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Climate Change & the Environment platforms

Here's what the candidates in Boundary-Similkameen, and their parties, are promising.

BC Parks


Expand popular provincial parks with new campgrounds, trails, and protected areas while increasing funding to improve infrastructure and protect park ecosystems.

BC Liberals

  • Double number of provincial park campsites in areas with growing demand.
  • Improve safe parking & amenities in high-use day areas.
  • Create a Work Experience for Students programme to provide work-experience opportunities for young people in provincial parks.
  • Improve reservations.

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Improve the [...] BC Parks camping reservation system, to provide short-notice camping options for local residents, and make the reservations process fairer for all.

— From Restore Confidence. Rebuild BC.

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Carbon tax

We don't have any BC NDP policies on Carbon tax.

BC Liberals

Work with federal government to review scheduled increases in the Carbon Tax in light of the current economic recession.



  • Work with adjacent jurisdictions to protect shared wildlife and habitat corridors.
  • Implement recommendations of the Old Growth Strategic Review to protect further old-growth stands.
  • Develop a new coastal strategy.

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[...] we will seek a partnership with the federal government to establish a Watershed Security Fund to fund Indigenous, local, and regionally led clean water initiatives - and create good, sustainable, local jobs for British Columbians in watershed restoration, monitoring, technology, and education.

— From Working for You.

We'll make sure owners of large industrial projects are bonded moving forward, so that they - and not BC taxpayers - pay the full cost of environmental cleanup if their projects are abandoned.

— From _Working for You_.

We will develop a new provincial coastal strategy — in partnership with First Nations and federal and local governments — to better protect coastal habitat while growing coastal economies. A priority will be working with the federal government to address freighter traffic management and anchorage through southern Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands.

— From Working for You.

We'll work with the federal government to develop new strategies that:

 - Protect and revitalize BC's salmon populations by building on the successful Broughton process and supporting innovation in fish hatcheries.

 - Step up protection of fish habitat through our biodiversity strategy.

 - Ensure BC processing of BC-caught fish.

— From Working for You.

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BC Liberals

  • Ensure no net loss of wetlands in BC.
  • Take more aggressive control of invasive species.
  • Ensure ongoing restoration of wildlife populations.
  • Accelerate reforestation programmes.
  • Appoint a Minister for Fisheries and Coastlines.

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Work with federal, municipal and First Nations partners, as well as outdoor recreation and conservancy organizations, to ensure the ongoing restoration of wildlife populations.

— From Restore Confidence. Rebuild BC.

Ensure hunting and other wildlife fees are used to fund enhancement of our wild spaces and wildlife populations.

Accelerate reforestation programs with priority to high-value fish-impact watershed reclamation.

Adopt robust salmon and steelhead conservation measures [...]

Support food share programs to keep food out of landfills, and get it to people who need it, to reduce both hunger and landfill methane.

Implement enhancements to Okanagan Lake Water Level Management for flood control and mitgation.

From Restore Confidence. Rebuild BC.

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Electric bikes

We don't have any BC Liberals policies on Electric bikes.

Electric vehicles


  • Provide a new income-tested incentive on new and used zero-emission vehicles.
  • Increase public vehicle charging availability with incentives and "right-to-charge" legislation for stratas and apartment buildings.

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Expand CleanBC and our zero-emissions vehicle program to industrial vehicles: [...] We will expand CleanBC's SUVI program to get more trucks, buses, ports, airports, and marine vessels off fossil fuels.

— From Working for You.

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  • Pass legislation requiring BC to reach net-zero emissions by 2050, either through no emissions or through carbon offsets.
  • Invest in made-in-BC carbon capture technology.
  • Empower local governments to set their own carbon pollution performance standards for new buildings.

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[...] we will require realtors to provide energy efficiency information on listed homes to incent energy-saving upgrades and let purchasers know what energy bills they will face.

— From Working for You.

We'll provide additional funding for our CleanBC industrial emissions strategy so that more mines, pulp mills, oil and gas processing plants, and other industrial facilities can reduce harmful emissions and more to cleaner operations.

— From Working for You.

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BC Liberals

  • Support investments in renewable energy and technology solutions such as carbon capture.
  • Ensure a comprehensive greenhouse gas strategy that reduces emissions while allowing resource development and Indigenous land use.

Plastic waste

BC Liberals

Implement a programme to engage the public on reducing plastic and Syrofoam waste in oceans and waterways.



Spur energy-efficiency upgrades with programmes and incentives for both residential and commercial buildings, including allowing homeowners to take out loans for efficiency upgrades and pay them back overtime through property taxes.

BC Liberals

  • Encourage retrofitting of homes and businesses.
  • Improve the provincial building code to maximize energy-efficiency while avoiding one-size-fits-all costs.



Create a watershed security strategy to protect local watersheds.

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[...] we will seek a partnership with the federal government to establish a Watershed Security Fund to fund Indigenous, local, and regionally led clean water initiatives - and create good, sustainable, local jobs for British Columbians in watershed restoration, monitoring, technology, and education.

— From Working for You.

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We don't have any BC Liberals policies on Water.