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Sasha was born and raised in China, and went to Virginia Commonwealth University in 1988 for her second MA in Education. She taught English at South China Polytech and later at Godwin High School in Richmond, Virginia. Sasha has also been a small business owner and entrepreneur for 30 years. Her sound business management skills and judgment will prove invaluable as a trustee.

Sasha has two children now in their early 20s. When she immigrated to Canada with her then school-age children, she chose to place them in public school in Oak Bay instead of private school because she believes in public education.

Sasha will focus on optimization of the school fund allocation to ensure that students get classes in music, arts and civics, as well as improved access to counselling. She also believes parents should be involved in decisions regarding their children’s education.

Reason for running

submitted by the candidate or their team
Somebody like myself with a successful business background must take charge to better manage the $268 million budget for SD61!!! Our kids have been falling behind academically. They must focus on learning and teachers on teaching. Stop politics and indoctrination in schools.

I've been a small business owner and investor for over 30 years. I have recruited and inspired 4 others to run for trustees under VIVA Victoria. There are 9 seats and we need to take the majority to effect real changes to fix the problems. Get our children back to learning and prepare them to become productive citizens and reach their potential to become whom they aspire to become.

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