Affordability platforms
Here's what the candidates in District 1: Souris - Elmira, and their parties, are promising.Cell & Internet services
Create a $20M fund to provide grants to Early Learning Centres to expand
Build childcare centres in all new public buildings, until wait lists are eliminated
Designate six more early learning centres this year
Create a pension plan for Early Childhood Educators this year
Start a national recruitment campaign for Early Childhood Educators to live and work in PEI
Give grants to private developers who build childcare centres into multi-unit buildings in under-served regions
Add more spaces to existing facilities
Build new facilities in rural areas
Support training and professional development opportunities fro childcare staff
Develop province-wide before- and after-school childcare programmes
Increase wages of childcare workers
Increase the number of childcare spaces
Negotiate with the federal government for further funding to reduce childcare costs
Immediately increase wages for early childhood educators to at least a living wage
Dental care and optometry
Food prices
Fuel and transportation costs
Work with the federal government to reduce bridge and ferry tolls to $20
Support eliminating fees on the Confederation Bridge and Wood Islands ferry
Reduce or eliminate fees for transportation services like Pat and the Elephant and Transportation West
Minimum wage
Review the annual minimum wage process
"Committing to reviewing the annual minimum wage process and developing a long-term strategy to create a transparent, fair, and predictable process that takes private wage trends into account" — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22
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Increase the minimum wage to $17/hour, and tie it to inflation
Create a plan for providing a guaranteed livable basic income
Immediately increase the minimum wage to $15.20
Increase the minimum wage by at least $1/year until it reaches a living wage
Start a basic income pilot project, and advocate for financial support from the federal government for a full UBI programme
"A living wage was estimated a few years ago at around $19-$20 an hour. With recent inflation this is likely now around $21-$22 per hour.
Raising the minimum wage by $1 per year would be much more rapid than increases in recent years. It would likely be well ahead of inflation, thus closing the gap more every year. We would aim to have minimum wage catch up to the living wage in about 5 years.
One of their main challenges of minimum wage increases for businesses is that they have little time to adjust and plan for their labour costs. Currently, government gives businesses approximately 6 months notice for minimum wage increases. Having a clear plan on what minimum wage increases will be coming over the next several years will provide much more predictability for businesses and allow them to plan ahead for how they will meet their labour costs." — backgrounder, 2023-03-10
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Increase social assistance supports to counter inflation
Increase rental subsidies for low-income Islanders
Increase allowable income under social assistance programmes
Create a plan for providing a guaranteed livable basic income
Broaden eligibility and double annual support through the PEI Home Heating Program until 2025
Start a basic income pilot project, and advocate for financial support from the federal government for a full UBI programme
Increase the Assured Income Allowance for Islanders with disabilities
Increase social assistance rates and index them to inflation
Raise income thresholds for accessing government programmes
Prescription drugs & pharmacare
Public transit
Invest in an Island-wide transit system
Add more routes
"Continue to make investments in the Island-wide transit system, keeping fares at $2 per trip and adding more routes, to make it more affordable to get to and from work." —, 2023-03-17
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Increase investment in public transit
Develop a regional and urban public transit network
Offer free public transit for people with incomes under $40K
Create a province-wide, publicly-owned transit system, run on renewable energy
Add more urban and rural public transit routes
Increase the operating grant to the Capital Area public transit system
Renew transit subsidies to keep bus fares fares affordable
Increase the frequency of buses
Student loans
Tax measures and rebates
Roll back property taxes to 2020 rates
Provide a $500 tax credit for volunteers with registered charities and non-profits
Increase the Seniors Tax Credit to $6,510, and raise the threshold to $36K
Increase the Basic Personal Exemption Amount to $15K over the next 4 years
Give back more of the provincial portion of the quarterly HST rebate to eligible Islanders
Create a new tax bracket for the highest income earners
Create additional tax brackets for high incomes
Index tax brackets to inflation
"PEI’s tax brackets are antiquated, having not been updated since 2008. A Green Government would make changes to PEI’s tax system to make it fairer for Islanders and in particular would:
● Raise the low-income tax reduction threshold from $20,000 to $25,000 over 4 years,
● Create additional tax brackets to better tax high incomes; and
● Index tax brackets to inflation to protect against bracket creep and keep more money in the pockets of Islanders." — backgrounder, 2023-03-10
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