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Climate Change & the Environment platforms

Here's what the candidates in River Heights, and their parties, are promising.

Active transportation

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We don't have any PC policies on Active transportation.
We don't have any Liberal policies on Active transportation.
We don't have any NDP policies on Active transportation.


  • Permit cyclists to treat stop signs as yields and red lights as stop signs, unless otherwise marked
  • Permit cyclists of all ages and with all sizes of tire to ride on sidewalks, provided they do so safely and yield to pedestrians
  • Give Cyclists priority right-of-way over motorists on all highways
  • Require the installation of stop signs and traffic calming measures in back lanes to prevent collisions with cyclists and pedestrians
  • Enact a province-wide urban default residential speed limit of no more than 30km/h
  • Prohibit motorists from turning across a pedestrian or cyclist crosswalk at a red light (effectively banning right turns on red)

Climate adaptation

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We don't have any PC policies on Climate adaptation.
We don't have any Liberal policies on Climate adaptation.
We don't have any NDP policies on Climate adaptation.


  • Recognize the climate crisis for the Emergency that it truly is
  • Develop a provincial Climate Emergency Response Agency that would bring together environmental, health, engineering and other professionals with Indigenous leadership, government personnel and members of the lay public to oversee the coordinated planning and action on Climate Emergency mitigation and adaptation
  • Call for a provincial Citizens Assembly on the Climate Emergency with an emphasis on incorporating Indigenous wisdom on climate and the natural environment

Electric vehicles

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We don't have any PC policies on Electric vehicles.


  • Create a $300M fund for environmental restoration, green retrofits, agricultural emissions reductions programmes, wind and solar power, and EV charging stations

    "To grow a greener province, a Manitoba Liberal Government will create a $300-million Green Fund that will support Manitobans in restoring the environment, offering energy-saving retrofits and ultimately fighting climate change.

    Manitoba Liberals will renegotiate a deal with the Federal Government to redirect a portion of the revenue from the pollution pricing plan so that we can set our own conditions. In addition, we will establish new green building codes for both new builds and retrofits.

    The Green Fund will be partially funded by Efficiency Manitoba, Manitoba Hydro, and a redirected portion of the revenue from the pollution pricing plan.

    Eligible projects under the Green Fund will include, but are not limited to:

    » Efficiency programs for producers to reduce the impact of agricultural greenhouse emissions, such as N02;

    » Residential and commercial green retrofits to reduce home energy costs including to the removal of radon and replace lead water pipes;

    » Increasing wind and solar power generating stations across the province;

    » Increasing the number of EV charging stations." — Dougald Lamont & the Manitoba Liberals — Real Choice, Real Change


  • Create a "clean energy hub" to invest in building charging stations and networks
  • Provide $4,000 rebates for new and $2,500 and used EVs and plug-in hybrids

Energy generation

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We don't have any PC policies on Energy generation.
We don't have any Liberal policies on Energy generation.
We don't have any NDP policies on Energy generation.


  • Accelerate approvals for wind turbine installation on already degraded sites such as garbage dumps when such sites are suitable for wind turbine development

Environmental organisations

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We don't have any PC policies on Environmental organisations.
We don't have any Liberal policies on Environmental organisations.


  • Restore funding to environmental organisations that was cut in 2020

    "Restore funding to environmental organizations cut by the PCs in 2020 and work with them to fight climate change" —, retrieved 2023-09-19


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We don't have any PC policies on Forests.


  • Restore a provincial tree nursery and seed bank
  • Create wilderness corridors and restore habitats

    "We will work with farmers, Indigenous communities and municipalities to create wilderness corridors and restore habitats such as forests, wetlands, grasslands. This will include significant efforts to remove and displace invasive species." — Dougald Lamont & the Manitoba Liberals — Real Choice, Real Change


  • Stop deforestation and plant more trees

    "End the PC Government’s practice of deforestation and plant more trees to improve Manitoba's green spaces and protect Manitobans from extreme heat." —, retrieved 2023-09-19

Green construction and retrofits

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  • Create a $15M fund to retrofit semi-trailers for aerodynamics

    "The PCs also committed today to new investments to improve fuel efficiency in the transportation sector, with a $15-million fund to equip semi-trailers with aerodynamic retrofits. Around 31% of the province’s greenhouse gas emissions are generated by the transportation sector." —, retrieved 2023-09-17


  • Create a $300M fund for environmental restoration, green retrofits, agricultural emissions reductions programmes, wind and solar power, and EV charging stations

    "To grow a greener province, a Manitoba Liberal Government will create a $300-million Green Fund that will support Manitobans in restoring the environment, offering energy-saving retrofits and ultimately fighting climate change.

    Manitoba Liberals will renegotiate a deal with the Federal Government to redirect a portion of the revenue from the pollution pricing plan so that we can set our own conditions. In addition, we will establish new green building codes for both new builds and retrofits.

    The Green Fund will be partially funded by Efficiency Manitoba, Manitoba Hydro, and a redirected portion of the revenue from the pollution pricing plan.

    Eligible projects under the Green Fund will include, but are not limited to:

    » Efficiency programs for producers to reduce the impact of agricultural greenhouse emissions, such as N02;

    » Residential and commercial green retrofits to reduce home energy costs including to the removal of radon and replace lead water pipes;

    » Increasing wind and solar power generating stations across the province;

    » Increasing the number of EV charging stations." — Dougald Lamont & the Manitoba Liberals — Real Choice, Real Change


  • Help 5,000 families install geothermal heating and cooling with no up-front cost

    "A Manitoba NDP government will help 5,000 families switch to geothermal heating and cooling. Through Efficiency Manitoba, families will be able to get a new geothermal system with no up-front cost and no need to find an installer. This plan will lower energy bills for families by up to 50%, on top of the NDP’s commitment to freezing monthly hydro bills. Geothermal energy has proven to be a simple, affordable and efficient home energy solution, but under the PC government, it’s been underutilized.

    By hiring local, qualified contractors to install more geothermal systems, the NDP’s energy plan will create 1,000 clean energy jobs per year across the province." —, 2023-09-20


  • Incentivize the purchase and installation of composting toilets
  • Mandate that all building permits for residential, commercial, institutional and industrial buildings include a water reclamation system so that only minimal amounts of treated water are used for toilet flushing


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We don't have any PC policies on Land.


  • Create wilderness corridors and restore habitats

    "We will work with farmers, Indigenous communities and municipalities to create wilderness corridors and restore habitats such as forests, wetlands, grasslands. This will include significant efforts to remove and displace invasive species." — Dougald Lamont & the Manitoba Liberals — Real Choice, Real Change

  • Double the number of protected areas by 2035
  • Create a carbon credit system to pay farmers for ecological services and sustainable land stewardship

    "Set up a carbon credit system that will enable payments for farmers for ecological services and sustainable land stewardship" — Dougald Lamont & the Manitoba Liberals — Real Choice, Real Change

  • Fund soil and water remediation projects


  • Reverse the current government's changes to Crown Land leases
  • Conserve at least 30% of lands and waters by 2030

    "Work with Indigenous communities to conserve at least 30% of Manitoba’s lands and waters by 2030." —, retrieved 2023-09-19


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We don't have any PC policies on Pollution.


We don't have any NDP policies on Pollution.

Public transit

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  • Provide $8.8M over 4 years for new Winnipeg Transit routes

    "A re-elected PC government will provide $2.2 million annually to support the Aurora and Castlebury Meadows transit lines in northern Winnipeg, as well as Prairie Pointe and Waterford Green transit lines in Waverley West, Smith noted." —, 2023-09-28


  • Commit to 50/50 transit funding in Winnipeg
  • Invest in expanding transit elsewhere


  • Work with all cities in Manitoba to improve public transit service including increasing frequency, operating hours, and coverage
  • Work with all cities in Manitoba with public transit systems to provide fare-free transit service, supported by increased provincial funding for fare-free public transit systems
  • Develop and implement a province-wide system of electrified intercity bus and rail service
  • Work toward a target where all busses, new and replacement, are zero emissions, battery electric or electric trolley busses
  • Investigate a system of airship transportation for goods and services to remote and northern communities

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions

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We don't have any PC policies on Reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
We don't have any Liberal policies on Reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
We don't have any NDP policies on Reducing greenhouse gas emissions.


  • Eliminate fossil fuel subsidies in Manitoba
  • Remove the exemption for fuel under the Fuel Tax Act, and apply PST to all fuels
  • Ban hydraulic fracturing (fracking)
  • Cancel all new oil exploration projects
  • Phase out existing oil and gas operations, so that they continue on a declining basis, to terminate at the end of 2035


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We don't have any PC policies on Waste.
We don't have any Liberal policies on Waste.
We don't have any NDP policies on Waste.


  • Develop and implement province-wide municipal organics (compost) diversion programs from both the residential and the Industrial, Commercial and Institutional (ICI) sectors
  • Develop and implement a deposit return system for recyclable single-use packaging and
  • Introduce new tax incentives for enterprises that repair, reuse, and repurpose items that would otherwise have gone to landfill
  • Accelerate regulations to phase out non-essential, single-use plastics, and expand the list of items to be phased out
  • Increase fines for illegal dumping
  • Mandate sorting of waste, compostable material and recyclables for all government departments and agencies, industry and corporations across the province, with meaningful fines in place to address non-compliance
  • Require that all plastic packaging sold in Manitoba contain at least 50% recycled content by 2030
  • Adjust provincial procurement practices and support municipalities that adopt equivalent or better reuse standards
  • Introduce targets for reusable, returnable product packaging systems
  • Prioritize and accelerate the upgrade of the Winnipeg North End Sewage Treatment Plant
  • Support consumers in independently maintaining their electronics, large appliances, machinery, and vehicles, and being able to access cost-effective repairs to those items, by introducing Right to Repair legislation

    This would include mandating:

    • The availability of parts at reasonable prices; 
    • Provision of free and publicly available service manuals;  
    • Publicly available repair information such as software tools and schematics; 
    • Repairability labeling to inform consumers of the likely lifetime and fixability of the product; and 
    • Enforcing repairable designs (e.g., replaceable batteries, long-term software support, etc).
  • Accelerate approvals for wind turbine installation on already degraded sites such as garbage dumps when such sites are suitable for wind turbine development


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We don't have any PC policies on Water.


  • Increase funding for the Water Services Board by $20M
  • Restore Lake Winnipeg by 2033
  • Create "Floating Wetlands" around combined sewer outlets in Winnipeg's rivers

    "Create “Floating Wetlands” in Winnipeg’s Rivers around each combined sewer outlet to immediately help capture the excess pollution and nutrients naturally and at low cost." — Dougald Lamont & the Manitoba Liberals — Real Choice, Real Change

  • Fund soil and water remediation projects
  • Invest in restoring and protecting freshwater fish species and habitats

    "A Manitoba Liberal Government will also invest in the restoration and protection of freshwater fish species and habitats to ensure that fishers in Manitoba can continue to harvest fish sustainably while we protect our waterways from invasive species." — Dougald Lamont & the Manitoba Liberals — Real Choice, Real Change


  • Conserve at least 30% of lands and waters by 2030

    "Work with Indigenous communities to conserve at least 30% of Manitoba’s lands and waters by 2030." —, retrieved 2023-09-19

  • Work with municipalities to improve surface-water protections
  • Finish upgrading the North End Water Pollution Control Centre
  • Provide adequate funding for waste-water management

    "Work with municipalities to improve surface-water protections and ensure there is adequate funding for waste-water management so communities can grow" —, retrieved 2023-09-19


  • Prioritize and accelerate the upgrade of the Winnipeg North End Sewage Treatment Plant
  • Incentivize the purchase and installation of composting toilets
  • Mandate that all building permits for residential, commercial, institutional and industrial buildings include a water reclamation system so that only minimal amounts of treated water are used for toilet flushing
  • Ban hydraulic fracturing (fracking)
  • Ban Silica Sand mines