Colleen Hardwick

TEAM's policies are based on Livable City principles that balance housing, mobility, community amenities, commercial activity and affordability.

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Former City Councillor 2018-2022

My name is Colleen Hardwick. I served on Vancouver City Council from 2018-2022. Originally, I was elected under the NPA banner, but left that party after continued shenanigans. 

In 2021, I was one of the founders of TEAM for a Livable Vancouver, and ran for mayor in 2022.

My background academically is in geography, political science and urban planning. My father, Dr. Walter Hardwick taught Urban Geography at UBC for 37 years, and he was one of the founders of the original TEAM. I was 10 years old when he was first elected to City Council, so I have a deep personal background and understanding of the City, and its history.

My professional background is as a serial entrepreneur in the film & television and digital technology industries. I was a pioneer in the local film industry and a trailblazer as a woman entrepreneur. My first company, New City Productions, produced dozens of film and TV projects in the 1990s. In 2006, I won the Marshall McLuhan Award for new media innovation for my first tech start up, MovieSet which sadly got caught in the 2008 financial crash. My second digital startup, PlaceSpeak, has been supported by the National Research Council of Canada, recognized for its innovation in establishing digital trust in online civic engagement,

I am a mother of two and now grandmother of two. My husband and I live in Kitsilano. I am committed to doing everything I can to ensure that future generations will be able to afford to continue living in Vancouver.

Reason for running

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I am running in this by-election because it is critical for me to get back on City Council. 

This by-election is the "thin edge of the wedge” leading up to the 2026 civic election. I have come to believe that the 2026 civic election is the last chance we will have to turn the ship around, and course-correct from the damage that has been done at City Hall going back to 2008, the financial crash, and the election of Gregor Robertson and Vision. Structural mistakes made back then continue to plague our city today, and sadly were perpetuated under Kennedy Stewart and now Ken Sim and ABC.

Voters certainly have ‘buyer’s remorse' with Ken Sim and ABC. Voters wanted to get rid of Kennedy Stewart and bought the narrative that Ken Sim was the best option and voting for me and TEAM would split the vote. Today, Vancouverites have come to the conclusion that it was a bad move.

Are people happy? No. Taxes have increased higher than they did under Kennedy Stewart. And services have continued to decline. Sadly, the City has downplayed essential services in favour of vanity projects and so-called “Council priorities”. The City is still dirty, unruly and unsafe.

The number one concern is Housing Affordability. Yet the City continues to steamroll existing affordable rental housing, particularly within the Broadway Plan area. Ever since the City hitched its wagon to the Property Development industry, it has been effectively selling zoning to generate revenue to fund its expansion, which has had the negative consequence of inflating land values exponentially.  

Sadly, people thought they were voting for ‘an accountant’ and ‘businessman’ who would sort things out at City Hall. They actually elected someone who didn’t have the background, knowledge or experience about how the City works in the first place; how it got into this position, let alone how to fix it. But, I know.

Local democracy has been further eroded under the current regime. Residents are impediments, and derided as ‘NIMBY’s” as they try to influence the future direction of the City. My analysis has shown that this attitude is tied to the City’s addiction to development revenue.

Worse still is Ken Sim’s vendetta against the elected Park Board, suggesting that abolishing it will save ‘millions’! This is of course untrue. Vision’s Core Services review consolidated park board facilities management into the City’s REFM department. Removing fiduciary control of the Park Board over Park land, and transferring it to the City’s real estate department will make disposition of land easier.

Please re-elect me to City Council so I can act as informed opposition to this incompetent ABC Council. I will shine a light on what is broken and set the stage for a turnaround in 2026.

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