I have been an Executive Film Producer, owned a Recording Studio/Media Lab, was the Managing Director of a UK Guitar Amplifier Co., Hiwatt. I played well over 1000 shows as a drummer. I hold a issued patent and write songs. I am most proud of my two children, Thomas and Olivia.
As an independent entrepreneur, inventor, and musician, I’ve been putting out fires my whole life. I have lived in Toronto since 1985.
I will stop the clock ticking so we can start to think outside the box and rebuild Toronto better than it was before. As "outside intelligence" , I can learn the rules that await on the inside, as I have in many industries - but bring 35 years of outside learned experiences to the inside to counter status quo failures.
As an independent entrepreneur, inventor, and musician, I’ve been "putting out fires" my whole life. l "stop the clock ticking" and face challenges on realistic terms. I am 'all in" once I commit and care about my word and who I give it to. I have been an Executive Producer in film, Owned and Operated a Recording Studio/Media Lab, was the Managing Director of a UK Guitar Amplifier Company, Hiwatt and traveled extensively as a touring musician. I hold a issued patent in over 20 countries.
We need honest discussions about the basics of everyday life and financial survival.
For the sake of the future of Toronto and my two children, my thoughts are what are on all our minds as Torontonians.
What’s to become of this city? We will rebuild the core services of Toronto together in a fiscally sound way so that every day life is not just not about financial survival. The same old faces and status quo have allowed Toronto to crumble - To be honest, I can only see
Toil and Sweat
but we can stop the
Blood and Tears.