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Jonathan Crouse

Liberal candidate for Lunenburg West



Liberal's promise

Expand the provincial childcare agreement with the federal government to allow private daycare operators to access funding

"In order to create more spaces, we need to expand our agreement with the federal government to allow private daycare operators to access funding. Alberta, Ontario and New Brunswick all have agreements that allow for some level of private expansion. Nova Scotia deserves a fair deal.

A Nova Scotia Liberal government will aggressively negotiate with the federal government to allow private daycare operators to expand, spurring the creation of more affordable childcare spaces and allowing more Nova Scotians to enter the workforce if they want to."

Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Food costs

Liberal's promises

Remove HST from all food in grocery stores

"Currently, consumers do not pay HST on basic groceries like fruit, flour, and milk. However, many foods that families rely on are still subject to a 15% HST. These include foods like granola bars, pre- made salads, and sandwiches at the grocery store. A Nova Scotia Liberal government would remove the provincial sales tax from all food in grocery stores." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Ban covenants that restrict where grocery stores can be built

"Ban restrictive covenants that determine where grocery stores can be built. This will increase competition and improve availability of grocery stores across the province, especially in rural areas" — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Provide grants and loans to expand independent grocery stores

"Invest in independent grocery stores by providing grants and loans so they can expand to better serve their communities and compete against large grocery stores." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Stop payments to Sobeys for the Nova Scotia Loyal programme and direct the money into a marketing and growth plan for local food

"A Nova Scotia Liberal government will immediately halt all payments to Sobeys for the Nova Scotia Loyal program, and instead invest that money in developing a comprehensive marketing and growth plan for local products." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Invest $10M to build new food hubs, expand programmes to buy excess food and sell it directly to people, and start mobile food markets

"We will invest $10M to expand affordable food programs across the province by building new food hubs, expanding programs that buy excess food from farmers to sell directly to Nova Scotians, and investing in mobile food markets." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Fuel and transportation costs

Liberal's promises

Make public transit free

"A Nova Scotia Liberal government will make public transit free across Nova Scotia, eliminating barriers to transportation and providing up to $5,000 per year in savings for those who switch from driving to commuting by public transit." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Create a joint task-force with the Halifax Regional Municipality to reduce congestion
Fund immediate solutions to congestion, like Halifax's plan for bus rapid transit
Build a new, six-lane bridge with active transportation infrastructure and bus lanes, to replace the MacKay Bridge

"A Nova Scotia Liberal government would work with the Halifax Dartmouth Bridge Commission to build a new, six lane bridge with active transportation infrastructure and bus lanes to support rapid transit in Halifax. This will reduce congestion and protect the people and goods that travel that bridge every day." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09


Liberal's promises

Set up an all-party committee to overhaul the social assistance model and examine alternatives, including a guaranteed basic income

"Our current social safety net is trapping Nova Scotians in intergenerational poverty, requires significant bureaucratic overhead, and often disincentivizes working. Together, we can transform the various social assistance programs to ensure that people who are struggling can afford the basic necessities and not find themselves on the streets. We will reform these systems so they work for everyone. To do that, we will spearhead an all-party committee to overhaul our social assistance model and examine alternatives, including a guaranteed basic income." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Recognise the link between poverty, housing, and healthcare, and focus on anti-poverty and housing-first policies

"A Nova Scotia Liberal government would recognize the link between poverty, housing, and healthcare, and focus on anti-poverty and housing-first policies as a way to keep people out of the emergency room." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Public transit

Liberal's promises

Make public transit free

"A Nova Scotia Liberal government will make public transit free across Nova Scotia, eliminating barriers to transportation and providing up to $5,000 per year in savings for those who switch from driving to commuting by public transit." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Increase public transit capacity and accessibility

"We will also invest to increase public transit capacity to account for the expected growth in ridership, ensure system efficiency, and support more accessible transit options." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Expand the Joint Regional Transportation Agency, and task it with determining where LRT would be most effective

"A Nova Scotia Liberal government will invest to improve and expand the Joint Regional Transportation Agency to continue planning a long-term vision for regional transportation in Nova Scotia, including determining where LRT would be most effective." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Create a joint task-force with the Halifax Regional Municipality to reduce congestion
Make the largest ever investment in rural community transport

"We’ll make the largest investment in rural community transport in Nova Scotia’s history, ensuring that community transportation organizations can lower costs and increase services." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Fund immediate solutions to congestion, like Halifax's plan for bus rapid transit

Tax measures and rebates

Liberal's promises

Reduce the HST by two percentage points to 13%
Increase the personal basic exemption on provincial income tax from $8,744 to $15,705
Remove HST from all food in grocery stores

"Currently, consumers do not pay HST on basic groceries like fruit, flour, and milk. However, many foods that families rely on are still subject to a 15% HST. These include foods like granola bars, pre- made salads, and sandwiches at the grocery store. A Nova Scotia Liberal government would remove the provincial sales tax from all food in grocery stores." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Utility costs

Liberal's promises

Expand the Heating Assistance Rebate Program

"We will expand the Heating Assistance Rebate Program to help low-income Nova Scotians with their energy bills, saving them $1,000 a year." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Expand the ability of renewable energy companies to provide power directly to residents

Climate Change & the Environment

Carbon price

Liberal's promise

Work with other provinces to create a cap and trade programme to replace the federal carbon price

"A Nova Scotia Liberal government will get rid of the carbon tax. To ensure we are still doing our part to lower pollution, we will work with other Atlantic Provinces to establish a Cap and Trade program that will reduce large industrial pollution without punishing consumers at the gas pumps." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Climate adaptation

Liberal's promises

Proclaim the Coastal Protection Act and implement the required regulations across the province

"A Nova Scotia Liberal government would respect the will of Nova Scotians, proclaim the Coastal Protection Act, and implement the required regulations across the province. We will work with municipalities to transition any existing coastal protection action plans to one unified set of rules for coastal protection across the province." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Create a fund to build emergency access and connector roads in areas deemed high-risk

"A Nova Scotia Liberal government will create a fund to build emergency access and connector roads in areas deemed high-risk by municipalities, emergency management officials, and other experts. We will make funding available to any community that completes the FireSmart Neighbourhood Recognition Program so they can implement safety improvements that will protect lives and property in cases of wildfires." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Create a province-wide registry of vulnerable persons to help keep people safe during emergencies and provide proactive support

"A Nova Scotia Liberal government will implement a province-wide vulnerable persons registry to ensure that at-risk Nova Scotians can stay safe during emergencies. This will also be a tool to help proactively provide support to Nova Scotians as we ensure that we are prepared for emergencies." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Green construction and retrofits

Liberal's promises

Remove the fee for the Home Energy Assessment

"Eliminate the fee for the Home Energy Assessment for all Nova Scotians" — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Increase rebates for heat efficiency programmes

"Increase rebates for heat efficiency programs such as the heat system rebates" — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Oil and gas development

Liberal's promise

Examine all resource extraction royalties

"A Nova Scotia Liberal government will examine all resource extraction royalties to build wealth for Nova Scotians by maximizing the true value of our natural resources." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Power generation

Liberal's promises

Expand the ability of renewable energy companies to provide power directly to residents
Invest substantially in renewable power generation
  1. "Investing substantially in renewable generation with in-province wind, solar, and battery farms, and
  2. Ensure that the sites in Nova Scotia with the best wind power generating potential are being used for projects to get our province off coal power and lower power bills."

Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Require all renewable energy projects to put electricity into the provincial grid or pay into a fund for lowering consumer rates

"Further, all renewable energy projects would be required to either put electricity into our grid or pay into a fund that will be used to lower power rates for consumers." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Regulate land leasing, water access, and generation capacity for power generation projects

"We’ll strongly regulate land leasing, water access, and generation capacity to ensure that all Nova Scotians are benefitting from our natural resources." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Public transit

Liberal's promises

Make public transit free

"A Nova Scotia Liberal government will make public transit free across Nova Scotia, eliminating barriers to transportation and providing up to $5,000 per year in savings for those who switch from driving to commuting by public transit." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Increase public transit capacity and accessibility

"We will also invest to increase public transit capacity to account for the expected growth in ridership, ensure system efficiency, and support more accessible transit options." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Expand the Joint Regional Transportation Agency, and task it with determining where LRT would be most effective

"A Nova Scotia Liberal government will invest to improve and expand the Joint Regional Transportation Agency to continue planning a long-term vision for regional transportation in Nova Scotia, including determining where LRT would be most effective." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Create a joint task-force with the Halifax Regional Municipality to reduce congestion
Make the largest ever investment in rural community transport

"We’ll make the largest investment in rural community transport in Nova Scotia’s history, ensuring that community transportation organizations can lower costs and increase services." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Fund immediate solutions to congestion, like Halifax's plan for bus rapid transit


Liberal's promise

Create a fund to build emergency access and connector roads in areas deemed high-risk

"A Nova Scotia Liberal government will create a fund to build emergency access and connector roads in areas deemed high-risk by municipalities, emergency management officials, and other experts. We will make funding available to any community that completes the FireSmart Neighbourhood Recognition Program so they can implement safety improvements that will protect lives and property in cases of wildfires." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09


K-12 staffing

Liberal's promises

Hire more staff

"Hire more educational staff to ensure schools have the personnel they need to run smoothly and provide a high quality education" — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Invest in professional development for existing school staff and new hires

"Invest in professional development for existing school staff and new hires, increasing their capacity to support students who have complex needs" — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Post-secondary student housing

Liberal's promises

Release the province's Student Housing Strategy

"A Nova Scotia Liberal government will release the Student Housing Strategy that Tim Houston has been sitting on." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Work with universities and student advocacy groups to build more housing for students
Set zoning to encourage density near universities

"Ensure appropriate zoning to encourage density near our province’s universities so students have a place to live" — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

School construction and upgrades

Liberal's promise

Start a proactive, long-term strategy for building schools that accounts for future growth in communities

"Initiate a proactive, long-term strategy for building schools across the province that accounts for the future growth of our communities" — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

School curriculum

Liberal's promise

Use the Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies curriculum in all elementary schools to teach emotional and social competency

"Implement the Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies educational curriculum in all elementary schools to help all students improve their emotional and social competency" — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

School safety

Liberal's promise

Implement a strategy to address violence in schools following the recommendations outlined in the 2024 Auditor General's report

Student mental health

Liberal's promise

Implement a course to focus on mental health in high school

"Implement a course with a focus on developing strategies and skills for building and maintaining mental health in all high schools." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09


Liberal's promise

Invest $10M to increase training for women at NSCC in trades directly related to housing

"As of 2022, less than 9% of trades apprentices in Nova Scotia were women. We will never overcome our province’s labour shortage and get more housing built if we are only training half of the available workforce. A Nova Scotia Liberal government will invest $10M to increase training for women at NSCC in trades directly related to housing, with a goal to double the number of women being trained over five years. We will:

ʘ Increase the number of spots available for women to study a trade at NSCC,

ʘ Invest to develop programming for all ages to show young women that careers in the trades are dynamic, high-paying jobs that help our communities, and

ʘ Expand NSCC’s Women Unlimited program, which has already helped 1,000 women explore trades and technology education and find meaningful careers."

Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Health & Healthcare

Diagnostics and procedures

Liberal's promises

Build three new diagnostic centres for excellence
Expand screening for residents with high risk factors for disease, like women with dense breasts
Create an independent adjudicative agency to quickly rule on out-of-province medical care requests

"A Nova Scotia Liberal government will establish an independent adjudicative agency to quickly rule on out-of-province medical care requests. This will ensure that Nova Scotians are able to travel outside of the province to receive lifesaving care if it isn’t available in Nova Scotia, and we’ll let experts—instead of politicians—decide the criteria for those decisions." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Emergency wait-times

Liberal's promise

Invest to reopen emergency rooms, build collaborative care clinics, and begin work on a new hospital to server Annapolis Valley

"We will invest to re- open emergency rooms, build collaborative care clinics, and begin work on a new hospital to serve the Annapolis Valley region." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Family doctors and primary care

Liberal's promises

Build and expand 40 collaborative health care clinics across the province

"We have a shortage of family doctors, and we need to do more to get Nova Scotians the care they need. The Municipality of Clare has a phenomenal primary care model that is fully staffed with healthcare professionals eager to work there. Healthcare professionals have also told us that they want to practice in such a collaborative setting. These clinics improve working conditions, reduce administrative burden, and keep doctors in Nova Scotia.

We can emulate this model province-wide, put a halt to the skyrocketing family doctor waitlist, and attach patients to primary care providers.

A Nova Scotia Liberal government will implement a collaborative care model province-wide by building and expanding 40 collaborative health care clinics across the province. We’ll work closely with existing clinics to make sure they’re running efficiently and are able to take on more patients.

We will increase the annual incentive for physicians from $5,000 to $10,000 if they agree to join a collaborative care practice and increase their patient rosters. We will also introduce bonuses and incentives of up to $15,000 for allied health professionals who commit to working at a collaborative health clinic for a minimum of 5 years.

Initially, we will focus on areas of the province that have the highest percentage of their residents currently waiting on a family doctor:

ʘ New Glasgow - 26.1% of population on the registry (8,890 people)

ʘ Yarmouth - 25.3% ... (6,284 people)

ʘ Bridgewater - 22.9% ... (6,382 people)

ʘ Bedford - 22.4% ... (10,395 people)

ʘ Amherst - 20.9% ... (2,834 people)

ʘ Sackville - 20.7% ... (10,082 people)

ʘ Halifax Peninsula - 20.1% ... (13,852 people)

ʘ Clayton Park - 20% ... (7,784 people)

ʘ Middleton - 17.7% ... (3,930 people)

ʘ Sydney - 16.9% ... (8,430 people)

ʘ Dartmouth/Cole Harbour: 15.3% ... (20,237 people)"

Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Expand the number of training positions for family doctors
Reduce administrative burdens for family physicians

Health administration

Liberal's promise

Ensure family doctor waitlists and other healthcare data profiles are updated monthly

"We will ensure family doctor waitlists and other healthcare data portals are updated monthly, reflecting actual wait times and data." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Health staffing

Liberal's promises

Forgive up to 20% of an in-demand health professional's student loan annually for up to 5 years

"We will forgive up to 20% of an in-demand health professional’s student loan annually for up to 5 years, based on the number of hours of in-person service." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Double annual funding to a programme to get more physician assistants trained and able to provide healthcare

"A Physician Assistant is a crucial role in meeting the growing demands of our health care system and expanding collaborative care in Nova Scotia, but there are currently only 19 physician assistants in the province. We will double annual funding to the program to get more physician assistants trained and able to provide healthcare." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Expand the number of training positions for family doctors

Hospice care

Liberal's promise

Build new hospice spaces throughout the province

"A Nova Scotia Liberal government will enhance hospice care programs. We’ll work with communities and non-profit groups to identify hospice sites and build new hospice spaces throughout the province." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09


Liberal's promises

Make parking free at all Nova Scotia Health sites

"A Nova Scotia Liberal government will make parking free at all Nova Scotia Health sites, saving Nova Scotians money as they access our healthcare system." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Include additional parking for staff and patients in the QEII development

"We’ll also work to ensure that the QEII development includes additional parking for staff and patients." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Invest to reopen emergency rooms, build collaborative care clinics, and begin work on a new hospital to server Annapolis Valley

"We will invest to re- open emergency rooms, build collaborative care clinics, and begin work on a new hospital to serve the Annapolis Valley region." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Long-term care

Liberal's promise

Ensure veterans have access to long-term care beds

"Veterans have been promised beds in long-term care facilities, but Tim Houston isn’t honouring that promise. A Nova Scotia Liberal government will ensure that Veterans are able to access the long-term care beds that they have been promised." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Mental health

Liberal's promise

Invest in mental health walk-in clinics, equally distributed throughout the province

"A Nova Scotia Liberal government will invest in mental health walk-in clinics, equitably distributed throughout the province, to give Nova Scotians more access to mental health care. These would be attached to our collaborative care centres to offer more health services where people need them." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09


Liberal's promises

Double the Seniors Care Grant to $1,500/year, and expand eligibility to include up to $50K in annual income

"A Nova Scotia Liberal government will provide dedicated support to seniors by doubling the tax-free seniors care grant to $1,500 each year to help them stay in their homes longer, stay healthy, and live better lives. We will also increase program eligibility so that households with up to $50,000 in annual income are eligible." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Develop housing solutions for seniors like small walkable communities or apartment buildings with specific wellness supports

"We will work with seniors to develop specific housing plans to meet their needs. We’ll develop options like small walkable communities with homes for seniors or apartment buildings with specific wellness supports, and work to make sure seniors’ needs are being met in the housing market." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Invest $5M in programmes to adapt existing housing to meet seniors' needs as they age
Hire and train more home care workers

Women's health

Liberal's promises

Provide publicly-available free menstrual products in all provincial buildings
Appoint a Minister of Women's Health

"To address this, we will name a Minister of Women’s Health to ensure that, throughout the system, a gender lens is applied to the delivery of healthcare, and a blueprint is adopted for improving women’s health. This will help us tackle specific health issues women are facing in this province, like endometriosis and ovarian cancer." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Require 50% of all health research funding in the province to be used for studying women's health
Re-establish the Atlantic Centre of Excellence for Women's Health

"In addition, we will re-establish the Atlantic Centre of Excellence for Women’s Health to address current gaps, enhance research on women’s health issues, and strengthen the Nova Scotian health system response to the specific health needs and concerns of women in our province." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Housing & Homelessness

Home construction and supply

Liberal's promises

Set a goal to build 80K new homes by 2032

"Set a goal of building 80,000 new homes by 2032 to eliminate the housing shortfall, aiming for a rate of 11,000 new homes per year—enough to accommodate Nova Scotia’s growth" — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Establish increased minimum density standards

"Establish increased minimum density standards across our province that take into account proximity to transportation and services" — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Set zoning to encourage density near universities

"Ensure appropriate zoning to encourage density near our province’s universities so students have a place to live" — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Remove all restrictive covenants or exclusionary zoning that prevents housing from being built
Set province-wide minimum zoning standards
Update the municipal funding formula to incentivise housing starts
Invest in new ways of building housing

"A Nova Scotia Liberal government will work to accelerate the homebuilding innovation happening here in Nova Scotia. We’ll invest in new ways of building, like tilt-up construction, modular housing, mass timber, factory built housing, and other innovations that will enable our province to build more homes, reduce prices, and improve our province’s climate resilience." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

"The current government is playing favourites by choosing where new homes can go. We can’t afford that. We need a rules-based system across the province that will encourage new housing. A Nova Scotia Liberal government will modernize housing legislation to encourage broader and more innovative housing solutions." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Streamline construction of condo developments and encourage condos with mixed ownership and rental units
  1. "Streamline construction of condo developments,
  2. Encourage more innovative housing solutions such as building rent communities that allow for a mix of ownership and rental units within the same developments
  3. Establish a fast track approval process for developments that build rental communities."

Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Offer grants and low-cost loans to build new housing co-ops and expand existing ones
Allow the Community Housing Acquisition Program to fund projects that add units to co-op projects or build new buildings
Invest $20M more to build new co-ops and expand and repair existing ones

"Invest $20M in additional grant funding streams to build new co-ops, expand existing co-ops, and fund co-op repairs." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Invest $10M to increase training for women at NSCC in trades directly related to housing

"As of 2022, less than 9% of trades apprentices in Nova Scotia were women. We will never overcome our province’s labour shortage and get more housing built if we are only training half of the available workforce. A Nova Scotia Liberal government will invest $10M to increase training for women at NSCC in trades directly related to housing, with a goal to double the number of women being trained over five years. We will:

ʘ Increase the number of spots available for women to study a trade at NSCC,

ʘ Invest to develop programming for all ages to show young women that careers in the trades are dynamic, high-paying jobs that help our communities, and

ʘ Expand NSCC’s Women Unlimited program, which has already helped 1,000 women explore trades and technology education and find meaningful careers."

Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Home purchases and ownership

Liberal's promises

Lower property taxes, especially in high-taxed areas

"Lower property taxes, especially in highly-taxed areas like the CBRM" — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

"Remove arbitrary and unfair penalties from our property tax system, like the drastic increase in taxes Hammonds Plains residents experienced after they lost their houses to wildfires" — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Reduce or eliminate tax increases on properties that build more housing for the next five years

"Ensure our property tax system incentivizes housing being built, which currently isn’t always the case. Currently, if you add more housing to your property whether by building or renovating, your assessment goes up and so do your taxes. For the next five years we’ll reduce or eliminate tax increases on properties that build more housing. This will incentivize more housing where it’s needed in Nova Scotia, and help bring down housing prices." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Increase property taxes on vacant lots in urban areas

"Increase taxes on large vacant lots in our urban areas so that it is not profitable for developers to hold onto large, empty lots that are zoned for housing without building" — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Eliminate the residential deed transfer tax, except for the 5% out-of-province tax

"Eliminate the residential deed transfer tax (except for the 5% provincial out-of-province tax) to help downsizing seniors, growing families, and those looking to buy their first home by lowering costs and easing bottlenecks in the housing market." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Homeless services

Liberal's promise

Replace the $4M the federal government used to provided to women's shelters

"We’ll begin by directly replacing the approximately $4M that the federal government is no longer providing to women’s shelters in Nova Scotia. This is money that saves lives and provides housing and opportunities to women and children fleeing domestic violence. We have a moral obligation to restore that funding." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Post-secondary student housing

Liberal's promises

Release the province's Student Housing Strategy

"A Nova Scotia Liberal government will release the Student Housing Strategy that Tim Houston has been sitting on." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Work with universities and student advocacy groups to build more housing for students
Set zoning to encourage density near universities

"Ensure appropriate zoning to encourage density near our province’s universities so students have a place to live" — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09


Liberal's promises

Set up an all-party committee to overhaul the social assistance model and examine alternatives, including a guaranteed basic income

"Our current social safety net is trapping Nova Scotians in intergenerational poverty, requires significant bureaucratic overhead, and often disincentivizes working. Together, we can transform the various social assistance programs to ensure that people who are struggling can afford the basic necessities and not find themselves on the streets. We will reform these systems so they work for everyone. To do that, we will spearhead an all-party committee to overhaul our social assistance model and examine alternatives, including a guaranteed basic income." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Recognise the link between poverty, housing, and healthcare, and focus on anti-poverty and housing-first policies

"A Nova Scotia Liberal government would recognize the link between poverty, housing, and healthcare, and focus on anti-poverty and housing-first policies as a way to keep people out of the emergency room." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Public and affordable housing

Liberal's promises

Increase the provincially-funded non-profit rental stock from 3,000 to 7,000 units by 2032

"The province is currently a funding partner for 110 organisations that control over 3,000 housing units. We will build more units in order to more than double the existing stock, building 4,000 additional units by 2032, being sure to include wraparound supports for residents. We’ll do this by investing in non-profit organizations, and creating a trusted non-profit developer program that will fast track applications from organizations who have experience building housing. The non-profit sector has the capacity and the knowledge to manage deeply affordable housing properly, and the government can assist by building new units and acquiring underutilized housing." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Provide specific funding for seniors housing and housing for women fleeing domestic violence
Work with African Nova Scotian groups and Mi'kmaq communities to ensure access to affordable housing

Rental housing

Liberal's promises

Set the rental cap based on inflation, market conditions, and vacancy rates on a regional basis until there is a 3% vacancy rate

"Current rent protections are hurting those they’re supposed to help. Right now, Tim Houston can change the rent cap on a whim—and that’s bad for everyone. We will implement a fairer system where the cap is based on inflation, market conditions, and vacancy rates on a regional basis until adequate housing supply is reached and there is a healthy vacancy rate of 3%. This will provide much needed consistency, stability, and predictability to our rental market." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Establish a Rent Bank to provide quick turnaround, zero-interest loans to renters who need to make rent

"Everyone experiences emergencies—and that shouldn’t cause you to worry about losing your home. A Nova Scotia Liberal government will establish a Rent Bank, a low-cost, high-value program that can provide quick turnaround, zero- interest loans to renters that find themselves stuck." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Ban landlords from offering fixed-term leases longer than one year

"We will end fixed-term lease abuse by ensuring that landlords cannot offer tenants fixed term leases longer than one year. Extensions beyond the fixed term would automatically transition the lease to month-to-month." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Lower the income cut-off for the rental supplement, so that residents spending over 30% of their monthly income on rent can receive it

"The Rental Supplement provides support to low-income Nova Scotians who pay more than 40% of their income on rent. In 2023, Tim Houston’s government raised the cut-off from the 30% it was under the previous Liberal government to 50%, before lowering it back to 40% earlier this year. A Nova Scotia Liberal government will lower the cut- off back to 30%." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Establish a Residential Tenancies Unit to deal with egregious and time-sensitive disputes

"Despite recommendations to establish a Residential Tenancies Enforcement Unit to deal with especially egregious and time-sensitive disputes—and support from both landlords and tenants to do so—Tim Houston’s government decided not to implement one, and tried to mislead Nova Scotians about it. A Nova Scotia Liberal government will implement a Residential Tenancies Enforcement Unit." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Jobs, Businesses, & Labour


Liberal's promises

Develop a Centre for Agriculture Ventures and Enterprises to support farms
Help farms adapt to climate change
Develop a mental health plan for farmers

"Nova Scotia farms are essential for our communities, and a Nova Scotia Liberal government will invest to ensure they remain sustainable. We will develop a Centre for Agriculture Ventures and Enterprises that will bring together different levels of government, post-secondary institutions, and farmers to find innovative ways to support our farms. One of the first priorities will be to help our farms adapt to climate change. We’ll also develop a mental health plan for farmers, who we know are twice as likely to experience suicidal ideation." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Breweries and wineries

Liberal's promises

Follow recommendations from the Craft Breweries Association to improve the NSLC tiered mark-up and remove the benefit cap

"A Nova Scotia Liberal government will support craft breweries by following recommendations from the Craft Breweries Association of Nova Scotia to improve the NSLC tiered mark-up and remove the benefit cap. We will work with craft brewers and the NSLC to ensure that local breweries receive the support they need to grow, and aren’t punished for their success. We’ll also ensure that the NSLC is highlighting local products and supporting local businesses." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Provide a direct agriculture subsidy to keep farm wineries competitive with international competitors
Develop a provincial replanting and management strategy
Reinstate the Wine Development Board

Economic growth

Liberal's promise

Invest $300M over four years to encourage economic development and infrastructure in the Cape Breton Regional Municipality

"A Nova Scotia Liberal government will invest $300M over four years to spur economic development and infrastructure growth in the Cape Breton Regional Municipality. This funding will be used to address the following:

  1. Improving the CBRM’s infrastructure,
  2. Growing the CBRM’s economy,
  3. Improving opportunities for CBRM workers,
  4. Alleviating the CBRM’s housing crisis,
  5. Improving transit in CBRM, and
  6. Building capital projects that will have a long-term impact on Cape Breton.

We will also commit to one-on-one negotiations with the CBRM regarding a CBRM municipal charter, which takes into account their unique economic, social, and equalization circumstances."

Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Fishing and aquaculture

Liberal's promises

Hold an inquiry into illegal fishing in Nova Scotia
Introduce a no-tolerance policy for illegal fishing
Introduce mandatory fines, and revoke buying licenses for repeat offenders
Create an office in the department of Fisheries and Aquaculture responsible for working with other levels of government to protect fisheries

"Modernize the provincial department of Fisheries and Aquaculture by creating an office responsible for working with the other levels of government to protect our fisheries" — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Create a dedicated fisheries enforcement unit

"Create a dedicated fisheries enforcement unit to ensure enforcement officers have the resources and focus necessary to protect this essential industry." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09


Liberal's promise

Focus immigration targets on bringing in professionals in critical areas, including healthcare, teaching, construction, and agriculture

"We will ensure immigration targets are focused on growing the number of professionals we need in critical areas, including but not limited to:

  1. ʘ Physicians and healthcare professionals,
  2. ʘ Teachers and early-childhood educators,
  3. ʘ Construction workers and the skilled
  4. tradespeople, and
  5. ʘ Agriculture and aquaculture workers."

Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09


Liberal's promises

Invest in highway infrastructure

"A Nova Scotia Liberal government will invest in critical highway infrastructure to increase safety on our highways, complete the 100-series highways, and improve the flow of goods and people around our province. Specifically, our priorities include making improvements to safety infrastructure across the province, completing controlled access highways on the 101 and 103, and ensuring proper exits on the 104." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Build a new, six-lane bridge with active transportation infrastructure and bus lanes, to replace the MacKay Bridge

"A Nova Scotia Liberal government would work with the Halifax Dartmouth Bridge Commission to build a new, six lane bridge with active transportation infrastructure and bus lanes to support rapid transit in Halifax. This will reduce congestion and protect the people and goods that travel that bridge every day." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Enhance maintenance efforts for ditches and culverts in rural areas

"A Nova Scotia Liberal government will invest in maintaining rural road infrastructure by enhancing maintenance efforts for ditches and culverts to keep our roads safe and protect private property." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Expand cell service across the province, with a focus on highway corridors

"If you are on a 100-series highway in Nova Scotia you should have reliable cell service. A Nova Scotia Liberal government will expand cell service across our province, starting along our highway corridors." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Create a fund to build emergency access and connector roads in areas deemed high-risk

"A Nova Scotia Liberal government will create a fund to build emergency access and connector roads in areas deemed high-risk by municipalities, emergency management officials, and other experts. We will make funding available to any community that completes the FireSmart Neighbourhood Recognition Program so they can implement safety improvements that will protect lives and property in cases of wildfires." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Labour protections

Liberal's promises

Pass both vertical and horizontal pay transparency legislation

"A Nova Scotia Liberal government will pass both vertical and horizontal pay transparency legislation to increase equity and fairness in the workplace." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Ban the use of non-compete clauses

"A Nova Scotia Liberal government will ban the use of Non-Compete Clauses to attract workers in high-growth sectors, including the technology industry. This will encourage competitiveness and innovation by prohibiting unfair non-competes, which are used to restrict work opportunities and suppress salary increases." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09


Liberal's promises

Examine all resource extraction royalties

"A Nova Scotia Liberal government will examine all resource extraction royalties to build wealth for Nova Scotians by maximizing the true value of our natural resources." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Examine the entire resource regulatory framework, with a focus on critical minerals

"We will examine the entire resource regulatory framework, with a focus on Nova Scotia’s critical minerals, which will help fight climate change." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Oil and gas development

Liberal's promise

Examine all resource extraction royalties

"A Nova Scotia Liberal government will examine all resource extraction royalties to build wealth for Nova Scotians by maximizing the true value of our natural resources." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09


Liberal's promises

Set up an all-party committee to overhaul the social assistance model and examine alternatives, including a guaranteed basic income

"Our current social safety net is trapping Nova Scotians in intergenerational poverty, requires significant bureaucratic overhead, and often disincentivizes working. Together, we can transform the various social assistance programs to ensure that people who are struggling can afford the basic necessities and not find themselves on the streets. We will reform these systems so they work for everyone. To do that, we will spearhead an all-party committee to overhaul our social assistance model and examine alternatives, including a guaranteed basic income." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Recognise the link between poverty, housing, and healthcare, and focus on anti-poverty and housing-first policies

"A Nova Scotia Liberal government would recognize the link between poverty, housing, and healthcare, and focus on anti-poverty and housing-first policies as a way to keep people out of the emergency room." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Startups and small businesses

Liberal's promises

Reduce the small business tax to 1%
Raise the income threshold for small businesses from $500K to $700K


Liberal's promise

Invest $10M to increase training for women at NSCC in trades directly related to housing

"As of 2022, less than 9% of trades apprentices in Nova Scotia were women. We will never overcome our province’s labour shortage and get more housing built if we are only training half of the available workforce. A Nova Scotia Liberal government will invest $10M to increase training for women at NSCC in trades directly related to housing, with a goal to double the number of women being trained over five years. We will:

ʘ Increase the number of spots available for women to study a trade at NSCC,

ʘ Invest to develop programming for all ages to show young women that careers in the trades are dynamic, high-paying jobs that help our communities, and

ʘ Expand NSCC’s Women Unlimited program, which has already helped 1,000 women explore trades and technology education and find meaningful careers."

Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Society & Government

Child welfare and children in care

Liberal's promise

Introduce a retirement saving plan for foster families, providing financial support to foster families after age 65

"A Nova Scotia Liberal government will introduce a retirement saving plan for foster families, providing financial support to foster families, after age 65, to ensure they can afford the cost of living after their many years of service caring for our most vulnerable. These families give so much to our province and we have a responsibility to ensure they receive the support they need." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Domestic abuse and gender-based violence

Liberal's promises

Create an office in the Department of Health to take a public health approach towards preventing intimate partner violence

"A Nova Scotia Liberal government will expand initiatives detailed by the Mass Casualty Commission to put a stop to the epidemic of intimate partner violence. We’ll create an office in the Department of Health to work closely with groups across the province to take a public health approach towards preventing intimate partner violence." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Replace the $4M the federal government used to provided to women's shelters

"We’ll begin by directly replacing the approximately $4M that the federal government is no longer providing to women’s shelters in Nova Scotia. This is money that saves lives and provides housing and opportunities to women and children fleeing domestic violence. We have a moral obligation to restore that funding." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Elections and democratic engagement

Liberal's promises

Implement proportional representation

"Our province needs electoral reform to make sure that politicians are accountable to the people and our system reflects the society we live in. A Nova Scotia Liberal government will amend the Elections Act to implement a moderate proportional representation model that maintains strong regional representation. We will appoint an expert commission to determine the details of the plan and ensure that our electoral system maintains the protected representation of Acadians and African Nova Scotians." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Require any governing party that calls an early election to pay a $250,000 fine

"Nova Scotians expect their politicians to follow the law, including the fixed election date. A Nova Scotia Liberal government will strengthen our fixed election date legislation so that any governing party that breaks that law to call an early election must pay a $250,000 fine." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Require any governing party that calls an early election to pay a $250,000 fine

Government budgets and spending

Liberal's promises

Pass a law requiring all provincial spending to be approved by the legislature
Review all non-approved spending by the current government
Provide $1.1M in additional funding to the Auditor General's office

"A Nova Scotia Liberal government would provide $1.1M in additional funding to the Auditor General’s office. The Auditor General has indicated that this funding is necessary so the office can better examine healthcare-related spending." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

"Each year the Houston government has spent more than a billion dollars in out-of-budget spending, which was not voted on and approved by the legislature. As the Auditor General has said, this financial mismanagement is costing Nova Scotians—there’s absolutely no way to tell if we are getting the best value for this money. A Nova Scotia Liberal government will pass a law that requires all provincial spending to be approved by the legislature and will review all non-approved spending by the current government to save up to $828M a year." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Government ethics and modernisation

Liberal's promises

Empanel a commission to make recommendations to improve government, the public service, municipalities, and the extended public service

"In order to ensure that Nova Scotians are getting the best from their government, a Nova Scotia Liberal government would empanel a Commission on 21st Century Governance to examine and make recommendations to improve all branches of government, the public service, municipalities, the extended public sector, service delivery, program management, digitization, and AI preparedness." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Allow all provincial staff to work from home or a hybrid setting if their position allows

"A Nova Scotia Liberal government will allow all provincial staff to work from home or work in a hybrid setting if their position allows, which will improve work conditions, save the government money on office rent, reduce congestion in Halifax, and provide more opportunities to those that live in rural areas." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Create a Nova Scotia Ethics Commissioner

"Many provinces in Canada have an ethics or integrity commissioner to ensure that legislators are behaving ethically, and public money is being spent responsibly. A Nova Scotia Liberal government would create an Ethics Commissioner position that would be responsible for ensuring ethical behaviour by politicians and public servants, and ensure that public money is being spent responsibly. This commissioner would be an officer of the Legislature and would be able to investigate actions and spending by MLAs, staff, and public servants to ensure they meet high standards of ethical behaviour. They would also proactively work to educate MLAs and prevent ethics issues before they happen." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Give the Privacy Commissioner authority to enforce the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and make binding orders

"Nova Scotia is the only province where the Privacy Commissioner can’t make binding orders on the government. A Nova Scotia Liberal government would give the Privacy Commissioner order- making authority by making them an official commissioner of the Legislature. This will allow the Privacy Commissioner to properly enforce Nova Scotia’s Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, ensuring more transparency from our government." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09


Liberal's promise

Focus immigration targets on bringing in professionals in critical areas, including healthcare, teaching, construction, and agriculture

"We will ensure immigration targets are focused on growing the number of professionals we need in critical areas, including but not limited to:

  1. ʘ Physicians and healthcare professionals,
  2. ʘ Teachers and early-childhood educators,
  3. ʘ Construction workers and the skilled
  4. tradespeople, and
  5. ʘ Agriculture and aquaculture workers."

Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09


Liberal's promises

Invest in highway infrastructure

"A Nova Scotia Liberal government will invest in critical highway infrastructure to increase safety on our highways, complete the 100-series highways, and improve the flow of goods and people around our province. Specifically, our priorities include making improvements to safety infrastructure across the province, completing controlled access highways on the 101 and 103, and ensuring proper exits on the 104." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Build a new, six-lane bridge with active transportation infrastructure and bus lanes, to replace the MacKay Bridge

"A Nova Scotia Liberal government would work with the Halifax Dartmouth Bridge Commission to build a new, six lane bridge with active transportation infrastructure and bus lanes to support rapid transit in Halifax. This will reduce congestion and protect the people and goods that travel that bridge every day." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Enhance maintenance efforts for ditches and culverts in rural areas

"A Nova Scotia Liberal government will invest in maintaining rural road infrastructure by enhancing maintenance efforts for ditches and culverts to keep our roads safe and protect private property." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Expand cell service across the province, with a focus on highway corridors

"If you are on a 100-series highway in Nova Scotia you should have reliable cell service. A Nova Scotia Liberal government will expand cell service across our province, starting along our highway corridors." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Create a fund to build emergency access and connector roads in areas deemed high-risk

"A Nova Scotia Liberal government will create a fund to build emergency access and connector roads in areas deemed high-risk by municipalities, emergency management officials, and other experts. We will make funding available to any community that completes the FireSmart Neighbourhood Recognition Program so they can implement safety improvements that will protect lives and property in cases of wildfires." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Justice system

Liberal's promises

Invest $4M in ongoing operational funding to expand youth programming for at-risk youth

"Across the province, organizations like BGC Canada run youth programming that keep at-risk youth engaged, out of trouble, and out of our justice system. These programs save lives and save our justice system resources in the long run. A Nova Scotia Liberal government will invest $4M in ongoing operational funding to expand these programs and ensure that they can serve their communities." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Ensure adequate funding for the criminal justice system

"A Nova Scotia Liberal government will ensure adequate funding for the criminal justice system, which has fallen under neglect by this government and currently allows offenders to walk free without a trial over and over. We’ll hire the judges the system needs, and make targeted investments to get cases tried on time." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Ban the misuse of NDAs in sexual assault and harassment cases

"Too often, non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) are being used to silence victims and maintain the power imbalance. We will ensure that no Nova Scotian is forced to sign these agreements. A Nova Scotia Liberal government would ban the mis-use of NDAs in cases of sexual assault and harassment." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09


Liberal's promises

Improve 100 local trails and community recreation infrastructure projects
Remove the provincial HST from gym memberships
Run a pilot project for free recreation centre memberships

Misc. topics


Liberal's promises

Pay the full cost for volunteer firefighters to receive either basic or advanced medical first-responder training

"Pay the full cost for the volunteer firefighters to receive either basic or advanced medical first responder training, whichever the volunteer firefighter chooses" — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

Create a provincial office of the Fire Commissioner

"Create a provincial office of the Fire Commissioner to help coordinate fire services across Nova Scotia, increase links between departments, and ensure that all firefighters are receiving the support they need from the provincial government." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09


Liberal's promise

Prioritise using multi-year funding agreements for successful non-profit organisations

"Non-profit and service delivery organizations are not able to appropriately deliver for their communities or plan for the long term when they must apply for provincial funding on an annual basis. Not only do they not know what funding is coming from year to year but, once approved, the delivery of funding is often delayed by as much as 9-10 months into the fiscal year, leaving organizations in the lurch. We will prioritize multi-year funding agreements for successful organizations that have a proven track record of providing core programming for their communities." — Better Deal for Nova Scotians, retrieved 2024-11-09

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from their website

Deeply rooted in Lunenburg County, Jonathan has become a familiar voice to many on the South Shore as the host of “The Wake Up Call with Jonathan” on Country 100.7, where he has cultivated a dedicated following of fans across the South Shore. His long career in broadcasting has allowed he and his young family to establish a strong connection with his community.

For over two decades, Jonathan observed the political process from the media sidelines, listening to the concerns and opportunities in the community. His decision to take the next step and run for office is driven by his desire to give a voice to those who feel unheard, particularly on critical issues such as healthcare and affordability. Jonathan is acutely aware of the challenges facing the people of Lunenburg West and is committed to seeking effective solutions on Team Churchill.

Born and raised in Lunenburg County, Jonathan has always been an active supporter of various community organizations. He has lent his voice and time to the South Shore Health Services Foundation, the South Shore Exhibition, Lunenburg County 4-H, and numerous music and fundraiser events. His involvement in these grassroots organizations have deepened his commitment to the well-being and development of the community.

As the father of two young children, Jonathan is fueled by his passion to create a better Nova Scotia. He believes in the need for improved rural healthcare services, affordable housing, and tackling affordability challenges. He is committed to practical solutions that will help his community like creating more affordable housing options and cutting the HST by 2% to leave more money in your pocket.

As he steps into politics, Jonathan is determined to work towards a better future for his neighbours, ensuring that their voices are heard and their needs are met.

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