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Kris Rivard

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A bilingual Green Party member, municipal councillor, and environmental professional dedicated to sustainability and community development in Northern Ontario.

Kris is bilingual in French and English. He was born, raised, and educated in Northern Ontario, obtaining an Honours BA in Geography at Laurentian University and a postgraduate certificate in Environmental Studies from Canadore College.

Kris has been a Green Party of Ontario member since 2018 and the Northern Ontario Representative on the GPO Provincial Executive since 2023. Kris was the GPO candidate for Nipissing in the 2018 Election. And the 2022 candidate for Timiskaming-Cochrane.

In 2022, he was elected as a Municipal Councillor representing Ward 1 in the Municipality of West Nipissing, becoming the youngest elected official in the Municipality’s history. Kris is the Chair of the Community Services Board and sits on the Economic Development Board, Recreation and Culture Board, Doctor Retention and Recruitment Committees, and the Environmental Services Board.

As a Sewage System Inspector for the North Bay-Mattawa Conservation Authority, Kris oversees new and existing residential, commercial, and industrial development in the Nipissing District.

Growing up in Northern Ontario Kris developed his love of the outdoors and remains active. When not working, volunteering or exploring, Kris and his wife, Janique enjoy time at home with their son Matteo and are waiting for the arrival of their second baby boy.

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