold overdose prevention sites accountable: As a temporary and emergency measure, some existing overdose prevention sites may be required. Unlike Eby, we will not hesitate to shut-down any site that refuses to abide by strict standards of conduct. No more free-for-all drug use near schools and playgrounds, no more spilling-out onto residential streets." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
"Establish a Virtual Opioid Dependency Program: Across the province, we will make it easy for anyone to connect virtually with addiction specialists and start treatment without delay." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
"Fund abstinence-based treatment and recovery as an option available to anyone." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
"Ensure wide availability of Nasal Naloxone: Free and accessible, province- wide, because saving lives must come first." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
"Close the gap between detox and care: The current system lets people fall into dangerous gaps between detox and treatment. We will provide seamless and monitored transitions from detox to outpatient or inpatient care." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
"Housing with treatment: No more warehousing or tent cities. Current and future supportive housing facilities must be integrated with healthcare services as an integral part of their programming, not as an afterthought or absent altogether." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
"Build recovery communities: We will build regional recovery communities that will provide professional care and guidance to those recovering from addictions. The program will allow up to 12-month live-in participation as well as a subsequent guidance program to assist in post treatment housing, career, and personal counseling." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
"Build specialized housing for complex needs: We will establish housing for those with anoxic brain injuries due to drug use, who cannot thrive in traditional treatment environments." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
"Enact “Christian’s Law” for compassionate intervention: We will introduce involuntary treatment legislation for individuals with addiction who are unable to make life-saving decisions on their own. After consultation with his family, the law will be named after Christian DeSousa, a young man who lost his life to drugs after struggling with addiction since age 13. The NDP government refused to place Christian in involuntary treatment that his mother pleaded for, repeatedly." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
Family doctors and primary care
BC Conservatives's promises
"Comprehensive primary care led by a family physician improves patient outcomes. The Conservative Party of BC will immediately consult and work with physicians and other primary health providers (e.g., physician assistants, nurses, nurse practitioners) on ways to maximize the number of people a family doctor’s office can see. This will support the reported nearly 1 million British Columbians without a family doctor to get off a waitlist and into a primary healthcare clinic.
To meet the current and future demand, increasing the number of family physicians is important but will not be enough on its own. It is critical that we work together to look at ways to optimize the utilization and efficiency of our primary healthcare providers, including the use of modern tools and technologies to reduce administrative burden, track and optimize staffing, and ultimately improve patient outcomes." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
"Ensuring that more British Columbians in rural areas are able to access updated types of care like telehealth and digital diagnostic tools." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
Health administration
BC Conservatives's promises
"Instead of simply throwing money at health facilities and hoping for the best (the “block grant” model), the Conservative Party will implement what has effectively worked well in European countries and Quebec – a policy known as “activity-based funding”.
This will see hospitals, Regional Health Authorities, and/or other non-government facilities funded based on their output – each time they treat patients for specific diagnostic and priority procedures, they receive additional funds. This approach incentivizes providers to be more efficient and treat as many patients as possible."
—, retrieved 2024-10-08
"Ensuring that we track key metrics for all parts of the healthcare journey. We will expand current tracking of the time from the visit to a specialist to the surgery. We will expand this tracking to include the wait time to see a specialist." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
"Identifying additional performance metrics for the system and ensuring that the progress is tracked and reported to British Columbians in an accessible and understandable manner." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
"Drawing on best governance practices from other jurisdictions to break down silos between the Regional Health Authorities and the Ministry. This enables the implementation of Integrated Operations Centres at the provincial and zone level and allow the ability to track and manage wait times and optimize resources in real time." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
Health staffing
BC Conservatives's promises
"Nurses that want to improve their credentials should have flexible options for career training. As experienced professionals retire, our system will need to replace this expertise. We will ensure that front line staff like Healthcare Assistants and Licensed Practical Nurses that want to upskill their credentials have a path that ensures they can both support our healthcare system and advance their careers." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
"Immediately repealing the Health Professions and Occupations Act (Bill C-36) to reduce the unnecessary red tape, political and ideology control that the NDP have imposed on the healthcare system.
- The front lines understand and know their professions better than government. We want to work with them to establish legislation that ensures that the oversight of medical professions is neither politicized, nor needlessly restrictive and/or government regulated."
—, retrieved 2024-10-08
"Present early offers and enter in multi-year employment contracts with BC educated medical professionals (pending successful program completion) to incentivize and encourage graduates to remain in the province." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
"Create new spots in BC medical schools reserved specifically for BC students. Students from British Columbia are more likely to want to practice in communities closer to home." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
"Work with our post-secondary institutions to expand opportunities for medical students to get hands-on experience while completing their education. We need to build connections between students who seek to work in healthcare specifically in high need positions and communities (e.g., Healthcare Assistants)." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
"Expanding both domestic and international recruitment efforts to fill urgent needs within the system.
o We cannot improve access if we do not have the necessary staff. Out-of-province and international recruitment can provide an immediate stopgap to address staffing shortfalls.
o Out-of-province and international professionals that come to BC to practice in high need jurisdictions will have access to financial incentives."
—, retrieved 2024-10-08
"Taking all constitutionally permitted steps within the immigration system to nominate and accelerate applications for medical professionals.
o The federal government has had the ability to expedite applications for international medical professionals, but they have failed to do so.
o We will work with the federal government to ensure that applicants are able to acquire the necessary credentials to begin practicing in Canada immediately.
o We will identify ways to accelerate credential recognition to ensure that no British Columbian has skills that go to waste.
o We will build on the model of the Atlantic Physicians Registry and work with other provinces to simplify processes for medical professionals to move between jurisdictions."
—, retrieved 2024-10-08
BC Conservatives's promises
"Instead of simply throwing money at health facilities and hoping for the best (the “block grant” model), the Conservative Party will implement what has effectively worked well in European countries and Quebec – a policy known as “activity-based funding”.
This will see hospitals, Regional Health Authorities, and/or other non-government facilities funded based on their output – each time they treat patients for specific diagnostic and priority procedures, they receive additional funds. This approach incentivizes providers to be more efficient and treat as many patients as possible."
—, retrieved 2024-10-08
Long-term care
BC Conservatives's promises
Mental health
BC Conservatives's promises
"Enforcing maximum wait standards by establishing strict wait-time regulations for critical mental health conditions like schizophrenia, psychosis, and eating disorders, ensuring timely access to care. Waiting for months under the status quo is unacceptable." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
"Safety for patients and communities by making sure individuals who pose a threat to themselves or others are receiving treatment in secure facilities – not on the streets. The Mental Health Act and involuntary care practices will be reviewed so BC will never have a repeat of Eby’s refusal to place high-risk individuals in secure treatment." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
"Supporting increased family involvement by increasing treatment opportunities that foster collaborative engagement between patients and families throughout the continuum of care. This holistic approach not only enhances recovery, but also strengthens family bonds." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
"Mental health accountability by establishing an Independent Representative for Mental Health to provide oversight, public reporting, and accountability in our health system. More transparency will result in better outcomes for all British Columbians." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
"Repurpose and redevelop the Coquitlam Riverview site into a centre of excellence for mental healthcare and addictions recovery, including new secure treatment capacity. We will seek federal partnerships to expedite development and navigate complexities related to the Canada Health Act." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
"Build secure housing units to create safe facilities for the treatment of individuals who pose a risk to themselves, staff, or other patients. This will address urgent care needs while prioritising safety for all." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
"Strengthen mental health services across the province by identifying rural and interior communities with the greatest unmet needs, and making the necessary investments in mental health infrastructure to ensure fair access for all British Columbians." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
"Integrate mental health response into the 911 system, because a person in crisis should be able to receive support when it’s needed most. We will consult with medical experts and first responders to identify how to best improve rapid access to mental health support." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
"Expand Peer-Assisted Care Teams to alleviate pressure on emergency services and provide immediate support to those in need." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
Natal care
BC Conservatives's promises
"Introduce 1 month of paid compassionate leave for women who suffer miscarriage, ensuring women have the support and space needed to recover from miscarriage - without worrying about the pressures of work." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
"Establish a midwife degree program in Surrey: Working in partnership with an established post-secondary institution, we will establish a midwife degree program in Surrey to address the shortage of qualified midwives. Currently, the only midwife program in BC is located at UBC’s Point Grey campus." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
"Launch a 2-year degree conversion program for nurses, allowing registered nurses to transition into midwifery and further strengthen our healthcare workforce." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
BC Conservatives's promises
"Increase funding for home support services, eliminate daily user fees, and address the Better at Home program’s extensive waitlists." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
"Double the number Seniors’ Community Parks so our elders can stay in shape with age-appropriate outdoor exercise equipment." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
"Increase support and streamline care for seniors with dementia through a comprehensive, person-centered care pathway from early diagnosis to advanced stages." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
Sexual and reproductive health
BC Conservatives's promises
"Funding two rounds of IVF treatment: We will increase support for couples seeking fertility treatments by providing funding for first- and second-round in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatments, including for clinics outside BC until our capacity shortage is addressed."
"Expanding IVF capacity in BC by working in partnership with private sector experts to expand capacity in fertility clinics, ensuring that couples can access timely and effective care."
Technology and health
BC Conservatives's promises
"Conducting a thorough review of curricula to ensure congruency of the healthcare professional roles with present needs and future demands of emerging Artificially Intelligent Health Technologies (AIHTs)." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
"Creating a framework for AIHT in BC that ensures all usage improves the care of patients either directly or indirectly by using health service resources more productively. Any cost savings will be reinvested in BC healthcare - modern technology will work to help reduce wait times."—, retrieved 2024-10-08
"Ensuring that any introduction of any technology must be grounded in robust research evidence and a fit for purpose and framework that patients, public and staff can all trust. We will prioritize the importance of protecting privacy relating personal to health data and ensure health data cannot be disclosed without an individual’s full consent." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
BC Conservatives's promises
Women's health
BC Conservatives's promises
"Invest in cervical cancer prevention and research through education and awareness programming, enhanced screening options, expanded treatment research at UBC, and making the HPV vaccine free to all women." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
"Build on the success of OVCARE, a made-in-BC global leader in ovarian cancer research. We will work with OVCARE researchers to identify the resources needed to increase the impact of its world-leading research." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
Housing & Homelessness
Home construction and supply
BC Conservatives's promises
"Approve homes in months, not years: 6 months for a rezoning and development permit, and 3 months for a building permit. If a clear yes/no is not issued by city hall within the required timeline, the provincial government will issue the permits." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
"Require zoning to be proactive: We will work with cities to ensure that Zoning is changed at the same time as other land use policies, in what is sometimes referred to as “pre-zoning.” Even though Official Community Plans and Area Plans specify what types of buildings are encouraged, cities still require a unique rezoning for each building – adding years of delay that we can’t afford." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
"Trust BC professionals to do their job: Critical months and years are wasted by having bureaucracies second-guess the work of highly-skilled, regulated, and certified technical professionals like engineers and architects. We will enact Presumption of Compliance laws so municipal and provincial regulators must presume that BC’s professionals can perform + peer-review their work in accordance with the rules." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
"Remove NDP taxes on housing: The NDP is increasing construction costs by up to 30-40% - in the middle of a housing crisis. This hidden tax, called the “Step Code”, also results in dark, cookie-cutter homes, with few windows and diminished quality of life for residents. We will immediately repeal the Step Code, the radical “Net-Zero” mandate, and all other NDP hidden taxes on housing." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
"End over-regulation: Regulators often inflate the price of housing by over-stepping their role, such as by requiring endless design reviews or by forcing builders to give away brand new homes. These are heavy taxes on new housing, and they kill projects – often only the expensive ones can survive. We will amend the Local Government Act to prevent home-killing red tape." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
"Uphold the rule of law and defend property rights: Establish the BC Development Tribunal to hold regulators and politicians accountable to the rule of law and fair process." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
"Reform Development Cost Charges: Allow DCCs to be paid upon project completion, not as a front-loaded cost. We will also take action to prevent DCCs from being set at rates in excess of the “growth pays for growth” principle." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
"Make taxes fair for homeowners: The scale of the housing crisis will require significant changes to zoning. We will work with BC Assessment to make sure that current homeowners don’t get hit with higher tax bills based on future potential." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
"Repeal Bill 44: Local government needs the flexibility to plan in the way that works best for their communities. We will work with cities, not against them, to build the housing BC needs. Some municipalities support the provisions of Bill 44, and we will continue to assist them in implementation." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
"Create the Civic Infrastructure Renewal Fund: A $1 billion per year fund that will be available to municipalities who are taking action to get homes built. The funds will be available to municipalities whose zoning allows for viable Small-Scale Multi-Unit Housing on at least 2/3rds of residential land." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
Home purchases and ownership
BC Conservatives's promises
"Put all options on the table to get strata insurance costs under control: Strata residents shouldn’t be getting hosed. We will make sure that strata insurance rates charged to BC homeowners are based on the risks to property in BC, not the United States. If necessary to ensure a fair and competitive market, a publicly-owned option will be studied." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
"Put the Building Code to work: If the Building Code can help reduce insurance premiums by mandating better materials or installation techniques for key systems like plumbing, we will act to introduce these common-sense updates." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
Homeless services
BC Conservatives's promises
"Stop ramming-through “low barrier” facilities: We will never force any kind of “low-barrier” housing or shelter on a community that doesn’t want it. While many are good neighbours, some have had disastrous impacts – no one should have to worry about Victoria dictating that a risky facility gets built next door." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
Housing prices
BC Conservatives's promise
"1) Largest tax cut for renters and homeowners in BC history – $3,000 per month of rent or mortgage interest costs will be exempt from provincial income taxes. This will be achieved by issuing a tax credit worth 5.06% of eligible housing costs, equivalent to the rate of BC’s base tax bracket.
2) Immediate relief in Budget 2026 - by exempting $1,500 per month, increasing by $500 per year to the full level of $3,000 per month. This is a clear and long-term commitment to British Columbians who work hard.
3) A fair and fiscally responsible tax credit – The 2026 budget impact will not exceed $900 million, and we will design a targeted tax credit that ensures the relief goes to people who need it to get ahead in life." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
Public and affordable housing
BC Conservatives's promises
"Stop ramming-through “low barrier” facilities: We will never force any kind of “low-barrier” housing or shelter on a community that doesn’t want it. While many are good neighbours, some have had disastrous impacts – no one should have to worry about Victoria dictating that a risky facility gets built next door." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
"Conduct a forensic audit into BC Housing: The audit will include its relationship with politically-connected non-profits." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
"Provide professional training to non-profits building housing: Groups that receive tax dollars to build homes must be given training and support, so that public money is spent in a cost-effective and responsible manner." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
"Have zero tolerance for criminal and nuisance behavior related to government-funded housing facilities – social housing facilities will either be good neighbours, or have their funding revoked." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
Rental housing
BC Conservatives's promise
"Unlike condominiums, rental buildings pay-back builders over a timespan of 50 to 60 years – but the costs are front-loaded. The successful MURB tax incentive program (Multi-Unit Residential Building) from 1974-1982 created a strong supply of rental housing by allowing costs to offset taxable income from other sources.
A housing crisis calls for bold, creative solutions. The Conservative Party of BC will:
- Introduce real tax incentives for rental construction: We will work with the federal government to reintroduce a MURB tax incentive program for the 21st century. If Ottawa doesn’t play ball, we will introduce a made-in-BC version."
—, retrieved 2024-10-08
Jobs, Businesses, & Labour
BC Conservatives's promises
"Invest in agricultural R&D, focusing on disease-resistant crops, climate-resilient farming practices, and innovative technologies to improve crop varieties and livestock productivity." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
"Improve crop productivity by providing financial incentives for farmers to employ yield-increasing measures, including both conventional and alternative practices such as crop rotation, organic farming, and regenerative agriculture." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
"Expand access to advanced agricultural technologies by ensuring grant programs are easy for all farmers to apply for – not just the big players." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
"Help farmers access the capital needed to replant and nurture crops after the devastation of recent extreme weather events such as the heat dome and back-to-back cold snaps in our changing climate. Existing replant supports are insufficient." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
"Support tree fruit farmers by ensuring small farms can still get their products to market, and providing appropriate financial relief to farmers who incurred losses from the closure of the co-op." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
"Enhance pollinator populations by supporting farmers to employ beneficial practices for the bee population, improving crown land stewardship practices, and introducing policy changes to augment BC’s supply of pollinators." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
"Expand the Buy BC program to prioritize locally-produced dairy, fruits, wines, grains, meats, and other products on store shelves, giving British Columbians more access to home-grown products." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
"Increase local food processing by creating tax incentives that encourage dairy and fruit processors as well as other food manufacturing facilities to operate in BC. This boosts local manufacturing, reduces reliance on imports, and supports BC farmers by creating local markets for their products." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
"Review the Agricultural Land Commission to make sure that farmers have cost-effective and timely access to the supply chain for processing, distribution, and retail." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
"Launch land access incentives by providing tax relief or subsidies for small farmers renting land, making it more affordable for new entrants and small-scale operators to access land for agricultural use. This could include programs to convert unused or underused public land into small farm plots." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
"Establish a microloan program that provides small farmers with low-interest loans to purchase necessary equipment, seeds, or livestock, helping them overcome financial barriers to growth." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
"Invest in large-scale water storage and infrastructure by expanding reservoir capacity on farms and in rural communities. We will provide funding for on-farm water storage and irrigation systems, reducing dependence on fluctuating water sources." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
"Protect the agricultural water supply in legislation, to ensure farmers have secure and long-term access to water for food production." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
"Plan for water sustainability in partnership with farmers and ranchers to balance the water needs of food producers and local communities. These plans should include climate resilience measures and protections to sustain food production during droughts or floods." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
"Comprehensively research and monitor the state of BC’s water supply by measures including a research chair to conduct ongoing study into the state of water reserves and availability in BC for people, agriculture, and wildlife." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
Economic growth
BC Conservatives's promises
"Participate in the Canadian Northern Corridor initiative to build infrastructure that unlocks the potential of BC’s northern communities and regions." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
"Reduce the provincial regulatory burden by at least 25% over our first term. A Minister responsible for Red Tape Reduction and Deregulation will be appointed to identify and repeal and unnecessary red tape that ties-up our economy in bottlenecks." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
"Introduce a red-tape reduction law which requires the elimination of one regulation for every new one introduced."—, retrieved 2024-10-08
Forestry industry
BC Conservatives's promises
- "Define the land area that will be prioritized for the harvest of primary forest products.
A healthy forest sector needs stability and predictability. This is achieved by defining an area dedicated to providing primary forest products."
—, retrieved 2024-10-08
- "Replace stumpage with a value-added end product tax.
A value-added tax system will be instantaneously responsive to current market conditions, and it will encourage industry to get more value and jobs out of each log. Input credits will be created for higher-value products and better utilization of fibre: meaning the more a producer can do with the fibre, the more credits that will be created."
—, retrieved 2024-10-08
- "Implement a “One Project, One Permit” process.
“One Project, One Permit” will significantly reduce costs to all parties (i.e. government, First Nations, and companies) and make it viable to invest in BC forestry again."
—, retrieved 2024-10-08
"The core review will identify all unnecessary costs and red tape which have resulted in BC shipping forestry jobs to other provinces and the US. We will make sure the industry is competitive enough to ship products again, not jobs." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
"Encouraging the use of wood fibre in power generation and other secondary applications will create new revenue streams for the industry and government, protecting jobs and realizing the highest possible value per log." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
- "Change the annual allowable cut from a sawlog AAC to a fibre AAC.
Tree waste from harvesting is often left behind in the forests to be piled and burned. While there is a need to leave woody debris behind to help with habitat values, BC should account for this fibre and value it." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
"Focus harvesting on areas damaged by wildfires or forest health issues. By responding quickly, we can better-utilize the damaged fibre while doing the necessary work of rehabilitation and accelerated reforestation." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
"Return 20% of BC’s forests to First Nations, enabling Indigenous groups to manage these resources sustainably and in line with their traditions and values." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
Labour protections
BC Conservatives's promises
"Review Worksafe BC’s $2.1 Billion surplus in excess of its 130% funding target – the highest target in the country. If workers are getting all the support they need, part or all of the surplus should be returned to the employers who paid the premiums in the first place." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
"Create a right of employees, members of professional organizations and other workers to opt-out of workplace instruction sessions that contain political bias." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
Mining and minerals
BC Conservatives's promises
"Identify redundant regulations: We will conduct a full review of mining regulations – including the NDP’s changes to the Mining Act - with the aim of removing unnecessary or duplicative requirements that do not meaningfully contribute to safety or environmental protection." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
"Review tax competitiveness: To attract and retain investment, we will ensure a fair and competitive tax structure so BC remains a strong investment destination." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
"Establish BC as a global hub for critical minerals: We commit to “getting to yes” in as timely a manner as possible – working with, not against, project proponents to satisfy all environmental and safety requirements." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
"Strengthen Indigenous partnerships: We will work closely with Indigenous communities to build strong, mutually beneficial partnerships. As Minister of Reconciliation, John Rustad signed more deals with First Nations than any other Minister in BC history, and knows what it takes to build trust.
Clear and transparent consultation: Ambiguous expectations around consultation requirements can create an atmosphere of mistrust and frustration. Clarity and transparency will help all parties move forward together."
—, retrieved 2024-10-08
BC Conservatives's promises
"Increase the supplemental income cap for people receiving disability assistance. The current cap of $16,200 is too low - discouraging people from seeking work. Raising the cap would also reduce pressure on family members who currently often have to provide additional financial support." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
"Review disability assistance rates annually. NDP-Trudeau inflation has been devastating for people across BC, especially people with disabilities who rely on assistance payments to cover the costs of living. We will review rates annually to make sure people with disabilities have the support they need." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
Startups and small businesses
BC Conservatives's promises
"Boost access to capital for early-stage firms: Working in partnership with the private sector, we will work to close the gap in access to early-stage capital that often prevents BC entrepreneurs from scaling at the rate of their peers elsewhere." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
"Reduce the small business tax to 1%, with a path to 0% when finances allow, so entrepreneurs can keep their hard-earned money and have the best possible chance of succeeding." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
"Reduce barriers to arbitration for faster and more efficient commercial dispute resolutions." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
"Open procurement processes to all qualified contractors and workers, not just ones on a list of unions hand-selected by the NDP. The NDP would rather reward their friends than get the best value for taxpayers, making it costly to build the infrastructure BC desperately needs." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
"Modernize procurement to drive local innovation: We will modernize procurement practices to ensure that local tech innovators have a fair shot at government contracts. This will boost the reputation of BC tech firms, help attract investors, and make government services more efficient." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
"Work with cities to reduce business permit wait times by publishing average wait times, auditing the policies and processes in cities that are identified as laggards, and providing recommendations for improvement." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
Tech sector
BC Conservatives's promises
"Invest in home-grown talent: We will direct more post-secondary funding to programs that give students the skills to succeed in tech and that enhance BC’s research & development capacity." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
"Major local economic sectors like forestry, mining, agriculture, healthcare, and education stand to benefit from made-in-BC tech innovation. We will work with key sectors to accelerate the adoption of innovative technology developed by BC firms." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
BC Conservatives's promise
BC Conservatives's promises
"Enhance flexibility in education delivery by expanding remote learning options, in addition to education during evenings and weekends." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
Society & Government
BC Conservatives's promises
"Bring a vote on the IHRA Definition of Antisemitism to the floor on day one – whether as part of the government or Official Opposition, forcing the NDP to show where they stand on this critical issue of defining and condemning antisemitism once and for all." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
"Link funding for B.C. universities to upholding student safety to hold universities accountable for the safety of all their students, including Jewish students. Provincial funding will be tied directly to ensuring universities protect their students from antisemitic harassment and violence on campus. Institutions that fail to protect students from hate will not receive a penny more of taxpayer money." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
"Launch a full and thorough investigation into Samidoun, a group with known ties to extremism. We cannot allow organizations with extremist views to operate freely in our province, spreading hatred and inciting violence." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
"Increase the provincial government’s commitment to the JWest project, a cultural and community hub for BC’s Jewish population that represents the future of Jewish life in B.C." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
"Appoint a dedicated Special Advisor to monitor and combat antisemitism. This Special Advisor will liaise with law enforcement, educational institutions, and communities to implement strategies to fight antisemitism at every level and will work with the Premier in the Premier’s Office." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
"Implement a long-term funding plan for community security, ensuring Jewish institutions, synagogues, schools, and cultural centers have the resources they need to keep their members safe." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
"Implement mandatory antisemitism training for law enforcement and politicians in collaboration with the Simon Wiesenthal Center. Our leaders and those charged with protecting us need to understand the depths of antisemitism and be equipped to root it out." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
"Conduct an immediate inquiry into the BC Teachers’ Federation’s role in pushing biased materials that promote one-sided views on the Israel-Palestine conflict. A directive will be issued from the Ministry of Education to cease the use of the current Israel-Palestine teachers guide. There is no place for political indoctrination in our classrooms, and the safety and dignity of Jewish students must be protected at all times." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
"A directive will be issued from the Ministry of Education to cease the use of the current Israel-Palestine teachers guide." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
BC Conservatives's promises
Child welfare and children in care
BC Conservatives's promise
"We are committed to transferring authority for child welfare and family services to First Nations, enabling communities to raise their children according to their cultural values and traditions. The Matriarchs and rights holders that are identified by First Nations leadership will lead the change." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
Elections and democratic engagement
BC Conservatives's promises
"Respect the right of peaceful protest, while ensuring stronger enforcement and tougher penalties for those who incite violence or block access to critical infrastructure including highways, roadways, bridges and ports." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
"Ensure police are tasked with protecting the right of the public and emergency vehicles to get to where they’re going, not the handful of protesters standing in their way." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
BC Conservatives's promises
"Promote Transparency in government by enacting reforms to achieve such a high level of vuluntary and mandatory disclosure that FOIs can become obsolete. It’s time to bring government our of the shadows." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
"Stop any instances of compelled speech in the public service and in public institutions in which individuals feel compelled to provide their pronouns or give land acknowledgements, while ensuring those that choose to make such statements are able to do so." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
Indigenous reconciliation
BC Conservatives's promises
"We will act to secure the well-being of Indigenous communities ignored by Ottawa: Whether it be through providing clean water, adequate housing, or other critical infrastructure. Where the federal government fails to act, the province will step-up; the province will then pursue reimbursement from the federal government through the appropriate legal avenues, ensuring that Ottawa’s responsibilities are met. UNDRIP will continue to be the guiding framework for this accountability." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
"Returning land to First Nations is critical for achieving economic self-sufficiency while addressing legal uncertainties surrounding rights and title. This approach will help resolve long-standing issues related to Section 35 of the Constitution, which recognizes and affirms the existing Indigenous and treaty rights of First Nations.
- The Conservative Party of BC is committed to the strategic and collaborative return of land to First Nations, enabling bands to forge their own economic future."
—, retrieved 2024-10-08
"Return 20% of BC’s forests to First Nations, enabling Indigenous groups to manage these resources sustainably and in line with their traditions and values." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
- "Our government will honour the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) as it was intended: the central set of guiding principles for how governments can recognize and strengthen the rights and wellbeing of Indigenous peoples.
- Our government will work in partnership with First Nations to develop new legislation that advances, not stalls, economic reconciliation and Indigenous autonomy. This is a process that will be grounded in the aspirations and rights of Indigenous peoples."
—, retrieved 2024-10-08
"We are committed to transferring authority for child welfare and family services to First Nations, enabling communities to raise their children according to their cultural values and traditions. The Matriarchs and rights holders that are identified by First Nations leadership will lead the change." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
"Implement the Calls to Action of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, including education about the lasting trauma caused by the residential school system, and education that promotes understanding of Indigenous history, culture, and the need for reconciliation." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
Justice system
BC Conservatives's promises
"Create a new statutory court to hold trials for small criminal offences within 1 week of arrest, instead of 12-18 months at present. The right to choice of counsel will be upheld." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
People with disabilities
BC Conservatives's promises
"Increase the supplemental income cap for people receiving disability assistance. The current cap of $16,200 is too low - discouraging people from seeking work. Raising the cap would also reduce pressure on family members who currently often have to provide additional financial support." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
"For a person with a disability, a job can be a pathway to independence or a means to enhance quality of life. In consultation with people with disabilities and employers, we will identify and act on the regulatory changes or new policies needed to support entry into the workforce." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
"Review disability assistance rates annually. NDP-Trudeau inflation has been devastating for people across BC, especially people with disabilities who rely on assistance payments to cover the costs of living. We will review rates annually to make sure people with disabilities have the support they need." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
- "Expand HandyDART services to areas of greatest need, ensuring seniors have access to affordable, reliable transportation.
- Strictly enforce service quality standards for HandyDART contractors to improve transportation reliability for seniors."
—, retrieved 2024-10-08
Public safety
BC Conservatives's promises
"Protect seniors from digital fraud and scams through targeted awareness and education campaigns." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
"Create a provincial school liaison officer program, with anti-gang and at-risk student programming." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
"Ensure full investigations into politically-motivated vandalism and arson of places of worship, and support repairs to, and the re-building of, vandalized or burned churches, synagogues, mosques, other places of worship." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
Transit & Transportation
BC Ferries
BC Conservatives's promises
"Hold the BC Ferry Authority accountable: We will ensure that coastal communities have a strong voice in ferry operations. A BC Ferries Charter will be established to clearly outline the performance and service expectations of the Ferry Authority. Should they fail to meet these expectations, we will seek new leadership capable of delivering the reliable and timely service residents depend on." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
"Hold management accountable: Coastal residents deserve dependable service. We will tie a portion of executive compensation to performance metrics, ensuring that BC Ferries’ leadership is directly accountable for meeting service delivery commitments." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
"Help frequent users: Many coastal and island residents are travelling regularly for work. We will consult with commuters and other frequent users to design a monthly flat-fee program or other measures that will improve certainty and reduce the hassle of frequent ticket purchases." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
"Explore innovative technology including small electric autonomous and semi- autonomous ferries for walk-on passengers, which are operating successfully in Europe and have the potential to improve service on shorter routes with high walk-on demand." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
"End the bottlenecks: Critical routes such as Horseshoe Bay, Departure Bay, and Tsawwassen have long been over-capacity, with no meaningful action from the BC NDP. We will direct the Ferry Authority to resolve these issues and require public reporting on solutions and timelines." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
"Introduce domestic content scenarios to RFPs so decision makers can evaluate bids for scenarios with and without BC suppliers, to ensure that the full extent of potential benefits to British Columbians are being evaluated alongside lowest-bid scenarios." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
Electric vehicles
BC Conservatives's promise
Fuel and transportation costs
BC Conservatives's promises
"Eliminate the PST on affordable used vehicles that have already had PST charged on them. Double taxation is unfair, especially for basic cars that people need for their commute. Additionally, we will reverse the NDP’s tax grab and ensure that any PST charged on a used vehicle is based on the sale price, not an arbitrary value made-up by the government." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
"Index the vehicle Luxury Tax to average vehicle values to reflect car price inflation, and ensure people are not punished for buying vehicles needed for work. The so-called ‘luxury tax’ kicks-in at $55,000, even though the average price of a new car sold in BC is $66,000." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
"Prioritise traffic safety over ticket revenue by requiring speed cameras and road safety units to be highly visible. This will improve deterrence, increase fairness for drivers, and prevent reactionary law enforcement tactics that lead to distracted driving.
o We believe the primary role of traffic enforcement should be to promote road safety via visibility and deterrence, with penalties for those who break the law."
— Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
BC Conservatives's promises
"Make sure individuals with life-altering injuries receive proper representation to fight for what they need to get their lives back on track." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
BC Conservatives's promises
"Commit to a new bridge across Okanagan Lake by working with the cities of Kelowna and West Kelowna to identify a preferred route, then adding the project into the provincial capital plan for completion no later than 2032." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
"Upgrade Highway 19 in Nanaimo with grade separation at the most dangerous and congested intersections." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
"Identify and rebuild outdated Hwy 1 exits and interchanges that are past their useful life, are unsafe, and responsible for bottlenecks, such as Brunette Ave. in Coquitlam." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
Inter-city transportation
BC Conservatives's promises
Public transit
BC Conservatives's promises
"Fund key projects in the Transport 2050 plan, working with municipal leaders and TransLink to identify the highest-priority projects which may include expansions of SkyTrain, Bus Rapid Transit, Rapid Bus, and express and local bus services." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
"Implement a zero-tolerance policy for drug use, threats, and violence on public transit. Offences against both riders and operators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, and we will work with TransLink and the Transit Police to make sure they have all tools needed to keep the system safe." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
- "Expand HandyDART services to areas of greatest need, ensuring seniors have access to affordable, reliable transportation.
- Strictly enforce service quality standards for HandyDART contractors to improve transportation reliability for seniors."
—, retrieved 2024-10-08
- "Fully fund TransLink for two years to maintain uninterrupted, reliable service. Commuters shouldn’t need to worry about whether they can get to work or school. We will ensure full funding for transit as the financial model is audited.
- Audit and reform TransLink's financial model to ensure the long-term availability of funding that not just maintains service, but fuels expansion for the future."
—, retrieved 2024-10-08
Transit funding
BC Conservatives's promise
- "Fully fund TransLink for two years to maintain uninterrupted, reliable service. Commuters shouldn’t need to worry about whether they can get to work or school. We will ensure full funding for transit as the financial model is audited.
- Audit and reform TransLink's financial model to ensure the long-term availability of funding that not just maintains service, but fuels expansion for the future."
—, retrieved 2024-10-08
Walkable, bikable communities
BC Conservatives's promise
"Support transit-oriented communities: People deserve to live in complete communities near transit, not just dormitories. Bill 47 (Transit Oriented Areas) will be amended to ensure each new transit-oriented community is providing space for grocery stores and small businesses within walking distance of home." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
Misc. topics
BC Conservatives's promise
"Lowering financial barriers to adoption: The Conservative Party will reduce costs to families pursuing adoption, helping to offset the often-high costs associated with the process and ensuring that more children can find permanent and loving homes." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
Artificial Intelligence
BC Conservatives's promises
"Develop a BC AI Strategy: We will drive growth in AI by investing in talent development, attracting investment, and equipping start-ups with the tools needed to compete on a global scale." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
"Support local AI model training: With privacy as the top priority, we will explore opportunities to leverage BC data in training AI models to produce next-generation applications that have potential to improve the efficiency and quality of services." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
"Ensure ethical AI governance: Our AI strategy will include clear regulations for responsible development and use of AI technologies, with a focus on transparency, accountability, and human oversight." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
Provincial name and flag
BC Conservatives's promise
"Stand firm against suggestions that British Columbia change its name or flag such as the motion introduced at the annual meeting of the BC local governments, or that we should stop referring to ourselves collectively as ‘British Columbians.’" — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15
David Busch has a lifelong drive to expand his knowledge and apply it to solve problems, David's career spans healthcare, law, and education. His commitment to his community and conservative values underscores his dedication to improving the lives of his constituents..
About David Busch
David Busch is a dynamic and knowledgeable candidate for the Conservative Party of BC in Saanich North and the Islands. With a lifelong drive to expand his knowledge base and apply it to solve problems, David's multifaceted career spans healthcare, law, and education. His commitment to community service and conservative values underscores his dedication to improving the lives of his constituents.
Professional Career
David has been a lawyer in Saanich for over a decade and currently runs his own law firm. He has represented clients from Small Claims to the Court of Appeal in BC and Alberta and taught law for the University of Victoria. David holds two Bachelor of Science degrees, one in Biochemistry and another in Nursing, as well as a Juris Doctor of Law. His extensive experience in healthcare includes working as a Critical Care and Pediatric Cardiology Registered Nurse and teaching Nursing at Laurentian University and the University of Alberta. Motivated by the challenges he witnessed in the healthcare system, David pursued a career in law. After completing his articles at a national law firms, he spent six years as a litigator at BC ‘s largest litigation-focused legal firm in Vancouver.
Community Involvement
David's community engagement is extensive and varied. He has been an active promoter of conservative values for over two decades and served as the federal Conservative candidate for Saanich Gulf Islands in the 2019 and 2021 elections. His deep concern for the community's welfare is evident in his proactive approach to addressing local issues. As a recreational triathlete and outdoors enthusiast, David is often seen participating in community events, whether riding his bike or running the trails around the Saanich Peninsula.
Reason for running
Healthcare Reform.
Economic Growth.
Environmental Stewardship.
Vision: David's vision for Saanich North and the Islands is centered on practical solutions and a commonsense conservative approach. He aims to address three key areas:
- Healthcare Reform: Leveraging his extensive background in healthcare, David is committed to improving the healthcare system, focusing on better access to care, reducing wait times, and supporting healthcare professionals.
- Economic Growth: David plans to support local businesses, attract new investments, and create job opportunities to ensure a thriving economy. He is dedicated to making Vancouver Island a more affordable place to live, work, and raise a family.
- Environmental Stewardship: Recognizing the unique environmental assets of the region, David advocates for sustainable practices that protect natural resources while balancing development needs.
David’s dedication to his family, his wife Dr. Rajala and their two sons, Alexander and Gregory, drives his commitment to ensuring a better future for all residents. He envisions a community where families can enjoy a high quality of life and access to essential services in a safe and prosperous environment.