Health & Healthcare platforms
Here's what the candidates in District 1: Souris - Elmira, and their parties, are promising.Access to abortion services
Fully-fund medical and surgical abortion services, and increase access across the Island, especially in rural areas
Ambulance and emergency wait-times
Hire more physician assistants and nurse practitioners to provide Emergency Room care
Make virtual care apps like Maple free
Set up a task force to create a plan for reducing delays when offloading patients from ambulances
Hire more care providers and patient advocates to provide waiting room support
Provide up to $20k more funding to fire departments offering Medical First Responder services
Add four full-time ambulances
Provide free tuition for primary and advanced care paramedics who serve in PEI for two years
Offer recruitment incentives for rural paramedic positions
Make the Premier in charge of healthcare for two years
Hire physician assistants to ease pressure on regional hospitals
Provide speical bonus funding for secure staffing at district hospital emergency rooms
Create a publicly-owned agency to operate extramural emergency medical services
Provide clear standards for the delivery of ER services and ambulance response times
Expand Holland College's paramedic training programmes
Add dedicated staff to ER waiting rooms to do assessments and communicate with patients
Increase paramedic wages, at least to be in-line with other Maritime provinces
Chronic pain
Dental care and optometry
Remove the age requirement on the Diabetes Insulin Pump Program
Expand funding for diabetes treatment
"Expand funding for diabetes treatment so that Islanders have access to timely and affordable diabetes care" — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22
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Increase diabetes supports and education
Drugs and addiction
Fitness and wellbeing
Gender-affirming care
Provide and cover a full range of gender-affirming care services
Health PEI and culture in the system
Long-term care
Expand electronic medical records to manors and nursing homes
Increase the monthly comfort allowance for residents in care
Make the national long-term care standards mandatory
Expand nursing care for treating dementia patients in public and private facilities
Develop new expanded training programmes for long-term care
Pay community care facilities and nursing care facilities the same for non-health services
Prioritise livable wages, stable work, and health and safety for long-term and home-care workers
Improving living spaces, programming, and staffing for residents with dementia and severe impairment
Require a standard number of daily hours of care for nursing home and community care residents
Expand the scope of practice of personal care workers
Invest in training programmes and incentives to address staffing shortages
Push back on privatisation
Offer low-interest loans to private long-term care facilities to make capital improvements
Transition away from for-profit care by giving government an ownership stake in for-profit homes
Add new long-term care beds in the public system
Legislate national standards for long-term care
Review long-term care and community care home fees
"Islanders have expressed concerns about the rising cost of community care and long-term care, and how much families of seniors in care are expected to pay. There are also concerns about the amount of a senior’s income and assets are required to be given up when they enter care. A Green government would immediately review these fees and regulations to make sure Islanders are not paying more than is necessary." — backgrounder, 2023-03-17
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Mental health
Provide funding for a dedicated resource to provide mental health support to the Autism Society of PEI's members and their families
Create a 10-year plan for providing accommodations to people living with mental illness without stable housing
Add counselling positions to family clinics and emergency rooms
Build a new mental health hospital
Do a full review of the Mental Health Act
Increase funding to the adult ADHD clinic, and make it permanent
Natal care
Prescription drugs & pharmacare
Prevention and treatment
Improve access to programmes that support healthy living and disease prevention
Provide comprehensive services for people with, or at risk of, HIV, including harm reduction and anonymous HIV testing
Provide free water safety lessons to all primary age students
Primary care
Add 16 more Patient Medical Homes by the end of 2024
Make virtual care apps like Maple free
Add 100 new full-time positions supporting medical homes
Create Mobile Primary Care Clinics
Launch walk-in clinics led by nurse practitioners
Attach all patients on the Patient Registry to a Medical Home within the next 2 years
Expand the Charlottetown and Summerside Primary Care Access Clinics, and open new ones in West Prince and Kings County
Allow people to access telehealth services at libraries and Access PEI locations
Build a new facility for the Harbourside Medical Clinic in Summerside
Regional healthcare
Rural healthcare
Senior at-home care
Provide $500/year rebates for home-based medical alert systems
Add 50 new positions over 2 years to provide home care services and support for patients discharged from hospitals
Expand the home-care budget
Prioritise livable wages, stable work, and health and safety for long-term and home-care workers
Push back on privatisation
Expand homecare services
Seniors' health & services
Increase the Seniors Tax Credit to $6,510, and raise the threshold to $36K
Create a PEI Retirement Pension Plan, with benefits indexed to inflation
Increase supports for reducing the cost of hearing aids
Increase resources for the Seniors Navigator
Increase funding for the Seniors Independence Initiative
Sexual and reproductive health
Provide access to free contraceptive care
Later expand to fertility treatment
Provide public coverage for prescription contraceptives
"Increase investments in women’s reproductive health starting with public coverage for prescription contraceptives and expansion to fertility treatment funding" — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22
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Invest in public education about sexuality, gender, consent, and sexual and reproductive health
Fully cover contraceptive drugs and devices
Provide comprehensive services for people with, or at risk of, HIV, including harm reduction and anonymous HIV testing
Provide free access to birth control, including oral contraceptives and intrauterine devices
Speech and hearing
Staffing shortages
Make on-Island tuition free for RCWs, LPNs, and Paramedics who serve in PEI for two years, and provide bursaries for LPNs, RNs, and Paramedics who study off-Island
Provide free licenses for returning healthcare workers who want to do casual or part-time work
Guarantee that students studying in healthcare will get full-time positions the day after they graduate
Legislate recognition of domestic and foreign RCW, LPN, and RN credentials
Work with post-secondary institutions to help retrain RCWs as LPNs and LPNs as RNs, while keeping them at work
Fast-track licensing of foreign-trained health professionals
Hire physician assistants to ease pressure on regional hospitals
Create a travel nurse programme
Start a study to figure out if a medical school is the best way to address staffing shortages
Cut back on administrative work for health professionals
Regularly review wages to ensure they're competitive with other provinces
Training more staff
Make on-Island tuition free for RCWs, LPNs, and Paramedics who serve in PEI for two years, and provide bursaries for LPNs, RNs, and Paramedics who study off-Island
Guarantee that students studying in healthcare will get full-time positions the day after they graduate
Start an Emergency Medicine Residency Program
Work with post-secondary institutions to help retrain RCWs as LPNs and LPNs as RNs, while keeping them at work
Fully-fund the new medical faculty at UPEI
Expand Holland College's paramedic training programmes
Start a study to figure out if a medical school is the best way to address staffing shortages
Increase UPEI training seats for Nurse Practitioners
Create a Physician Assistant training programme at UPEI