This is a page from the 2024 New Brunswick general election.
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Jobs, Businesses, & Labour platforms

Here's what the candidates in Saint John Harbour, and their parties, are promising.


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  • Increase provincial food self-sufficiency

    "Develop food import replacement strategies to increase food self-sufficiency." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12

  • Set local procurement targets for public institutions to prioritise locally-grown and produced food

    "Set ambitious local procurement targets for public institutions, including hospitals, schools, universities, colleges, and long-term care homes, to prioritize locally grown and produced food." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12

  • Provide financial assistance for small and medium-scale food production, processing and distribution

    "Provide financial assistance to remove barriers to small and medium-scale food production, processing, and distribution." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12

  • Undertake an agricultural reform focusing on farm diversification and value-added processing

    "Undertake an agricultural reform focusing on farm diversification and value-added processing in collaboration with farmers and their communities." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12

  • Provide income insurance and extension services to support farmers transitioning to ecological and regenerative farming practices

    "Provide income insurance and extension services to support farmers transitioning to ecological and regenerative farming practices that restore soil health, capture carbon, and reduce greenhouse gases." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12

We don't have any Liberal policies on Agriculture.
We don't have any PC policies on Agriculture.

Arts and culture

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  • Create a professional designation for artists

    "Enact legislation to establish a professional designation for artists." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12

  • Provide stable, long-term funding to arts, heritage, and cultural organisations

    "Provide stable, long-term funding to arts, heritage, and cultural organizations to foster New Brunswick’s talent and creativity.

    Ensure stable funding for New Brunswick artists to expand their market in New Brunswick and beyond."

    Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12


  • Consider arts and culture as important economic and social drivers

    "Consider arts and culture as important economic and social drivers. Better leverage opportunities to invest in our artists, cultural and creative industries, and institutions to ensure good-paying jobs and a robust creative economy that all New Brunswickers can be proud of." — Team Holt: Focused On You, retrieved 2024-10-12

  • Support the transition committee's work on the Status of the Artist
We don't have any PC policies on Arts and culture.

Economic development

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  • Establish a Department of Community and Rural Development to support community-led regional development

    "Establish a Department of Community and Rural Development with decentralized decision-making to support community-led regional development." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12

  • Set local procurement quotas for government departments and Crown Corporations

    "Increase the market for locally produced goods and services by setting local procurement quotas for government departments and Crown Corporations." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12

We don't have any Liberal policies on Economic development.
We don't have any PC policies on Economic development.


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We don't have any Green policies on Infrastructure.


  • Create an asset management plan to ensure transportation infrastructure is prioritised for repair and replacement and contractors are paid

    "Maximize the benefit of infrastructure to New Brunswickers by leveraging an asset management plan for transportation infrastructure to ensure roads and bridges are prioritized for repair or replacement and that contractors are paid on time." — Team Holt: Focused On You, retrieved 2024-10-12

We don't have any PC policies on Infrastructure.

Labour rights and unions

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  • Update the Employment Standards Act to provide paid sick days, guaranteed vacation, and paid overtime based on actual wages
  • Ban the use of replacement workers during a strike or lockout
  • Repeal Bill 17, which circumvented the collective bargaining process
  • Reestablish permanent labour relations tables for government and unions to collaborate
We don't have any Liberal policies on Labour rights and unions.
We don't have any PC policies on Labour rights and unions.

Pay equity

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  • Introduce pay equity legislation for the private sector
  • Implement a plan to achieve pay equity for workers in government funded care, childcare, and community service sectors
  • Require employers to include an expected pay range in publicly-advertised job postings


  • Phase in pay equity in the private and care sectors, using a model similar to Quebec and Ontario
We don't have any PC policies on Pay equity.

Poverty and the minimum wage

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  • Notice how the homeless panhandler isn't allowed to sell canned soda or apples to improve his life? That's government's fault.


  • Create a Guaranteed Livable Income programme to eliminate deep poverty

    "Develop and implement a Guaranteed Liveable Income program in collaboration with the federal government to eliminate deep poverty." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12

  • Immediately raise social assistance rates of all categories and adjust accordingly every year until a Guaranteed Livable Income is in place

    "Immediately raise social assistance rates of all categories and adjust them accordingly every following year until a Guaranteed Livable Income is in place." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12

  • Raise the minimum wage to $20/hour no later than 2028 and reduce taxes on small and medium businesses to aid the transition


  • Better allow people receiving social assistance to participate in the workforce without financial penalty or loss of benefits

    "Increase the capacity of New Brunswickers receiving social assistance to participate in the workforce without financial penalty or loss of benefits." — Team Holt: Focused On You, retrieved 2024-10-12

  • Increase social assistance rates

    "Increase social assistance rates given the rising cost of food and housing, while ensuring regulations are not penalizing recipients." — Team Holt: Focused On You, retrieved 2024-10-12

We don't have any PC policies on Poverty and the minimum wage.

Startups and small businesses

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  • Reduce the small business tax rate to 1%, and raise the income threshold from $500,000 to $700,000


  • Review and improve investment tax credits like the SBITC and scientific research and economic development credits

    "Increase productivity by reviewing and improving investment tax credits like SBITC and scientific research and economic development (SR/ED) credits to ensure investments in research, automation, and technology." — Team Holt: Focused On You, retrieved 2024-10-12

We don't have any PC policies on Startups and small businesses.


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  • Invest in infrastructure for nature, history, and cultural tourism

    "Invest in infrastructure to promote nature, history and cultural tourism, including a provincial network for interpreting natural protected areas and historically and culturally significant sites." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12

  • Invest in cycling trails to support eco-tourism and active transportation

    "Support eco-tourism and active transportation by investing in cycling trails such as the completion of the Shore Line cycling trail between St. Stephen and Saint John and the Acadian Peninsula Veloroute." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12

  • Develop a comprehensive Heritage Plan to preserve and celebrate New Brunswick's rich historical and cultural assets

    "Develop a comprehensive Heritage Plan that prioritizes the preservation and celebration of New Brunswick’s rich historical and cultural assets such as covered bridges and lighthouses." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12

We don't have any Liberal policies on Tourism.
We don't have any PC policies on Tourism.


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We don't have any Green policies on Trades.


  • Provide grants to people who have studies to work in the building trades

    "Provide grants to New Brunswickers who have studied to work in high-priority fields, including healthcare, the building trades, and education." — Team Holt: Focused On You, retrieved 2024-10-12

We don't have any PC policies on Trades.

Youth employment

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  • Develop a youth employment strategy to reduce the youth who are neither employed nor enrolled in education or training from 18% to 10%

    "Develop an ambitious youth employment strategy with the goal of reducing the number of young New Brunswickers who are neither employed or enrolled in education or training programs from 18% to 10%." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12

  • Launch a job programme offering training and employment opportunities to youth in conservation and supporting climate action and adaptation

    "Launch the Youth Climate Corps, a new job program offering training and employment opportunities to young people to conserve land and water, support community resilience, and advance climate action and adaptation measures." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12

We don't have any Liberal policies on Youth employment.
We don't have any PC policies on Youth employment.