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Natural Resources & Extraction platforms

Here's what the candidates in Windsor—Tecumseh, and their parties, are promising.



  • Maintain removal of salmon farms from the Discovery Islands.
  • Assign responsibility for industry growth to another department, so DFO can focus on enforcement.
  • Create a modern Aquaculture Act.
  • Ensure the DFO & CFIA are adequately resourced.
  • Strengthen salmon farm monitoring reqs.

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• Maintain the decision to remove salmon farms from the Discovery Islands, but model the transition after the process that has been undertaken in the Broughton Archipelago to be more respectful of local First Nations, communities, and workers;

• Assign responsibility for the management and sustainable growth of the sector to a department other than DFO so that DFO can be solely focused on enforcement;

• Create a modern Aquaculture Act that can help restore public confidence;

• Ensure the roles of DFO and the CFIA are clearly defined in the National Aquatic Animal Health Program and adequately resourced;

• Strengthen monitoring requirements for salmon farms;

• Develop, in consultation with industry, First Nations, communities and other stakeholders, a comprehensive Salmon Aquaculture Management Strategy that addresses both the risks and opportunities of this sector; and

• Develop a tax incentive program for the development and adoption of technologies that reduce contact between wild and farmed salmon.

Canada's Recovery Plan, retrieved 2021-08-18

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Work with BC and First Nations to support switching to land-based closed-containment systems.

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We will fully implement the recommendations of the Cohen Commission and work with the province of British Columbia and First Nations to support the transition to land-based closed-containment systems.

Ready for Better, retrieved 2021-08-27

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We don't have any Liberal policies on Aquaculture.


  • Work with Indigenous & provincial governments to phase out open net-pen finfish aquaculture in Pacific waters by 2025 & all Canadian waters by 2030.
  • Support a just transition for impacted workers.
  • Incentivise the move to land-based closed containment facilities.



  • Prioritize stock assessments, stock recovery planning, & enforcement of catch limits, incorporating climate change risks.
  • Work w/ Indigenous rights-holders & commercial harvesters to develop management plans.
  • Create a Seafood Development Agency.
  • Develop a Pacific Salmon Strategy.

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• Prioritize stock assessments, stock recovery planning and enforcement of science-based catch limits because these have been shown to be the most important predictors of well-managed fisheries. We will also ensure that stock recovery plans incorporate climate change risks.

• Strengthen the role of advisory bodies in fisheries management to enhance cooperation between resource users and ensure that commercial, recreational, and cultural fishers can all have confidence in management decisions.

• Work collaboratively with Indigenous rights-holders and commercial harvesters to develop management plans which fulfill the rights recognized in the Marshall decisions, protect the sustainability of our fisheries, and ensure that coastal communities can continue to thrive.

• Improve the Marine Protected Area (MPA) designation processes by:

° Ensuring that MPAs are focused on contributing to the sustainability of critical stocks;

° Restoring meaningful public consultation to the MPA process; and

° Exploring the feasibility of new models, such as dynamic MPAs, that will improve climate change resiliency.

• Work with stakeholders, First Nations, and regional jurisdictions to implement ecosystem-based fisheries management, including control of abundant predator populations which impact commercial and SARA-listed species.

• Update and strengthen DFO’s national aquatic invasive species program and ensure that the Aquatic Invasive Species Regulations are being implemented.

• Address illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing, seafood fraud and ghost gear.

• Restore community-based conservation initiatives like the Recreational Fisheries Conservation Partnerships Program, provide more support for hatcheries, and support public conservation education initiatives.

• Create a Canadian Seafood Development Agency to advance the sustainable growth of the sector

° The Agency will be responsible for developing a long-term strategy and sustainable growth plan in partnership with the provinces.

• Work with governments and communities in Nunatsiavut, Nunavut, Nunavik, and the Inuvialuit Settlement Region to develop community-based marine fisheries, which will help create employment and fight local and regional food insecurity.

° For communities across Inuit Nunangat, oceans are an essential lifeline and source of food.

Canada's Recovery Plan, retrieved 2021-08-18

Building on the commitments already outlined above, we will develop a Pacific Salmon Strategy focused on making measurable progress toward restoring at-risk stocks. This will include:

• Enforcing a strict timeline for the completion of stock assessments;

• Prioritizing funding for community-led habitat restoration or other projects that support at-risk stocks;

• Ensuring the Salmonid Enhancement Program is sufficiently resourced to support at-risk stocks;

• Increasing support for and engagement with Indigenous- and community-led hatchery and enhancement projects;

• Implementing mass-marking programs at BC fish hatcheries and allowing mark-selective harvest of salmon in BC’s sport fishery, protecting sensitive fish populations while maintaining the health of BC’s public fishery;

• Creating a pinniped management plan that will address threats to at-risk stocks in a balanced way; and

• Identifying the likelihood of future threats due to climate change.

Canada's Recovery Plan, retrieved 2021-08-18

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  • Fully implement Cohen Commission recommendations.
  • Work with BC and First Nations to support transition to land-based closed-containment systems.
  • Allocate resources to fisheries on the principles of adjacency, historic dependence, and sustainability, while respecting Indigenous rights.
  • Invest in habitat restoration & rebuilding fish stocks.
  • Improve response to oil spills & derelict vessels.

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New Democrats are committed to a vision of strong coastal communities, sustainable fisheries and thriving marine and freshwater ecosystems. With the right choices today, we can protect our fisheries and the jobs they provide for generations to come – and make Canada a global leader in ocean and freshwater sustainability.

In order to protect wild salmon on the Pacific coast, our approach will be focused on conserving, protecting, and restoring critical habitat. We will fully implement the recommendations of the Cohen Commission and work with the province of British Columbia and First Nations to support the transition to land-based closed-containment systems.

On the Atlantic coast, New Democrats will ensure that resource allocations in the fishery are guided by the principles of adjacency, historic dependence and sustainability, while also respecting Indigenous rights.

When it comes to sustainability, New Democrats recognize that the wellbeing of our communities is reliant upon the health of our marine and freshwater ecosystems. That’s why we will invest in habitat restoration and the rebuilding of fish stocks, as well as in strengthening our response to oil spills and derelict vessels to better protect our coasts.

Ready for Better, retrieved 2021-08-27

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We don't have any Liberal policies on Fisheries.


  • Support Nation-to-Nation engagement on managing shared marine resources to avoid disputes on fisheries law.
  • Allocate funding to fill knowledge gaps for stocks.
  • Complete rebuilding plans by 2024 for the 26 stocks currently in the critical zone.
  • Entrench owner-operator & fleet separation policies in the Fisheries Act.
  • Implement recommendations of the Standing Committee on Fisheries & Oceans report.

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Facilitate and support meaningful Nation-to-Nation engagement at the local and regional levels on the management of shared marine resources to avoid future disputes over lack of clarity on fisheries law

Be Daring., retrieved 2021-09-11

● Allocate funding to fill knowledge gaps for stocks whose sustainability status is uncertain, and where stock assessments have not been completed within a five-year period. Funding will contribute to field surveys, assessments, mortality estimates and monitoring and evaluation of rebuilding plans and management measures

● Complete rebuilding plans by 2024 for the 26 stocks currently in the critical zone by including measures and objectives that are science and ecosystem based

● Work with Indigenous and provincial governments to phase out open net-pen finfish aquaculture in Pacific waters by 2025 and all Canadian waters by 2030.

● Support a just transition of impacted workers and incentivize the move to land-based closed containment facilities.

● Support sustainable shellfish and seaweed aquaculture and community-owned operations and ensure meaningful engagement with Indigenous communities and other stakeholders when making aquaculture siting decisions.

● Protect independent harvesters and coastal communities by entrenching owner-operator and fleet separation policies in the Fisheries Act.

● Commit to timely and transparent access to fisheries management plans and data as well as records of fisheries management advisory committee processes in order to more effectively involve Indigenous peoples, civil society and communities in the process of managing our fisheries as public resources.

● Implement the 20 recommendations of the Standing Committee on Fisheries and Oceans report, West Coast Fisheries: Sharing Risks and Benefits.

Be Daring., retrieved 2021-09-11

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  • Resolve the Softwood Lumber Dispute with the US.
  • Establish a Task Force on Woodland Caribou.
  • Increase funding to control forest pest species.
  • Invest in early detection of wildfires.
  • Work with Provinces, Territories, and stakeholders to develop a Forestry Future Strategy.

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• Resolve the Softwood Lumber Dispute with the United States

° To ensure that our forestry workers are protected and treated fairly, we will work with the US government to find a solution to this continuing dispute that Justin Trudeau has ignored. Canadian lumber producers are paying tariffs of over 20 percent on exports to the US, costing the industry millions of dollars and shuttering mills across the country.

• Establish a Task Force on the Woodland Caribou

° To protect the woodland caribou while ensuring that the forestry sector remains strong, we will establish a task force to work collaboratively with provinces and local communities to propose solutions sensitive to local expertise and management.

• Protect our Forests from Pests

° Forest pests are expected to become increasingly problematic due to climate change. To control the species that pose a substantial threat to forest health, we will increase funding to control pest species in national parks and federal lands.

• Improve our Response to Wildfires

° We will invest in remote sensing and other technology that will improve the early detection of wildfires and better predict fire behaviour

• Develop a Forestry Future Strategy

° We will work with Provinces, Territories, and industry stakeholders to develop a vision for the future of forestry that includes pathways to helping fight climate change and the development of new wood technology and bioproducts.

Canada's Recovery Plan, retrieved 2021-08-18

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  • Support value-added Canadian wood products.
  • Support forestry research & development.
  • Expand market access for wood products.

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A New Democrat government will invest in forestry innovation and support value-added Canadian wood products – and the good jobs that go with them. Our plan will support forestry research and development, help companies commercialize new technologies, and expand market access for wood products to keep Canada competitive.

Ready for Better, retrieved 2021-08-27

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Increase investments in the Forest Industry Transformation program.

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Enhance investments in the Forest Industry Transformation program, working with partners to create jobs in the forest-based economy and bring forward new innovations in sustainable, low-carbon building materials.

Forward. For Everyone., retrieved 2021-09-02

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  • Fund new & innovative value-added forestry-based manufacturing facilities in rural Canada.
  • Work with governments to make sure that wood products are environmentally & economically sustainable in rural Canada.

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Fund new and innovative value-added forestry-based manufacturing facilities in rural Canada to create jobs and keep profits from our resources in Canada. Work with provinces, territories, and municipalities to make sure that timber, pulp, and paper manufacturing is environmentally and economically sustainable in rural Canada.

Be Daring., retrieved 2021-09-11

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Hydraulic Fracturing

We don't have any Conservative policies on Hydraulic Fracturing.
We don't have any NDP policies on Hydraulic Fracturing.
We don't have any Liberal policies on Hydraulic Fracturing.

Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)


Promote development and export of LNG, including through projects like LNG Canada, through an LNG Export Strategy.
We don't have any NDP policies on Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG).
We don't have any Liberal policies on Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG).
We don't have any Green policies on Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG).



  • Implement a Critical Minerals Strategy, including policies to facilitate mining lithium.
  • Support initiatives to recover critical minerals from historical mine wastes while remediating long-term environmental liabilities.
  • Adopt a pan-Canadian low carbon aluminum purchasing policy.

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Work to secure greater access to markets for our mining exports, including uranium exports to responsible countries for use in civilian programs to curb emissions and empower economic development.

— Canada's Recovery Plan, retrieved 2021-08-18.

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Strengthen the federal environmental impact assessment process for new coal mines and mine expansion projects.


Double the Mineral Exploration Tax Credit for materials on the Canadian list of critical materials which are essential to the manufacturing of clean tech.

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Double the Mineral Exploration Tax Credit for materials on the Canadian list of critical minerals which are essential to the manufacturing of vital clean technologies, such as batteries.

Forward. For Everyone., retrieved 2021-09-02

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We don't have any Green policies on Mining.

Off-Shore Oil

We don't have any NDP policies on Off-Shore Oil.
We don't have any Liberal policies on Off-Shore Oil.


Cancel all new oil exploration projects, including off-shore.

Oil & Gas

We don't have any Conservative policies on Oil & Gas.
We don't have any NDP policies on Oil & Gas.
We don't have any Liberal policies on Oil & Gas.


  • Cancel all new oil exploration projects.
  • End leasing of federal lands for fossil fuel production, and retire existing licenses.
  • Phase out existing oil & gas operations.
  • Phase out bitumen production between 2030 & 2035.

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● Cancel all new pipeline projects (beginning with Trans Mountain)

● Cancel all new oil exploration projects, including in the off-shore

● End leasing of federal lands for fossil fuel production and retire existing licenses

● Ban hydraulic fracturing (fracking)

● End all subsidies to the fossil fuel sector

● Phase out existing oil and gas operations, so that they continue on a declining basis with bitumen production phased out between 2030 and 2035

● Require federal public investment funds (including the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board) to divest from fossil fuels

● Ensure companies are held accountable for paying for the costs of cleaning up and restoring land, instead of passing these to the public

Be Daring., retrieved 2021-09-11

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  • Build the Trans Mountain Expansion.
  • Push for the continued operation of Line 3 & Line 5.
  • Make pipelines exporting Canadian oil a priority.
We don't have any NDP policies on Pipelines.
We don't have any Liberal policies on Pipelines.


Cancel all new pipeline projects, beginning with Trans Mountain.