Green Party of Ontario Youth Co-Chair, student, and advocate for sustainability, equity, and strong communities. Inspired by my roots, I fight for affordable housing, education, and a thriving future for all.
I am the Green Party of Ontario youth co-chair and a university student with a deep passion for community, advocacy, and sustainability. I find joy in crochet, reading, volunteer work, and gardening, all of which reflect my commitment to a connected and mindful way of living.
Having lived in social housing, I understand the importance of affordable housing and strong communities. Growing up in a francophone family in Sudbury, Ontario, I witnessed firsthand the need for accessible French education and services, an experience that shaped my dedication to equity. Inspired by my mother, an ICU nurse, and my grandmother, a teacher, I developed a strong appreciation for healthcare workers and educators, whose work is vital to a just society.
Sudbury’s transformation from a “moonscape” of environmental destruction to a model of reforestation and biodiversity deeply influenced my environmental values. I believe in building a sustainable, inclusive future, where communities thrive and no one is left behind.