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Climate Change & the Environment platforms

Here's what the candidates in Windsor—Tecumseh, and their parties, are promising.

Animal Protection


  • Ban puppy mills.
  • Ban cosmetic testing on animals.
  • Provide $10M/year to train judges & prosecutors on links between violence against animals & violence against people.
  • Increase cross-reporting between animal welfare & child welfare agencies.
  • Add animal cruelty as an aggravating factor in domestic violence prosecutions.

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• Banning Puppy Mills

° Stopping unethical breeders and dealers from misleading the public by claiming to offer rescue animals or pets bred humanely when that isn’t the case.

° Banning the importation of animals bred inhumanely.

° Strengthening CFIA’s ability to enforce current regulations and seize animals when imported under poor welfare conditions.

• Banning cosmetic testing on animals

° Amending the Food and Drug Act and its regulations to implement a ban modelled on the European Union ban.

• Addressing the links between violence against animals and violence against people

° Providing $10 million per year to train judges and prosecutors on the links between violence against animals and violence against people.

° Increasing cross-reporting between animal welfare and child welfare agencies

° Adding animal cruelty as an aggravating factor in domestic violence prosecutions to go after abusers who hurt their spouse by hurting their spouse’s pet

• Supporting pet owners fleeing violence by working with the sector to ensure that there are better options for women to leave abusive homes without having to abandon their pets

• Working with the Council of Ministers of Education to promote humane education as part of education on the environment and sustainability

• Addressing the Threat Posed by Animal Markets and Trade in Wild Animals

° Supporting and encouraging the closure of poorly regulated wildlife markets globally that carry an elevated risk of becoming sources for future pandemics;

° Ending the importation of and trade in wild or exotic animals and their products that carry an elevated risk of spreading zoonotic diseases.

Canada's Recovery Plan, retrieved 2021-08-18

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Curb the import & domestic trade of wild animals.


  • Introduce legislation to end cosmetic testing on animals as soon as 2023, & phase out toxicity testing on animals by 2035.
  • Work with partners to curb illegal wildlife trade & end ivory trade.
  • Introduce legislation to protect animals in captivity.
  • Ban the live export of horses for slaughter.
  • Work with our partners to help women & children fleeing violence to stay with their companion animals.

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Introduce legislation to end cosmetic testing on animals as soon as 2023 and phase out toxicity testing on animals by 2035.

Work with partners to curb illegal wildlife trade and end elephant and rhinoceros ivory trade in Canada.

Introduce legislation to protect animals in captivity.

Ban the live export of horses for slaughter.

Work with our partners to help women and children fleeing violence stay united with their companion animals.

Forward. For Everyone., retrieved 2021-09-02

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We don't have any Green policies on Animal Protection.



Support improved electric vehicle battery repurposing & recycling.

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Supporting improved electric vehicle battery repurposing and recycling in order to lower the environmental impact of these batteries and lower the cost of vehicles on the resale market.

Canada's Recovery Plan, retrieved 2021-08-18

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We don't have any NDP policies on Batteries.


  • Build an end-to-end, sustainable battery supply chain.
  • Launch a Canada-US Battery Alliance for stakeholders in both countries to identify shared priorities & environmental requirements that lead to an integrated, world-scale battery supply chain.

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Build an end-to-end, sustainable battery supply chain.

Work to attract near-term multi-billion anchor investments in key areas like minerals processing and cell manufacturing.

Double the Mineral Exploration Tax Credit for materials on the Canadian list of critical minerals which are essential to the manufacturing of vital clean technologies, such as batteries.

Establish Canada as a global leader in battery recycling and reuse, to improve the environmental impact and build a competitive advantage.

Launch a Canada-U.S. Battery Alliance for stakeholders in both countries to identify shared priorities and create environmental requirements that lead to an integrated, world-scale battery supply chain

Work with stakeholders to identify new strategic priorities, including future battery types, ways to optimize batteries for cold weather performance and long-duration storage, and applications in heavy- duty transportation.

Address gaps in training and upskilling to ensure that all Canadians workers can take advantage of battery industry opportunities.

Use all tools, including the Investment Canada Act, to ensure the protection and development of our critical minerals from both an economic and national security perspective.

Forward. For Everyone., retrieved 2021-09-02

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We don't have any Green policies on Batteries.

Carbon Capture & Storage


  • Provide a tax credit for the deployment of Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage Technology in the energy sector and other industries that burn fossil fuels.
  • Invest in Direct Air Capture.
  • In total, invest $5 billion in Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage.
We don't have any NDP policies on Carbon Capture & Storage.


  • Continue planting 2 billion trees.
  • Restore & enhance more wetlands, grasslands, & peatlands to capture & store carbon.
We don't have any Green policies on Carbon Capture & Storage.

Carbon Pricing


  • Remove the federal price on carbon.
  • Replace it with a Personal Low Carbon Savings Account, requiring people to pay into their PLCSA every time they fill up.
  • Start the PLCSA at $20/tonne, rising to $50/tonne.
  • People could withdraw from their PLCSA to spend on products to reduce their energy footprint, such as transit passes, green home retrofits, & electric vehicles.
  • Maintain Output Based Pricing.

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Canada’s Conservatives will work with the provinces to implement an innovative, national, Personal Low Carbon Savings Account. This will put a price on carbon for consumers without one penny going to the government. It will be completely transparent and engage consumers in the process of building a lower carbon future.

Canadians will pay into their Personal Low Carbon Savings Account each time they buy hydrocarbon-based fuel. They will be able to apply the money in their account towards things that help them live a greener life. That could mean buying a transit pass or a bicycle, or saving up and putting the money towards a new efficient furnace, energy efficient windows or even an electric vehicle.

Canadian families and businesses have been trailblazers in the use of affinity or rewards programs and have great expertise in both managing and using them. This program will operate similarly, and may be managed by a consortium of companies as the INTERAC system is.

Secure the Environment, retrieved 2021-08-29

Our plan will ensure that all Canadians can do their part to fight climate change, in the way that works best for them, and at a carbon price that is affordable: starting at $20/tonne and increasing to $50/tonne but no further. Even at this lower carbon price, we will ensure that this does not place an excessive burden on low-income Canadians and will protect farmers by ensuring that they have affordable options.

Businesses that aren’t subject to the Output Based Pricing System but buy fuel will have a Small Business Low Carbon Savings Account that will operate similarly.

Secure the Environment, retrieved 2021-08-29

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Continue to increase the federal carbon price by $15/tonne each year, reaching $170/tonne by 2030.

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Putting a price on carbon has been an important tool in efforts to drive emissions reductions. We will continue with carbon pricing while making it fairer and rolling back loopholes this Liberal government has given to big polluters. But we also recognize that carbon pricing won’t be enough to tackle the climate crisis. Further action is needed.

Ready for Better, retrieved 2021-08-27

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  • Continue to increase the federal carbon price by $15/tonne each year, reaching $170/tonne by 2030.
  • Work with key trading partners, like the US & EU, to apply Border Carbon Adjustments on imports from countries with less action on climate change.

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Continue to put a rising price on pollution, while putting more money back into the pockets of Canadians.

Keep protecting Canadian jobs and competitiveness through smart carbon pricing design.

Move forward, in collaboration with key trading partners, like the United States and European Union, on applying Border Carbon Adjustments to imports from countries that aren’t doing their part to reduce carbon pollution and fight climate change. This includes considering applying Border Carbon Adjustments on imports of steel, cement, aluminum, and other emissions-intensive industries, similar to the European Union’s approach.

Forward. For Everyone., retrieved 2021-09-02

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Increase the federal carbon price by $25/tonne each year until 2030.


We don't have any Conservative policies on Coal.
We don't have any NDP policies on Coal.


Ban thermal coal exports from & through Canada no later than 2030.



  • Protect 17% of Canada's land & water.
  • Work towards protecting 25%.
  • Restore funding for the National Wetland Conservation Fund & the Recreational Fisheries Conservation Partnership Program.
  • Invest an additional $3B between now & 2030 in natural climate solutions.

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• Reach the target of protecting 17% of Canada’s land and water and work towards 25% with a focus on:

° Using remote sensing to identify conservation gaps in the southern working landscape and gather data that can be used to determine the potential for lands to provide ecosystem services;

° Putting in place other effective area-based conservation measures in the southern working landscape;

° Working with Indigenous communities to expand the creation of Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas (IPCAs) managed and stewarded by Indigenous Guardians; and

° Continuing to develop parks and protected areas in all parts of Canada.

• Restore funding for the National Wetland Conservation Fund and the Recreational Fisheries Conservation Partnership Program, which Justin Trudeau cancelled.

• Support Wetlands and Watershed Protection Our wetlands, rivers, and lakes are essential to our quality of life. They provide us with drinking water, provide critical habitat for fish and wildlife, and offer recreation opportunities.

Canada's Recovery Plan, retrieved 2021-08-18

Invest an additional $3 billion between now and 2030 in natural climate solutions focused on management of forest, crop and grazing lands and restoration of grasslands, wetlands, and forests.

Canada's Recovery Plan, retrieved 2021-08-18

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  • Introduce an Environmental Bill of Rights.
  • Strengthen the Canadian Environmental Protection Act.
  • Protect 30% of Canada's land, freshwater, and oceans by 2030.
  • Create a new Civilian Climate Corps to mobilise young people & create jobs supporting conservation efforts.
  • Launch a 10-year plan to reverse species loss.
  • Restrict trade of wild animals.
  • Expand the Indigenous Guardians Programme.

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New Democrats are committed to expanding protections for our natural environment, beginning with enshrining the right to a healthy environment in a Canadian Environmental Bill of Rights, to ensure all communities can enjoy a guarantee to clean water, land and air. We will strengthen the Canadian Environmental Protection Act – building and improving on the government’s Bill C-28 – to better protect Canadians from toxic substances in everyday products like cosmetics. And we will strengthen the federal environmental impact assessment process for new coal mines and mine expansion projects. We know that taking action to protect our environment will also support people’s health – with recent projections showing that the impacts of climate change could cost Canada’s healthcare system billions of dollars over the coming decades.

Ready for Better, retrieved 2021-08-27

And a new Civilian Climate Corps would mobilize young people and create new jobs supporting conservation efforts and addressing the threat of climate change by undertaking activities such as helping restore wetlands, and planting the billions of trees that need to be planted in the years ahead.

Ready for Better, retrieved 2021-08-27

We are committed to pursuing a Nature agenda, anchored by our commitment to safeguarding ecosystems and biodiversity by protecting 30% of our land, freshwater and oceans by 2030. We will expand urban national parks and restore urban biodiversity, and ensure the Species at Risk Act is enforced. We will launch a 10-year nature plan to reverse species loss and we would curb the import and domestic trade of wild animals. We will further protect our oceans and our freshwater, by reducing emissions from shipping and fishing, expanding marine protected areas, reducing key threats to ocean ecosystems and implementing a national freshwater strategy. And we will support Indigenous-led nature conservation and land-use and climate planning, including by growing the Indigenous Guardians Program and working hand-in-hand to advance the protection and restoration of wild Pacific salmon populations on the west coast.

Ready for Better, retrieved 2021-08-27

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  • Establish 10 new national parks in the next 5 years & work w/ Indigenous communities on co-management agreements.
  • Work w/ partners to conserve 25% of lands & waters by 2025 & 30% by 2030.
  • Work to halt nature loss by 2030 w/ a full recovery by 2050.
  • Work w/ Indigenous peoples to support new Indigenous Guardians programs.
  • Build new urban national parks.
  • Establish a $50M BC Old Growth Nature Fund.

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Establishing 10 new national parks and 10 new national marine conservation areas (NMCAs) in the next 5 years—doubling the size of the existing national parks and NMCA system in Canada.

Working with Indigenous communities on co- management agreements of these national parks and NMCAs.

Continuing to work with partners to ensure Canada meets its goals to conserve 25% of our lands and waters by 2025 and 30% of each by 2030.

Working to halt and reverse nature loss by 2030 in Canada and achieving a full recovery for nature by 2050. This includes championing this goal internationally to ensure that the world protects the intact nature required to reverse the biodiversity collapse and protect our climate.

Forward. For Everyone., retrieved 2021-09-02

Work with First Nations, Inuit, and Métis partners to support new Indigenous Guardians programs and establish new Indigenous Guardians Networks.

Support Indigenous communities to build capacity to establish more IPCAs.

Forward. For Everyone., retrieved 2021-09-02

Establish at least one new national urban park in every province and territory, with a target of establishing 15 national urban parks by 2030.

Invest an additional $200 million in the Natural Infrastructure Fund to continue funding community-led public green space projects in collaboration with municipalities, Indigenous communities, and non- profit organizations.

Continue building and connecting the TransCanada Trail, and creating new opportunities for Canadians to access it, by increasing annual funding to $13 million, growing the trail network by 10% helping create 10,000 jobs over the next five years.

Build a national trails tourism strategy and increase youth employment opportunities in partnership with Destination Canada to enhance local economic development opportunities.

Every Canadian should have access to nature and green space in their community. Simply put, it’s part of who we are.

Forward. For Everyone., retrieved 2021-09-02

Reaching a nature agreement with the province of British Columbia to protect more of the province’s old growth forests and expand protected areas.

Establishing a $50 million B.C. Old Growth Nature Fund and working with partners to attract additional funding to further support the protection of important old growth forests.

Ensuring First Nations, local communities, and workers are partners in shaping the path forward on nature protection.

Forward. For Everyone., retrieved 2021-09-02

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  • Support Indigenous-led protected & conservation areas.
  • Fund stewardship by Indigenous guardians.
  • Implement Canada's commitments under the Convention on Biological Diversity & follow-up protocols.
  • Protect a minimum of 30% of freshwaters & lands by 2030 & 50% by 2050.
  • Modernise the Canadian Environmental Protection Act.
  • Create a national urban biodiversity regeneration strategy.

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1. Protect and restore biodiversity and ecosystems.

● Support Indigenous-led protected and conservation areas and fund stewardship of these lands and waters by Indigenous guardians

● Implement Canada’s international commitments under the Convention on Biological Diversity and follow-up protocols

● Protect a minimum of 30 per cent of freshwaters and lands in each Canadian ecosystem by 2030 and 50 per cent by 2050, prioritizing carbon-rich ecosystems

● Halt habitat destruction by 2030 and restore the most negatively affected ecosystems such as wetlands by 2050, prioritizing carbon-rich ecosystems

● Expedite recovery plans and implement national and international commitments to reverse species loss

● Scale-up funding for nature-based solutions

● Initiate a national urban biodiversity regeneration strategy to expand greenspace, address environmental racism and protect urban-sensitive species such as birds

● Enhance federal science capacity to inventory and prioritize ecosystems, species at risk, and invasive species

2. Modernize the Canadian Environmental Protection Act.

● Prioritize legislation to modernize the Canadian Environmental Protection Act

● Ensure the right to a healthy environment, enforceable in law

● Prevent exposures to toxins and pollution by requiring labelling of chemicals and GMOs in consumer products, including cosmetics, cleaners and furniture

3. Develop and implement a National Forest Strategy.

● Create fire breaks and fire suppression, provide physical resources to deal with fires quickly and effectively, and include fire mitigation subsidies to owners of rural properties, allowing them to better manage the health of their forests.

4. Protect oceans and freshwater.

● Include Indigenous Peoples and their governance systems in all aspects of site selection, management, and decision-making around economic development within the marine and freshwater realms

● Transition to sustainable seafood: work with Indigenous and provincial governments to phase out open net-pen finfish aquaculture in Pacific waters by 2025 and all Canadian waters by 2030; support a just transition of impacted workers, and incentivize the move to land-based closed containment facilities.

● Reduce threats to ocean ecosystems, including supporting a moratorium on deep seabed mining at least until 2030

● Protect and restore coastal and marine areas, and support marine nature-based climate solutions

Be Daring., retrieved 2021-09-11

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Effects of Climate Change


  • Appoint a national disaster resilience advisor to the Privy Council Office.
  • Implement a national action plan on floods, incl. a residential high risk flood insurance programme.
  • Implement a national climate adaption strategy, incl. addressing flood readiness w/ private sector solutions.
  • Consider mitigation & adaptation in infrastructure investments.
  • Invest $3 billion in natural climate solutions.

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• Appointing a national disaster resilience advisor to the Privy Council Office.

̵  This office would be analogous to the National Security and Intelligence Advisor established after 9/11 and would advise Cabinet and the Prime Minister’s Office, helping ensure that the government is prepared for future risks.

• Implementing a national action plan on floods, including establishing a residential high risk flood insurance program to ensure all Canadians are financially protected while avoiding future government bailouts.

• Devising and implementing a national climate adaptation strategy that is:

̵  Based on measurable targets;

̵  Addresses existing provincial concerns on flood readiness while leveraging private sector solutions to reduce government exposure and spending; and

̵  Addresses wildfire and drought exposure in collaboration with farmers, ranchers, and foresters.

• Incorporating a mitigation and adaptation lens to the government’s infrastructure investments.

̵  Communities must be able to identify risks and be able to plan to address them. An adaptation lens can include designing infrastructure to be resilient to extreme weather events, but it also might include designing other infrastructure to protect against known hazards. In either case, this will help communities be prepared in the event of an emergency.

• Work with provinces and territories to develop a natural infrastructure plan that includes:

̵  The development of a national standard to assess the value of natural infrastructure;

̵  A requirement that public sector accounting practices be updated to include a proper valuation of existing natural infrastructure;

̵  Requirements to incorporate retention of natural infrastructure into community design; and

̵  Incentives for farmers and landowners to protect and restore natural infrastructure.

• Investing in technology that can improve the early detection of wildfires and better predict their behaviour.

Secure the Environment, retrieved 2021-08-29

• Recognizing and encouraging emissions-reducing practices like low/no till and 4R Nutrient Stewardship.

• Establishing transparent and reliable standards for carbon credits associated with land management practices with the eventual goal of establishing a national carbon offset market. This market would link together existing compliance programs associated with federal and provincial regulations.

• Exploring the use of incentives to preserve and enhance natural infrastructure on private lands that contribute to climate mitigation and adaptation, with a particular focus on working landscapes with downstream impacts on populated areas.

• Working with provinces, territories and the agriculture and forestry sectors to identify and support ways in which the sectors can contribute to enhancing carbon sequestration.

• Investing in forest health and wildfire prevention and early detection.

• Working with Indigenous communities including by expanding the creation of Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas (IPCAs) managed and stewarded by Indigenous Guardians.

Secure the Environment, retrieved 2021-08-29

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  • Create a National Crisis Strategy to help communities plan for & respond to climate risks.
  • Create a new Climate Corps of young workers to respond to climate impacts.
  • Create an Office of Environmental Justice to address disproportionate impacts of pollution & loss of biodiversity on low-income, racialised, & other marginalised communities.
  • Expand funding for adaptation & disaster response.

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We will work with provinces, municipalities and Indigenous government to make sure that communities have the resources they need to cope safely with extreme weather events. This National Crisis Strategy will help communities plan for and adapt to the changing climate and the weather extremes we are already facing – particularly for vulnerable, remote, and Indigenous communities. The strategy would be supported with long-term funding for adaptation, disaster mitigation, and climate resilient infrastructure.

And a new Civilian Climate Corps would mobilize young people and create new jobs supporting conservation efforts and addressing the threat of climate change by undertaking activities such as helping restore wetlands, and planting the billions of trees that need to be planted in the years ahead.

Ready for Better, retrieved 2021-08-27

As the impacts of climate change are felt across the country, New Democrats believe that all levels of government have to step up to help communities cope with the impacts of extreme weather. That’s why a New Democrat government will expand federal funding to respond to disasters, and support communities in proactively adapting their infrastructure to withstand floods, forest fires and other extreme weather events. We will also partner with Canadians and communities to make serious investments in making buildings more energy efficient, to help families save money and fight climate change.

Ready for Better, retrieved 2021-08-27

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  • Support retrofits & upgrades to protect against extreme weather.
  • Develop flood maps for higher-risk areas in the next 3 years.
  • Create a low-cost national flood insurance programme.
  • Finalise the National Adaption Strategy by 2022.
  • Expand eligibility for CMHC deep home retrofits.
  • Create a Climate Adaption Home Rating Program.
  • Create a nation-wide flood ready information portal.

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Support retrofits and upgrades to protect against extreme weather.

Complete our work with provinces and territories to develop flood maps for higher-risk areas in the next three years.

Create a nation-wide flood ready portal so that Canadians have the information they need to make decisions on where and how to build their homes and communities, and how they can protect their homes and communities from flood risk.

Take action to protect homeowners who are at high risk of flooding and don’t have adequate insurance protection, by creating a low-cost national flood insurance program.

Develop strategies, in partnership with the insurance industry and private sector to lower insurance premiums by identifying cost-effective ways to better protect communities and homes from climate impacts and save people money.

Expand the office of the National Security and Intelligence Advisor to keep Canadians safe as climate change increasingly impacts our domestic and global contexts.

Create a Climate Adaptation Home Rating Program that will be developed as a companion to the EnerGuide home energy audits.

Expand the eligibility requirements of the CMHC deep home retrofit program and Canada Greener Home Grants to include more climate resilience measures.

Finalize Canada’s first-ever National Adaptation Strategy by the end of 2022, which will set clear targets and indicators to measure progress on—and strengthen the business case for—adaptation.

Finalize and applying a climate lens to ensure climate adaptation and mitigation considerations are integrated throughout federal government decision-making.

Work with provinces, territories, and farmers—including Indigenous and young farmers—to update business risk management agriculture programs to fully integrate climate risk management, environmental practices, and climate readiness.

—  Forward. For Everyone., retrieved 2021-09-02

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  • Increase funding for the Disaster Mitigation & Adaptation Fund to support climate resilience projects, including wildfire mitigation, rehabilitation of storm water systems, & restoration of wetlands, shorelines, & other natural infrastructure.
  • Create an independent, scientific, non-partisan, diverse Climate Council to advise the government.

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● Ensure that Canada utilizes the best available scientific expertise to advance research and development for assessing climate change impact risks. The focus will be on mitigating the impacts such as storms, droughts, floods, wildfires and related air quality impacts on health.

● Increase funding for the Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Fund (DMAF) to support climate resilience projects critically needed to avoid the worst impacts of climate change including: wildfire mitigation activities, rehabilitation of storm water systems, and restoration of wetlands, shorelines, and other natural infrastructure.

● Develop transdisciplinary partnerships with governmental, non-profit organizations, academic institutions and industry, and invest in research and the necessary equipment, including the possibility of a shared climate supercomputer.

— _Be Daring._, retrieved 2021-09-11

● Create an independent, non-partisan council, composed of First Nations, Inuit and Métis representation, climate scientists and researchers, youth and representatives from communities that are the most affected by the climate emergency, to advise the government on the development and implementation of its climate change policies through a lens of environmental justice and eradicating environmental racism.

Be Daring., retrieved 2021-09-11

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Emissions Reductions Targets


  • Set a target to reduce emissions by at least 50% from 2005 levels by 2030.
  • Put in place carbon budgets.
  • Create a Climate Accountability Office.
  • Ensure government financial controls and Crown corporations are aligned with net-zero.
  • Appoint a Climate Emergency Committee of Cabinet.
  • Establish a Climate Emergency Secretariat in the PMO.

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C-12 was a step in the right direction, but it was not the bill New Democrats would have written. New Democrats are committed to helping stabilize the global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius. To that end we will set a target of reducing Canada’s emissions by at least 50% from 2005 levels by 2030, reaching further wherever possible to account for Canada’s fair share. We know that reaching net-zero by 2050 means taking action now, during the term of this next Parliament. We will work with partners to establish multi-year national and sectoral carbon budgets as a key guiding framework to develop Canada’s path to 2030 and beyond. And we will create and fund a Climate Accountability Office, to provide independent oversight of federal climate progress, to engage the public, and to make recommendations on how to achieve our goals.

Ready for Better, retrieved 2021-08-27

Building on net net-zero legislation will also be a priority for a New Democratic government. We will support Canada’s net-zero target by reviewing financial legislation, such as the Bank of Canada Act, the Export Development Canada Act, and the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Act, to ensure federal financial levers and Crown corporations are aligned with the goal of net-zero. We will work with provinces to put in place a framework for corporate climate accountability to ensure mandatory transparency on carbon risk from publicly traded companies. And we will ensure that strict rules are in place to prevent big companies from using the purchase of offsets as a way to escape their net-zero obligations.

Ready for Better, retrieved 2021-08-27

And we will appoint a Climate Emergency Committee of Cabinet and establish astrong (sic) Climate Emergency Secretariat in the PMO to ensure a whole-of-government approach to responding to the climate emergency.

Ready for Better, retrieved 2021-08-27

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  • Implement the recently passed Net Zero Emissions Accountability Act.
  • Achieve a 40-45% reduction in emissions by 2030 compared to 2005 levels.
  • Achieve net-zero emissions as soon as possible and no later than 2050.
  • Set 5-year targets, & 2025 & 2030 milestones for emissions reductions from the oil & gas sector.
  • Require oil & gas companies to reduce methane emissions by 75% below 2012 levels by 2030.

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Deliver on all policy and fiscal measures outlined in our Strengthened Climate Plan from December 2020, implement the recently passed Net Zero Emissions Accountability Act, and advance new measures to achieve an ambitious 40-45% reduction in emissions by 2030 compared to 2005 levels.

Work with all Canadians and the Net Zero Advisory Body to identify ways to further accelerate climate action that will put us on trajectory to achieve net-zero emissions as soon as possible and no later than 2050.

Forward. For Everyone., retrieved 2021-09-02

Make sure the oil and gas sector reduces emissions at a pace and scale needed to achieve net-zero by 2050, with 5-year targets to stay on track to achieving this shared goal. And driving down pollution starts with ensuring that pollution from the oil and gas sector doesn’t go up from current levels.

Set 2025 and 2030 milestones based on the advice of the Net-Zero Advisory Body to ensure reduction levels are ambitious and achievable and that the oil and gas sector makes a meaningful contribution to meeting the nation’s 2030 climate goals.

Forward. For Everyone., retrieved 2021-09-02

Require oil and gas companies to reduce methane emissions by at least 75% below 2012 levels by 2030 and work to reduce methane emissions across the broader economy.

Seek similar commitments from other major economies at the upcoming G20 and COP26.

Make the National Research Council a global centre for excellence on methane detection and elimination, to address the global issues of under-reporting of methane emissions.

Forward. For Everyone., retrieved 2021-09-02

Introduce a new Buy Clean Strategy to support and prioritize the use of made-in-Canada low-carbon products in public and private infrastructure projects.

Forward. For Everyone., retrieved 2021-09-02

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  • Reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 60% below 2005 levels by 2030, with clear, enforceable targets & timelines starting in 2023.
  • Achieve net-zero emissions as quickly as possible, with net-negative in 2050.

Energy Efficient Buildings


  • Provide a regulatory & financial framework to facilitate building retrofits, modelled after the SOFIAC programme in Quebec.
  • Provide extra benefits for buildings that complete their retrofits prior to 2030.
  • Develop a Net Zero Foundations program.
  • Work with provinces, territories, & utilities to implement a Residential Building Retrofit Initiative.

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Provide a regulatory and financial framework that will facilitate Energy Savings Performance Contracting (ESPC). This is a model that involves the private sector in financing and implementing retrofits and then being paid back through savings. Our program will be modelled after the SOFIAC program in Quebec.

̵  We will work with provinces and territories to promote ESPC for government and publicly-funded institutional buildings, including a “2030 Bonus” that will provide an additional benefit for those buildings that complete their retrofits prior to 2030.

Develop a Net Zero Foundations program to begin putting in place the building blocks required to meet our net zero goals. This will include:

̵  Continuing to develop the building codes and standards necessary to support net zero goals for both new builds and retrofits;

̵  Developing curriculum for trade schools and institutes that support building design and construction;

̵  Improving certification standards; and

̵  Developing initiatives to pilot new technologies and solutions that will lower the cost and speed up the pace of retrofits, particularly residential retrofits.

Work with provinces, territories and applicable utilities to put in place a Residential Building Retrofit Initiative that will:

̵  Provide an “efficiency concierge” service for homeowners that acts as a one-stop-shop to access programs and information; and

̵  Apply lessons learned from technology pilots and from government, institutional and commercial retrofits, to a residential context.

Secure the Environment, retrieved 2021-08-29

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  • Retrofit all buildings in Canada by 2050, beginning with retrofitting all buildings built before 2020 within the next 20 years.
  • Require large scale building retrofits in all sectors.
  • Provide low-interest loans to help people make home improvements for energy efficiency & air quality.
  • By 2025, require every new building to be net-zero.

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At the current pace, it will take 142 years to retrofit all low-rise residential buildings in Canada. New Democrats will undertake a mission-based approach, setting an ambitious retrofitting program to upgrade where people live and work, including requiring large scale building retrofits in all sectors. And we will set a target of retrofitting all buildings in Canada by 2050 – beginning with upgrades to all buildings built before 2020 in the next 20 years. Helping families make energy efficient improvements to their homes through low-interest loans help save families almost $900 or more per year on home energy costs. Targeted supports would be provided to low- income households and to renters. Supporting retrofits to improve indoor air quality will also help prevent further waves of COVID-19.

We will work with provinces, municipalities and Indigenous government to make sure that communities have the resources they need to cope safely with extreme weather events. This National Crisis Strategy will help communities plan for and adapt to the changing climate and the weather extremes we are already facing – particularly for vulnerable, remote, and Indigenous communities. The strategy would be supported with long-term funding for adaptation, disaster mitigation, and climate resilient infrastructure.

Ready for Better, retrieved 2021-08-27

We’ll improve the National Building Code to ensure that by 2025 every new building built in Canada is net-zero. Energy efficiency and sustainable building practices will be at the core of our national housing strategy, leveraging the power of federal investments to create good jobs all across the country delivering the affordable homes Canadians need.

Ready for Better, retrieved 2021-08-27

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  • Provide grants of up to $5K for home retrofits & interest-free loans up to $40K for deep retrofits to improve a home's energy efficiency.
  • Launch a National Net-zero Emissions Building Strategy to get to net-zero emissions from buildings by 2050.
  • Invest $250M to help low-income Canadians get off home-heating oil.
  • Require EnerGuide labelling of homes at time-of-sale.

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Continue to help Canadians improve the energy efficiency of their homes and reduce their energy bills, providing grants of up to $5,000 for home retrofits and interest-free loans of up to $40,000 for deep retrofits.

Launch a National Net-zero Emissions Building Strategy, which will chart a path to net-zero emissions from buildings by 2050 with ambitious milestones along the way.

Accelerate the development of the national net-zero emissions model building code for 2025 adoption.

Accelerate the transition from fossil fuel-based heating systems to electrification through incentives and standards, including investing $250 million to help low-income Canadians get off home-heating oil.

Require EnerGuide labeling of homes at the time of sale.

Create a Low-Carbon Building Materials Innovation Hub to work directly with entrepreneurs, municipalities, provinces and territories, and Indigenous governments to ensure Canadian innovations are best positioned to succeed.

Enhance investments in the Forest Industry Transformation program, working with partners to create jobs in the forest-based economy and bring forward new innovations in sustainable, low-carbon building materials.

Launch a community-led net-zero homes initiative that supports projects that pursue multiple concurrent retrofits in a community or neighbourhood, to reduce overall costs. This initiative will be modeled on the Dutch “Energiesprong” program.

Forward. For Everyone., retrieved 2021-09-02

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  • Create & implement a national green retrofit of existing residential, commercial, institutional, & industrial buildings.
  • Support agencies & institutions to create programmes to carry out green retrofits in different areas & for different communities.
  • Update the national building code to require all new construction & major renovations to older buildings meet net-zero standards by 2030.

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● Create and implement a national green retrofit of existing residential, commercial, institutional, and industrial buildings

● Support agencies and institutions working to create innovative, efficient, and cost-effective programs to carry out green retrofits in different areas and for different communities, thereby creating local jobs and reducing emissions

● Change the national building code to require that all new construction and major renovations to older buildings meet net-zero standards by 2030

● Undertake a green retrofit of all federal government buildings, including government agencies

Be Daring., retrieved 2021-09-11

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Energy Grid


  • Build a cleaner, more resilient electric grid.
  • Develop and expand smart grids.
  • Improve interties.
  • Increase the use of mass storage.
  • Develop & deploy new clean energy technology such as nuclear, hydrogen, & renewables.

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Strengthening Canada’s Grid: a plan to build a cleaner, more resilient grid that is adaptable to regional conditions and priorities. This will include strategies for developing and expanding smart grids, improving interties, increasing the use of mass storage, and developing and deploying new clean energy technology such as nuclear, hydrogen and renewables.

Secure the Environment, retrieved 2021-08-29

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Establish a Canadian Climate Bank to support interested provinces to interconnect power grids and start using smart grid technology.

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The International Energy Agency has called on governments throughout the world to dramatically speed up efforts to build renewable energy. New Democrats will set a target to power Canada with net-zero electricity by 2030, and move to 100% non-emitting electricity by 2040. To drive this progress, we will establish a new Canadian Climate Bank that will help boost investment in renewable energy, energy efficiency and low carbon technology across the country. It will also provide support for interested provinces to inter-connect power grids and introduce smart grid technology, to bolster Canada’s energy security and distribute clean power across the country. The Climate Bank will also support made-in-Canada manufacturing of renewable energy components and technologies, and help scale up Canada’s clean energy industry.

Ready for Better, retrieved 2021-08-27

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Create a Pan-Canadian Grid Council to promote infrastructure investments, smart grids, grid integration, & electricity sector innovation.

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Create a Pan-Canadian Grid Council to promote infrastructure investments, smart grids, grid integration, and electricity sector innovation with the goal of making Canada the most reliable, cost-effective, and carbon-free electricity producer in the world.

Forward. For Everyone., retrieved 2021-09-02

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  • Build inter-ties to link existing provincial grids, creating a national energy corridor for green renewable energy.
  • Implement a national, non-emitting electricity grid.

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● Ensure that 100 per cent of Canadian electricity is produced from renewable sources by 2030

● Create a national coast to coast to coast energy corridor for green renewable energy by building up the inter-ties needed to link existing provincial grids

● Implement a national, non-emitting electricity grid to help Canada meet its target of net-zero GHG emissions

Be Daring., retrieved 2021-09-11

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Energy Sources


  • Invest $1 billion in Small Modular Reactors.
  • Implement a hydrogen energy strategy to increase use of hydrogen, especially green hydrogen, and build export capacity.


  • Set a target of net carbon-free electricity by 2030.
  • Set a target of 100% non-emitting electricity by 2040.
  • Establish a Canadian Climate Bank to invest in renewable energy, energy efficiency, & low-carbon tech, and support Canadian manufacturing of renewable energy components.
  • Support investments in community-owned clean energy projects.

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The International Energy Agency has called on governments throughout the world to dramatically speed up efforts to build renewable energy. New Democrats will set a target to power Canada with net-zero electricity by 2030, and move to 100% non-emitting electricity by 2040. To drive this progress, we will establish a new Canadian Climate Bank that will help boost investment in renewable energy, energy efficiency and low carbon technology across the country. It will also provide support for interested provinces to inter-connect power grids and introduce smart grid technology, to bolster Canada’s energy security and distribute clean power across the country. The Climate Bank will also support made-in-Canada manufacturing of renewable energy components and technologies, and help scale up Canada’s clean energy industry.

Meeting this carbon-free electricity goal in a way that respects local communities and creates good jobs is essential. We’ll support investments in innovative community-owned and operated clean energy projects to keep jobs and expertise local, work in partnership with Indigenous and northern communities to move off diesel, improving energy security and cutting emissions and air pollution.

Ready for Better, retrieved 2021-08-27

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  • Introduce a Clean Electricity Standard, with the goal of a 100% net-zero emitting electricity system by 2035.
  • Introduce investment tax credits for renewable energy & battery storage solutions.

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Introduce a Clean Electricity Standard that will set Canada on a path to cut more emissions by 2030 and to achieve a 100% net-zero emitting electricity system by 2035.

Develop additional investment tax credits for a range of renewable energy and battery storage solutions, to accelerate the deployment of clean energy.

Create a Pan-Canadian Grid Council to promote infrastructure investments, smart grids, grid integration, and electricity sector innovation with the goal of making Canada the most reliable, cost-effective, and carbon-free electricity producer in the world.

Forward. For Everyone., retrieved 2021-09-02

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  • Ensure 100% of Canadian electricity is produced from renewable sources by 2030.
  • Ban further development of nuclear power in Canada.

Environmental Rights

We don't have any Conservative policies on Environmental Rights.
We don't have any NDP policies on Environmental Rights.


  • Pass a strengthened Canadian Environmental Protection Act.
  • Recognise the right to a healthy environment in federal law.
  • Implement mandatory labelling of chemicals in consumer products.
  • Increase testing of imported products for compliance with Canadian standards.
  • Examine & develop a strategy to address the link between race, socio-economic status, & exposure to environmental risk.

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Pass a strengthened Canadian Environmental Protection Act to protect everyone, including people most vulnerable to harm from toxic substances and those living in communities where exposure is high.

Recognize the “right to a healthy environment” for the first time in federal law.

By Spring 2022, move forward with mandatory labelling of chemicals in consumer products, including cosmetics, cleaning products, and flame retardants in upholstery, that may have impacts on our health or environment.

Increase testing of imported products for compliance with Canadian standards to ensure that they are safe for Canadian consumers and that Canadian producers are not at a disadvantage.

Table legislation to require the Minister of Environment and Climate Change to examine the link between race, socio-economic status, and exposure to environmental risk, and develop a strategy to address environmental justice.

Identify and prioritize the clean-up of contaminated sites in areas where Indigenous, racialized, and low-income Canadians live.

Implement a comprehensive action plan to protect Canadians, including firefighters', from exposure to toxic flame retardants found in household products.

Forward. For Everyone., retrieved 2021-09-02

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  • Ensure the right to a healthy environment, enforceable in law.
  • Support swift passage of the proposed National Strategy Respecting Environmental Racism and Environmental Justice Act.
  • Expand access to nearby nature, especially for racialised people & those facing systemic barriers.
  • Require labelling of chemicals & GMOs in consumer products.

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Ramp up programs to help all people in Canada benefit from nearby nature, especially racialized communities and others facing systemic barriers. Expand funding for federal programs as well for partnerships with municipalities and local organizations to leverage networks and knowledge in reaching all communities and tackling discrimination and racism in green spaces.

Be Daring., retrieved 2021-09-11

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Fossil Fuel Subsidies

We don't have any Conservative policies on Fossil Fuel Subsidies.


  • Eliminate fossil fuel subsidies and redirect the funding to low carbon initiatives.
  • Place a legislative ban on any future oil, gas, and pipeline subsidies.


  • Eliminate fossil fuel subsidies by 2023, instead of a previous commitment of 2025.
  • Develop a plan to phase-out public financing of the fossil fuel sector, including from crown corporations.

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Accelerate our G20 commitment to eliminate fossil fuel subsidies from 2025 to 2023.

Develop a plan to phase-out public financing of the fossil fuel sector, including from Crown corporations, consistent with our commitment to reach net-zero emissions by 2050.

Forward. For Everyone., retrieved 2021-09-02

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  • End all subsidies to the fossil fuel sector.
  • End leasing of federal lands for fossil fuel production and retire existing licenses.



  • Support the completion of the Canadian Wetland Inventory.
  • Provide funding for watershed protection.
  • Work with governments to end raw sewage dumping.
  • Reinstate the Lake Simcoe Clean-Up Fund.
We don't have any NDP policies on Freshwater.


  • Establish a Canada Water Agency in 2022, working with partners to protect freshwater resources, incl. by developing & updating river basin & large watershed agreements.
  • Modernise the Canada Water Act.
  • Implement a Freshwater Action Plan with $1B over 10 years.
  • Invest $37.5M in the Experimental Lakes Area.
  • Offer municipalities means to manage & regulate boating on their lakes & rivers.

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Establish and fully fund a Canada Water Agency in 2022, working with partners to safeguard our freshwater resources for generations to come, including by supporting provinces, territories, and Indigenous partners, in developing and updating river basin and large watershed agreements.

Modernize the 50-year-old Canada Water Act to reflect our new freshwater reality, including addressing climate change, Indigenous water rights.

Implement a strengthened Freshwater Action Plan, including an historic investment of $1 billion over 10 years. This plan will provide essential funding to protect and restore large lakes and river systems, starting with the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River System, Lake Simcoe, the Lake Winnipeg Basin, the Fraser River Basin, and the Mackenzie River Basin.

Invest $37.5 million in the Experimental Lakes Area in northern Ontario, the world’s only large-scale centre for freshwater science and which the Harper government tried to close. This new funding will also support international freshwater science and research by encouraging international cooperation efforts, including that with the African Great Lakes.

Offer willing municipalities means to manage and regulate boating on their lakes and rivers so that they promote free access, while ensuring the safety of boaters and the protection of the environment.

Forward. For Everyone., retrieved 2021-09-02

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Create a dedicated, long-term funding programme for water infrastructure.

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Create a dedicated, long-term funding program for water infrastructure, building on the success of the Clean Water and Wastewater Fund that operated between 2016 and 2018

Be Daring., retrieved 2021-09-11

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Green Innovation


Provide tax relief to the first 5 facilities that use new technology to meaningfully reduce emissions.

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One of the significant barriers for deploying new emissions reduction technology is that early adopters often pay higher costs as they learn how to apply the technology to real-world situations. To recognize this, we will provide tax relief to the first five facilities that use new technology that provides meaningful emissions reductions and has a high cost to build.

Secure the Environment, retrieved 2021-08-29

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  • Increase funding and incentives to clean tech research & manufacturing.
  • Introduce Buy Canadian government procurement policies for green tech.


  • Develop an investment tax credit of up to 30% for a range of clean tech, including low-carbon & net-zero tech, with input from external experts.
  • Provide incentives for domestic procurement of clean tech.
  • Triple funding for clean tech on farms.
  • Partner with post-secondary institutions & Indigenous organisations to accelerate the creation & growth of Indigenous clean tech businesses.

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Develop an investment tax credit of up to 30% for a range of clean technologies including low carbon and net-zero technologies with input from external experts on what technologies should be covered.

Build on existing advisory services for emerging clean technology firms to guide them, from formation to export, on the opportunities and challenges before them.

Provide support and incentives for domestic procurement of Canadian clean technology. By partnering with other levels of government and existing large companies, we can help emerging Canadian clean technology firms secure customers here in Canada.

Triple funding for cleantech on farms, including for renewable energy, precision agriculture, and energy efficiency.

Partner with post-secondary institutions and Indigenous organizations to accelerate the creation and growth of Indigenous clean technology businesses.

Forward. For Everyone., retrieved 2021-09-02

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  • Develop partnerships across disciplines with government, non-profit organisations, academic institutions, & industry.
  • Invest in research & necessary equipment, including the possibility of a shared climate super computer.
  • Establish a federally-funded $1B Green Venture Capital Fund to support viable local green business start-ups.

Industrial Carbon Emissions


  • Tie Canada's industrial carbon price to the EU's & eventually the US's.
  • Potentially set industrial carbon prices on a path to $170/tonne by 2030.
  • Propose minimum North American standards for key industrial sectors.
  • Study imposing a carbon border tariff on goods imported from countries without compatible emissions reduction mechanisms.

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Rather than choosing an arbitrary carbon price in advance, we’ll tie Canada’s industrial carbon price to that of our biggest trading partners - the European Union and the United States, starting with those regions that have carbon markets and expanding as the U.S. creates a national market. This will ensure that we travel the path to our Paris targets together while reducing the risk that serious climate action will just shift jobs out of Canada to competitor countries.

We will assess progress after two years and be prepared to set industrial carbon prices on a path to $170/tonne by 2030, but only if the combination of adopting a price based on that of our major trading partners and working with the U.S. on North American standards has not assured us that we are on a path to our Paris commitment.

Secure the Environment, retrieved 2021-08-29

We will study the imposition of a carbon border tariff which would reflect the amount of carbon emissions attributed to goods imported into Canada. Producers in countries with emissions reductions mechanisms that are compatible with our own will be exempt. We will urge our American trade partners to adopt this approach as well.

Secure the Environment, retrieved 2021-08-29

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  • Place a carbon border adjustment tariff on imported products from areas without a carbon price.
  • Require large businesses receiving COVID recovery funding to agree to plan for net-zero.
  • Put in place joint workplace environment committees to help reduce emissions in every workplace.

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As we turn the corner on COVID-19 and build an economic recovery for people, we have a precious opportunity to build back better. New Democrats would ensure that recovery funding is used to support our net-zero objectives. To that end we would ensure that large businesses receiving recovery funding agree to plan for net-zero – and we would ensure those funds go to supporting Canadian jobs, not executives or shareholders.

Ready for Better, retrieved 2021-08-27

We will work to put in place joint workplace environment committees – modelled on the successful joint workplace health and safety committees which have had a major impact on making workplaces safer – to help reduce emissions at the source in every workplace.

Ready for Better, retrieved 2021-08-27

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  • Advance green industrial strategies.
  • Continue investing funds from the Net Zero Accelerator in strategic opportunities.


  • Enact a Carbon Border Adjustment.
  • Continuously evaluate the impact of the Carbon Border Adjustment on developing countries through a lens of global environmental justice.

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● Enact a Carbon Border Adjustment, which will ensure Canadian companies paying carbon taxes are not placed at a competitive disadvantage with foreign companies located in countries with no such taxes.

● Continuously evaluate the impact of the Carbon Border Adjustment on developing countries through a lens of global environmental justice.

Be Daring., retrieved 2021-09-11

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Low-Carbon Manufacturing


Work with governments, business, & labour to create a national industrial strategy for low-carbon manufacturing.


Advance green industrial strategies & continue investing funds from the Net Zero Accelerator in strategic opportunities.

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Advance green industrial strategies and continue investing funds from the Net Zero Accelerator in strategic opportunities and make sure that Canada claims more than our fair share of growing clean growth opportunities.

—  Forward. For Everyone., retrieved 2021-09-02

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We don't have any Green policies on Low-Carbon Manufacturing.

Natural Gas & LNG


  • Focus on exporting Liquefied Natural Gas.
  • Ensure new LNG facilities are electrified.
  • Require at least 15% of natural gas to come from renewable content by 2030.

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We will introduce a Renewable Natural Gas Mandate, based on British Columbia’s policy, requiring 15% of downstream consumption to be renewable by 2030.

Capturing methane from organic sources such as farms and landfills reduces carbon emissions and creates a renewable source of energy. We will put in place a minimum requirement for 15% renewable content in natural gas by 2030. That means the gas we use in our power plants, furnaces, water heaters, dryers, stoves and other gas appliances will have less impact on the environment, and the methane that is wasted from agriculture, sewage and landfills will be significantly reduced.

Secure the Environment, retrieved 2021-08-29

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We don't have any NDP policies on Natural Gas & LNG.
We don't have any Liberal policies on Natural Gas & LNG.
We don't have any Green policies on Natural Gas & LNG.


We don't have any Conservative policies on Pesticides.
We don't have any NDP policies on Pesticides.


  • Strengthen the Pest Control Products Act.
  • Invest in further government & independent science, including water & soil monitoring & on the cumulative effects of multiple pesticides on health & the environment.
  • Ensure the impacts on wildlife are fully considered.
  • Support food producers who choose alternative pest management approaches that reduce the need for chemical pesticides.

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Strengthen the Pest Control Products Act to better protect our health, wildlife, and the environment.

Align with world-leading approaches to transparency when reassessing pesticides already on the market and increase opportunities for independent scientists to have input into the decision-making process.

Invest in further government and independent science, including on water and soil monitoring and on the cumulative effects of multiple pesticides on health and the environment.

Ensure that the impacts of pesticides on wildlife are fully considered, and support food producers who choose alternative pest management approaches that reduce the need for chemical pesticides.

Forward. For Everyone., retrieved 2021-09-02

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  • Set targets for reducing the use of pesticides in agriculture.
  • Assist farmers in moving to organic & regenerative farming.
  • Revive & expand the National Pesticides Monitoring & Surveillance Network.
  • Create an adverse effects reporting database for doctors & emergency rooms to track health impacts of pesticides & other chemicals.
  • Ban neonicotinoid pesticides.

Project Impact Assessments


  • Revert the changes to the Impact Assessment Act made under Bill C-69.
  • Create an accelerated Impact Assessment process.


  • Overhaul the review process for major projects to ensure adequate time for public consultation.
  • Provide core funding to support Indigenous communities participating in review processes.

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New Democrats also believe in giving Canadians a stronger voice in energy decisions that impact their communities. That’s why we have committed to overhauling the process for reviewing major projects to ensure adequate time for public consultation, and provide core funding to support Indigenous communities participating in these processes.

Ready for Better, retrieved 2021-08-27

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We don't have any Liberal policies on Project Impact Assessments.
We don't have any Green policies on Project Impact Assessments.

Shipping & Marine Protection


Re-allow the shipping of oil and petroleum products on the North Coast of British Columbia by repealing Bill C-48.


  • Expand marine protected areas.
  • Reduce emissions from shipping & fishing.


  • Establish 10 new marine conservation areas in the next 5 years.
  • Renew & expand the Coastal Restoration fund.
  • Modernise the Oceans Act to explicitly consider climate change impacts on marine ecosystems & species.
  • Expand the Ghost Gear Program to clean up oceans & coasts.
  • Invest $50M in community shoreline cleanup.
  • Create a national working group on climate-resilient ocean conservation planning.

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Establishing 10 new national parks and 10 new national marine conservation areas (NMCAs) in the next 5 years—doubling the size of the existing national parks and NMCA system in Canada.

Forward. For Everyone., retrieved 2021-09-02

Renew and expand the Coastal Restoration fund so that we can restore aquatic habitats.

Make new investments in areas like tidal wetlands, seagrass meadows, and riparian habitats that have a high potential to absorb and store carbon.

Modernize the Oceans Act to explicitly consider climate change impacts on marine ecosystems and species in regional ocean management with measurable progress indicators tied to management objectives.

Expand the Ghost Gear Program to continue to clean up our oceans and coasts from lost and abandoned fishing gear and oceans plastics that endanger sea life, impact fish stocks, and pollute the ocean.

Invest $50 million over the next 5 years to support community shoreline and oceans plastic cleanup.

Create a national, interdisciplinary working group around climate-resilient ocean conservation planning.

Expand climate vulnerability work to better inform marine conservation planning and management.

Continue to protect key marine species, including the Southern Resident Killer Whale, the North Atlantic Right Whale, and the St. Lawrence Estuary Beluga.

Advance the historic $647 million Pacific Salmon Strategy launched in June and make new investments to conserve and restore Wild Atlantic Salmon.

Forward. For Everyone., retrieved 2021-09-02

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  • Include Indigenous Peoples in all aspects of marine protection site selection, management, & decision-making.
  • Commit permanent funding for marine conservation.
  • Support a ban on deep seabed mining until at least 2030.
  • Implement an Extended Producer Responsibility program for synthetic fishing gear.
  • Set zero-emissions targets for marine vessels by 2040 & ports & inland vessels by 2030.

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● Include Indigenous Peoples and their governance systems in all aspects of site selection, management, and decision-making around economic development within the marine and freshwater realms

● Transition to sustainable seafood: work with Indigenous and provincial governments to phase out open net-pen finfish aquaculture in Pacific waters by 2025 and all Canadian waters by 2030; support a just transition of impacted workers, and incentivize the move to land-based closed containment facilities.

● Reduce threats to ocean ecosystems, including supporting a moratorium on deep seabed mining at least until 2030

● Protect and restore coastal and marine areas, and support marine nature-based climate solutions

Be Daring., retrieved 2021-09-11

● In partnership with Indigenous governments and organizations, develop a National Framework for Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas (IPCAs) that includes collaborative governance arrangements, co-management decision-making bodies, and supporting administrative structures

● Invest in Indigenous-led sustainable ocean economies and Indigenous Guardians Programs

● Include Indigenous Peoples, their worldviews, knowledge, and governance systems in all aspects of design, site selection, management, and decision-making around economic development within the marine and freshwater realms of their territories

Be Daring., retrieved 2021-09-11

● Finalize a ban on single-use plastics by the end of 2021, and expand the list of banned plastics to include other harmful long-lived plastics such as polystyrene

● Require that all plastic packaging contain at least 50% recycled content by 2030 and support the shift to reusable products and packaging by (A) adjusting federal procurement practices and supporting municipalities that adopt equivalent or better reuse standards; and (B) introducing targets for refillable beverage containers.

● Implement an Extended Producer Responsibility program for all companies making or selling synthetic fishing gear which would fund the retrieval of lost or abandoned fishing gear, commonly known as ghost nets, and the collection and recycling of old, damaged, and recovered fishing gear.

● Support a moratorium on deep seabed mining until at least 2030, in tandem with increased investment in deep sea science

● Legislate cruise ship waste discharge standards that meet or exceed those of our coastal neighbours.

Be Daring., retrieved 2021-09-11

● Accelerate Canada's commitment to the UN Convention on Biological Diversity of 30% protected marine areas by 2030.

● Deliver a new comprehensive ten-year biodiversity strategy and action plan, with goals, measurable targets, and resources to halt and reverse biodiversity loss in the ocean by 2030 and fulfill Canada’s commitment to the G7 Nature Compact and UN CBD by the end of 2023.

● Commit permanent A-base funding for marine conservation, including the management of MPAs and stewardship of Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas by Indigenous partners.

● By 2022, present a clear action plan to achieve this target that includes the implementation of minimum protection standards; completion of Marine Protected Area networks and new MPAs in five priority bioregions; and completion of all current proposed MPAs and National Marine Conservation Areas; and identify new Areas of Interest in the remaining marine ecoregions and bioregions.

● By 2022, develop a Species At Risk Act (SARA) compliance plan with specific actions for all critical habitat protected under Section 58. Compliance promotion should target all users of the critical habitat of each specific Species At Risk.

● By 2025, complete independent scientific reviews of the effectiveness of recovery measures for all threatened and endangered species listed under SARA.

● Align measures under the Fisheries Act with potential measures under SARA for all COSEWIC-assessed species as part of species-at-risk transformation within DFO.

Be Daring., retrieved 2021-09-11

● Reduce greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 emissions, black carbon, Nitrous Oxide, Sulfur Oxide (NOx and SOx)), and methane from the marine transport sector, including shipping, ferries and fishing vessels.

● Setting the achievable target of 100% zero-emission vessels in Canadian inland waters by 2030 and marine vessels by 2040. All federally-owned ferries should be net-zero by 2035.

● Commit to zero-emission ports by 2030 through the development of port hydrogen hubs and develop ties to international ports to support the development of green shipping corridors and hydrogen export markets. This should include a zero- emission port infrastructure fund and a commitment to have all marine vessels at berth connected to shore power by 2030 to dramatically lower port emissions while reducing harmful air pollution for communities living near ports.

● Commit to no further expansion of offshore oil and gas activity while implementing a just transition for offshore oil and gas workers by 2030

● Develop a marine-focused Nature Based Climate Solutions strategy that integrates ocean-based carbon sinks (blue carbon) into Canada’s Climate Plan and emissions counting system. The strategy would include objectives, timelines and funding to prioritize protection and restoration of existing blue carbon sinks, support research to map and quantify blue carbon, and provide guidelines for evaluation of blue carbon in environmental assessments for proposed projects.

● Amend the Oceans Act and Fisheries Act to consider climate impacts on the marine environment and marine species and include climate change in spatial and fisheries management objectives. Conduct climate vulnerability assessments for marine species and habitats.

Be Daring., retrieved 2021-09-11

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Sustainable Finance

We don't have any Conservative policies on Sustainable Finance.
We don't have any NDP policies on Sustainable Finance.


  • Move toward mandatory climate-related financial disclosures.
  • Require climate-related financial disclosures & development of net-zero plans for federally-regulated institutions.
  • Issue green bonds annually, worth at least $5B.
  • Develop a climate data strategy.
  • Work with financial experts through the Sustainable Action Council to develop a net-zero capital allocation strategy.

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Deliver on the commitment that we made with G7 Finance Ministers earlier this year to move toward mandatory climate-related financial disclosures that provide consistent and decision-useful information for market participants and that are based on the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) framework, in cooperation with provinces and territories.

Require climate-related financial disclosures and the development of net-zero plans for federally regulated institutions, which includes financial institutions, pension funds, and government agencies.

Issue green bonds, annually, worth a minimum of $5 billion.

Develop a climate data strategy to ensure that the private sector and communities have access to decision-useful climate information and to inform infrastructure investments.

Work with financial experts through the Sustainable Finance Action Council to develop a net-zero capital allocation strategy to move capital into the types of investments needed to accelerate Canada’s transition to a prosperous net-zero future.

Forward. For Everyone., retrieved 2021-09-02

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Require federal public investment funds, including the CPP Investment Board, to divest from fossil fuels.

Toxic Substances

We don't have any Conservative policies on Toxic Substances.
We don't have any NDP policies on Toxic Substances.
We don't have any Liberal policies on Toxic Substances.


  • Limit CEPA approval & use of toxic chemicals that affect human health & environment.
  • Regulate microfibres as a toxic substance under CEPA.
  • Ban all toxic ingredients in personal care products.

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● Strengthen the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA) to limit the approval and use of toxic chemicals that affect our health and environment.

● Regulate microfibres as a toxic substance under CEPA.

● Invoke the precautionary principle in making decisions about approvals of products, substances, projects and processes where there is the potential for irreversible harm. If there is no scientific proof of safety, then approval will be withheld.

Be Daring., retrieved 2021-09-11

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Ban the export from Canada of plastic waste to be finally be disposed of in foreign countries.


  • Immediately ban single-use plastics, while supporting transition of production facilities for single-use plastics to new products.
  • Ban the export of plastic waste.
  • Reduce electronic waste by expanding right-to-repair.
  • Develop a national food waste strategy.

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To reduce waste in our landfills and communities, we will immediately ban single-use plastics, while protecting workers in this sector by supporting the transition of these production facilities to new products. We will hold companies responsible for the entire lifecycle of their plastic products and packaging, help municipalities improve their waste management and recycling systems, and support improved standards for what products can be labelled as recyclable. New legislation will also ban the export of plastic waste and help reduce electronic waste by removing unnecessary restrictions preventing people from repairing their devices.

Ready for Better, retrieved 2021-08-27

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  • Require that plastic packaging contain 50% recycled content by 2030.
  • Work w/ provinces & territories on recycling targets for plastic bottles.
  • Prohibit using the ♲ symbol on a product unless 80% of recycling facilities accept it.
  • Require producers to report the amount, type, & end-of-life management of plastics.
  • Implement right-to-repair & encourage with a tax credit.
  • Create a No-Waste Food Fund.

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Require that all plastic packaging in Canada contain at least 50% recycled content by 2030.

Accelerate the implementation of our zero plastic waste action plan, in partnership with provinces and territories, and ensure Canada’s actions are consistent with other leading jurisdictions.

Continue to work with provinces and territories to ensure that it’s producers, not taxpayers, who are responsible for the cost of managing their plastic waste.

Work with provinces and territories to implement and enforce an ambitious recycling target for plastic beverage bottles.

Strengthen federal procurement practices to prioritize reusable and recyclable products and support our goal of zero plastic waste.

Introduce labelling rules that prohibit the use of the chasing-arrows symbol unless 80% of Canada’s recycling facilities accept and have reliable end markets for these products.

Support provincial and territorial producer responsibility efforts by establishing a federal public registry and require producers to annually report the amount, type, and end-of-life management for plastics in the Canadian economy.

Forward. For Everyone., retrieved 2021-09-02

Create a new $100 million infrastructure and innovation fund over the next 5 years that will scale-up and commercialize made-in-Canada technologies and solutions for the reuse and recycling of plastics.

Forward. For Everyone., retrieved 2021-09-02

Accelerate the global shift to a circular economy as host of this year’s World Circular Economy Forum.

Build on the Ocean Plastics Charter by working with leading countries on the development of a new global agreement on plastics.

Forward. For Everyone., retrieved 2021-09-02

Implement a “right to repair” to extend the life of home appliances, particularly electronics, by requiring manufacturers to supply repair manuals and spare parts and facilitate their replication after the part is no longer produced.

Introduce a new 15% tax credit to cover the cost of home appliance repairs performed by technicians (up to $500).

Introduce a bill that includes provisions to better inform citizens of the environmental impacts of consumer products.

Require businesses to inform Canadians of the environmental impacts of consumer products.

Amend the Copyright Act to ensure that its provisions cannot prevent the repair of digital devices and systems, even when nothing is being copied or distributed.

Forward. For Everyone., retrieved 2021-09-02

Create a new No-Waste Food Fund to help build a circular food economy in Canada where no food is wasted, from farm to table. The fund will help all players along the food supply chain to commercialize and adopt ways to eliminate, reduce, or repurpose food waste. We will continue to partner with, and support, community-based food security organizations to make sure all Canadians have access to healthy food.

Forward. For Everyone., retrieved 2021-09-02

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  • Ban non-essential, single-use plastics by the end of the year.
  • Promote green procurement practices.
  • Promote sustainable waste management systems.
  • Promote a legally-binding global plastics agreement.
  • Ratify the Basel Ban Amendment.

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● Reduce consumption, waste, and planned obsolescence.

● Promote green procurement practices (procuring goods and services that have a reduced environmental impact), as recommended by the United Nations Environment Programme.

● Promote sustainable waste management practices, such as waste treatment, recycling, and safe handling of healthcare and biochemical waste, by adopting legislative provisions on issues including tax rebates or waivers on recycling initiatives.

● Proceed with regulations to ban non-essential, single-use plastics before the end of the year, and expand the list of items to be banned. Champion a legally binding global plastics agreement, ratify the Basel Ban Amendment and strengthen Canada’s rules for plastic waste trade to ensure Canadian plastic waste doesn’t pollute other countries.

Be Daring., retrieved 2021-09-11

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Make focused investments in forest management to reduce forest fire risk.

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Focused investments in forest management will help reduce forest fire risk, and we’ll take steps to encourage innovation in forestry, including valued wood production and re-forestation.

Ready for Better, retrieved 2021-08-27

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  • Train 1,000 new community-based firefighters.
  • Work with provinces & territories to provide firefighters with needed equipment, including Canadian-made planes.
  • Support & expand Indigenous-led fire crews & build capacity to better incorporate Indigenous traditional knowledge strategies in fire management.

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Train 1,000 new community-based firefighters to ensure we are ready for future fire seasons.

Work with provinces and territories to provide firefighters with the equipment they need to fight fires and stay safe, like Canadian-made planes to increase provincial aerial firefighting capacity.

Support and expand Indigenous-led fire crews and build capacity to better incorporate Indigenous traditional knowledge strategies in fire management

Forward. For Everyone., retrieved 2021-09-02

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  • Create fire breaks & fire suppression.
  • Provide physical resources to deal with fires quickly.
  • Include fire mitigation subsidies to owners of rural properties, allowing them to better manage the health of their forests.

Worker Transition

We don't have any Conservative policies on Worker Transition.
We don't have any NDP policies on Worker Transition.


  • Establish a $2B Futures Fund for Alberta, Saskatchewan, & Newfoundland & Labrador, design in collaboration with local workers, unions, educational institutions, environmental groups, investors, & Indigenous peoples.
  • Support local & regional economic diversification.
  • Move forward with Just Transition legislation.
  • Launch a Clean Jobs Training Centre to help workers upgrade or gain new skills.

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Establish a $2 billion Futures Fund for Alberta, Saskatchewan, Newfoundland and Labrador that will be designed in collaboration with local workers, unions, educational institutions, environmental groups, investors, and Indigenous peoples who know their communities best. We will support local and regional economic diversification and specific place-based strategies.

Move forward with Just Transition Legislation, guided by the feedback we receive from workers, unions, Indigenous peoples, communities, and provinces and territories.

Create more opportunities for women, LGBTQ2 and other underrepresented people in the energy sector.

Because when we include everyone, we get the best.

Launch a Clean Jobs Training Centre to help industrial, skill and trade workers across sectors to upgrade or gain new skills to be on the leading edge of zero carbon industry.

Forward. For Everyone., retrieved 2021-09-02

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  • Introduce a Just Transition Act before the end of 2021.
  • Plan for a fair transition of workers towards a decarbonised economy, that protects communities from displacement, & in which affected people are leading the preparation of their transition strategies.
  • Use wage insurance, retraining programmes, & early retirement plans.

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● Introduce a Just Transition Act before the end of 2021 that takes care of workers and communities during the transition.

● Plan for a fair and carefully planned transition of workers towards a decarbonized economy, that protects communities from displacement, and in which affected people (workers in greenhouse gas-intensive industries, Indigenous Peoples, marginalized communities) are leading the preparation of their transition strategies.

● Replace every high paying fossil fuel sector job with a high paying green sector job through wage insurance, retraining programs and early retirement plans.

● Reduce wealth inequality in Canada. Ensure that current wealth holders, particularly those in the fossil fuel sector, pay their fair share. Close tax havens and loopholes to redistribute wealth towards communities that have been underinvested in.

● Introduce laws that incentivize green investment and the creation of green jobs (such as in sustainable transport and energy efficiency), and that disincentivize unsustainable investments (such as by raising taxes on environmentally harmful goods and services).

● Invest in the cleantech sector and in renewable energy, which will create more, and higher paying jobs than those lost in the fossil fuel sector.

● Enact legislation on green jobs training programs, such as the creation of a youth climate corps; for example, jobs related to ecosystem restoration, particularly for people who have been displaced or severely affected by COVID-19.

Be Daring., retrieved 2021-09-11

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