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Sandeep Srivastava

Independent for Toronto Mayor

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submitted by the candidate or their team

I was born in India and Grew Up in Multicultural Communities in Toronto Ontario.

I am loving husband, wonderful father of two sons and raising my family in Toronto, Ontario.

I am proud Canadian. I love Toronto. I love People of Toronto. Toronto is in my blood. Toronto is my life.

I am keen, punctual, reliable, responsible, ambitious, creative, energetic, sporty, and active. I love new challenges, new adventures, and new projects. I am very competitive with strong work ethic and self-respect. I notice and absorb every big and small thing. I love interacting with people and solving their issues in timely fashion. I am trustworthy, I always keep my words and promises.

I am thoughtful, hard working, understand all the multicultural communities in all of Toronto. Toronto is most diverse city. Diversity is our strength. We can not leave anybody behind. We are all part of Toronto City.

I am strong leader with senior management experience. I mostly use three type of leadership styles at work such as Autocratic, Democratic, Participative Leadership style, it varies time to time depending what kind of people I interact with and situation or problem I deal with. I have ability to direct, guide and influence the behaviour and work of others towards accomplishment of specific goals in each situation.

I came to Toronto when I was just a teenager with a dream for a better education and a better future for my family, and Toronto has helped me do that. Thanks to my local upbringing, I graduated in Computer Science and Certified in PMP, ITIL, MCT. I am an IT Director at CCANSI.COM, Project Management Professional – manage Multi-Million Dollars Projects and Programs, Entrepreneur, Investor, College Instructor (Accounting and Payroll, Business Administration, Business Process Integration, Cyber Security, Cloud Computing, Network Systems Engineering, Information Technology and Communication Technology, Project Management) where I change people’s lives and career.

I have 15+ years of Senior Project/Program Management and Leadership experience in both Enterprise and Public sector. I can use my senior management and leadership experience and put these skills to work for you at Toronto City Hall.

I have benefited enormously from being part of the community that celebrates the diversity of its residents, creates opportunities for economic and social prosperity, and appreciates newcomers’ families and seniors alike, regardless of their race or religion. Not only is it my duty, but it is also my privilege to give back to the community which has given me so much.

For the past 20 years, I have worked directly with residents, stakeholders, and local politicians to resolve day-to-day issues that impact our lives in our city. I am the only Candidate who provided managed services to all level of Governments across Ontario and I know how all three level of Governments work and coordinate together.

I have had the opportunity to get to know many of you through my involvement in local projects to resolve your family and community issues. I face the same problems you do. Who better to represent the residents of our community than another resident? Who better to maintain efficient tax dollar allocation than a taxpayer raising two sons just next door? I want to continue helping your family and grow our community with more services for everyone. Unlike others, I ran to represent you and your family in previous elections. I am driven to succeed.

As Your Mayor, We will be working with you to build a more sustainable and cost-efficient community. We will make decisions on your behalf, keeping in mind the good of the community. We will vote issue by issue, using your reasoned input combined with thorough cost-benefit analysis to ensure best value for your tax dollars and our residents.

Building our city will continue, but it takes everyone working together to make it happen. Through Hope and Hard Work, Each and Every One of Us Can Make Positive Change.

My name is Sandeep SRIVASTAVA and I am running for mayor to bring about real change. My 30 point plan is focused on Recover City from $1.6 Billion Shortfall, Restructure City Departments, Generate Revenue for Toronto, Audit and Manage Budgets and Expenses, Economic Recovery, Build Infrastructure, Spread Jobs Across Toronto, Affordable Housing, Traffic Gridlock, Public Transportation, Crime and Violence Prevention, Community Safety, Mitigate Homelessness, Taxes, Support for Businesses, Mental Health, Better Programs and Services for Youth and Seniors, Strong Support for Police, Firefighters and Essential Services. Torontonians need change because we can not afford four more years at same. I am asking for your vote on June 26, 2023 to help get our city back on top where we belong. Change Starts With You Now.

Thank You for Your Vote and Support.



Reason for running

submitted to Toronto's elections office by the candidate

Dear Torontonian,

My name is Sandeep SRIVASTAVA. I am running to be a strong mayor of action at city hall for people of Toronto.

We need major investments in affordable housing, public safety, Infrastructure, walking, cycling and transit. We need to create complete communities so people can live, work, shop and play without having to travel far. We need to put pedestrians first by making welcome safer and more enjoyable and will create public spaces that support vibrant communities and commercial life.

What are top issues in Toronto? Affordability, Community Safety, Getting around the city, and we need real solutions to the real problems. 

One of the most important issues for Torontonians is the lack of proper housing: subsidized housing for the unhoused; affordable housing for the working poor, accessible housing for those in need and options for those who are unable to afford the current high-priced market rates.

I understand these crisis. I understand the desperation. For far too long, tenants have been told to wait. Seniors waiting for affordable housing have been told to wait. Homeless folks have been told to wait to get into some kind of affordable units. Families waiting for affordable childcare have been told to wait. We cannot wait any longer. It is time to act now. Join me because together we can make change. We can create a city that is affordable, caring, safer, where we all can come together and feel where we belong. Let's united together and do it now.

I've been listening to communities’ right across our city in every corner. And while there are unique differences that we should celebrate and learn from, we have so many common priorities. Whether it be safety, whether it be affordability, whether it be livability. What that means is addressing the decline in services that has been allowed to happen for so long. When I believe something is right and true and honest and costed and helpful, I champion it and I support it. But when something is wrong or dishonest, we have to challenge it and we have to speak up.

Everything is not going well in our city. I see you. I hear you. And that is why we need to take Toronto on a different track, right? You know it. I know it. For the city that we love, it means that we have to do things differently so that we get different results, the results that we deserve. I'm focused on making sure that we have a city that works for everyone everywhere in the city. We need to make sure that we have a Toronto that works for everyone. Join me in this effort.

Starting Day One at Toronto City Hall, I will be ready to work with council. I will be ready to fix services and build housing. I will be ready to stand up, to collaborate with other Provincial and Federal Government, to deliver better Service for our city. I want to make sure that Torontonian can enjoy an exceptional quality of life while supporting a vibrant city and growing economy.

There’s lots to do, but together we can get there. We will work with our residents, businesses, and regional partners, including Metrolinx, senior governments and neighboring municipalities, to achieve our shared goals.

We live in one of the world’s great cities, so much of what makes Toronto special is Economic Hub, Jobs, People of Toronto, Diversity, Food, Culture, and Communities.

We need to create a healthy, prosperous, livable future for Toronto.


For MAYOR of Toronto

Pourquoi je suis candidat à la mairie ?

J'aime Toronto. J'aime les gens de Toronto. Toronto est dans mon sang. Toronto est dans ma vie. J'ai grandi à Toronto.

Nous sommes dans une période cruciale pour notre ville. Afin de ramener Toronto au sommet, il faudra de nouvelles idées et un leadership audacieux pour nous y rendre.

Après avoir été candidat au poste de conseiller municipal dans le passé, je suis convaincu que notre ville est composée des gens les plus travailleurs et les plus entreprenants du pays.

La demande de logements abordables, le taux de pauvreté, l'itinérance, le taux d'inflation et le taux hypothécaire augmentent, et les gens s'inquiètent pour leur avenir. Ce sont des temps difficiles, mais la lumière au bout du tunnel brille si fort et un changement de direction à l'hôtel de ville est exactement ce dont les Torontois ont besoin pour redonner des opportunités à notre ville. La meilleure ville pour travailler, vivre, jouer, élever une famille et gérer une entreprise.

J'ai été candidate à la mairie de Toronto lors d'élections précédentes. J'ai promis aux Torontois que je défendrai la responsabilité financière, la transparence et la reddition de comptes. Je promets aux Torontois que je tiendrai tête à un établissement déconnecté (métro à trois arrêts de Scarborough et métro de l'avenue Sheppard). Mon dossier montre que j'ai tenu parole, même lorsque cela n'a pas été populaire. Je défends constamment les contribuables, les propriétaires de petites entreprises et nos industries.

Je promets aux contribuables que je suis prêt à faire des sacrifices personnels et que je ne suis pas ici pour mes propres intérêts. Je suis ici pour travailler pour vous et faire de Toronto le meilleur endroit pour gérer des affaires, travailler, vivre, jouer, élever une famille et bâtir une communauté.

Les Torontois ont besoin d'un maire qui les défendra. Un maire qui fera passer les besoins avant les désirs. Un maire qui prendra des décisions difficiles et des sacrifices personnels pour maîtriser notre budget, remettre nos employés au travail et envoyer le message que Toronto est ouverte aux affaires.

J'ai travaillé fort pour gagner la confiance des Torontois. Pendant huit ans, je les ai écoutés, je les ai défendus et je m'efforce d'abord de faire de notre ville un endroit meilleur pour tous.

Notre ville est prête pour le changement. Je me présente pour être le prochain maire de Toronto afin de pouvoir aider tout le monde et libérer le potentiel de notre ville.



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