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Martin Tempelman

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With hands-on experience in mining, construction, and municipal leadership, I’ve seen how policies affect our community. I’m dedicated to cutting red tape and restoring, hope, unity, and respect for all Ontarian's. I asked for your trust to bring positive change.

Thank you for this opportunity to introduce myself. I am Martin Tempelman and

represent the New Blue party of Ontario for the ThunderBay/Atikokan riding.

My knowledge, training and experience make me an excellent candidate for

this party and to represent you. Born and raised in ThunderBay, attending

various schools in the city, I have worked in the mines, mills and elevators

throughout Northwestern Ontario, repairing, installing and maintaining

conveyor belts. I have driven a logging truck in the late 70’s and a snow plow

with a tow-plow on 11/17 during the last 2 winter seasons. This has made me

very aware of the dangers and need for changes to make our roads safer.

As a carpenter and being a sole proprietor in the construction industry since

1989 and having the privilege of advocating for businesses on the Ontario

College of Trades (OCOT) as a board member, I’m very aware of the policies

that have hampered the trades and also added to the housing costs over the

years. As a chief building officer in four municipalities in the district of

ThunderBay, I’ve listened to people’s hopes and dreams, many who were

raised, like me, with Judeo-Christian principles of truth, unity, respect, dignity

for all; not with increased burdensome policies and taxes. As a president and

shareholder of a corporation in the realm of affordable housing and rental

units, I’ve witnessed first-hand the desolation and hopelessness caused by

various policies.

It is my hope to garner your trust to represent not only the New Blue party of

Ontario for the ThunderBay/Atikokan riding but also and most importantly you

through them and into the future. I look forward to the opportunity to bring

back hope, unity, appreciation and respect for all citizens of Ontario.

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