Jeremy Valeriote

Affordability, housing, regional transit, climate action, health and well-being.

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Jeremy is a geological engineer with over 20 years of experience in environmental consulting and local government.

Jeremy was elected to Town of Gibsons council and ran for the BC Greens in West Vancouver - Sea to Sky in 2020, coming within 60 votes (0.2%) of being elected as the first-ever mainland BC Green MLA. He is passionate about innovative, evidence-based solutions, a more collaborative approach to cross-partisan politics, and working to ensure a healthy planet for his 10-year old twin daughters and for the future of our human species.

Reason for running

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Jeremy is running because he wants to work for a secure future for his 10-year old twin daughters.

He believes that more scientists and engineers are needed in politics, to respond to the existential threat of climate change, and to promote innovation and entrepreneurship for the transition to a green economy.