Jobs platforms
Here's what the candidates in District 5: Mermaid - Stratford, and their parties, are promising.Aerospace
Develop a labour market strategy
Create industry-specific employee support programmes and emergency management plans for extreme weather events
Explore lease-to-own models, tax incentives for purchasing land collectively, and interest-free loans for new farmers
Shift to crops and varieties that reduce the need for inputs, such as fertilizers
Adopt low and no-till practices
Expand immigration recruitment
Expand the Buffer Zone Program and double payments to farmers to protect environmentally-sensitive land
Encourage expansion of livestock herds through price reassurances, low-interest government financing, and grants
Provide low-interest government financing for livestock farmers to build adequate fencing and enhance manure management
Increase support for using organic and sustainable practices
Keep agricultural land in food production
Support healthy soils initiatives
Modernise the Agricultural Insurance Corporation
Support mental health services for farmers
Support green farming initiatives
Support diversification of crops to prepare for climate change
Gig and contract workers
Minimum wage
Immediately increase the minimum wage to $15.20
Increase the minimum wage by at least $1/year until it reaches a living wage
Start a basic income pilot project, and advocate for financial support from the federal government for a full UBI programme
"A living wage was estimated a few years ago at around $19-$20 an hour. With recent inflation this is likely now around $21-$22 per hour.
Raising the minimum wage by $1 per year would be much more rapid than increases in recent years. It would likely be well ahead of inflation, thus closing the gap more every year. We would aim to have minimum wage catch up to the living wage in about 5 years.
One of their main challenges of minimum wage increases for businesses is that they have little time to adjust and plan for their labour costs. Currently, government gives businesses approximately 6 months notice for minimum wage increases. Having a clear plan on what minimum wage increases will be coming over the next several years will provide much more predictability for businesses and allow them to plan ahead for how they will meet their labour costs." — backgrounder, 2023-03-10
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Review the annual minimum wage process
"Committing to reviewing the annual minimum wage process and developing a long-term strategy to create a transparent, fair, and predictable process that takes private wage trends into account" — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22
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Increase the minimum wage to $17/hour, and tie it to inflation
Create a plan for providing a guaranteed livable basic income
Seafood, fishing, and aquaculture
Create industry-specific employee support programmes and emergency management plans for extreme weather events
Explore alternate bait options
Explore regenerative ocean farming
Invest more in climate mitigation infrastructure for small craft wharves and harbours
Rebuild lost infrastructure
Invest in tech advancements for reducing waste and creating value-added products
Support the sector by establishing its own dredging service
Sick leave
Startups and small businesses
Support new tourism initiatives for the off-season, including at provincial parks
Provide a debt relief programme with low-interest funding through Finance PEI for tourism operators with heavy debt from COVID
Provide funding to TIAPEI to promote tourism job opportunities
Increase the provincial budget for arts, culture, and tourism
Provide multi-year funding agreements for community festivals and events
Support upgrades to Confederation Centre