Allow seniors to defer some or all of their annual property taxes with interest until the home is sold
"The median income for Manitoba seniors aged 65 and older was $34,800 in 2021. Through a new property tax deferment program, the provincial government would pay deferred taxes to local governments on a qualifying senior’s behalf, which would be repaid with interest when a home is sold—ensuring the program is cost-neutral." — pcmanitoba.com, 2023-09-07
Provide a $500 tax credit for walkers, wheelchairs, and home improvements
"Several such tax deferral programs already exist in jurisdictions across Canada, including Alberta, British Columbia, and Saskatchewan, Johnston noted. A re-elected PC government will also introduce a new $500 tax credit to help cover the cost of equipment such as walkers and wheelchairs, and improvements to their home, Johnston added." — pcmanitoba.com, 2023-09-07