Neither of the legacy parties offer substantial differences and they are unresponsive to the constituents. Crime has risen to unacceptable levels, Healthcare and Education are overburdened, fiscal and resource management has been poor. Manitobans deserve better.
Presently Manitoba Hydro has a 20 billion dollar debt. Both legacy parties take turns syphoning off over 300 million annually from Hydro's coffers. Interest rates and inflation are climbing, a day is coming soon when Hydro will struggle to make its' debt payments. In the meantime Hydro infrastructure and equipment are in need of upgrading. Poor fiscal and resource mismanagement is slowly leading to the loss of Manitoba Hydro as a publicly owned utility at an accelerated rate. We cannot allow that to happen. Front line service providers are overworked and the fundamental structures Manitobans depend on are stretched to the limit. The time is now for finger pointing between the legacy parties to stop. We have to return to functional government.