
Indigenous health platforms

Here's what the 2024 NB election parties are promising.
We don't have any PC policies on Indigenous health.


  • Invite First Nations leaders to create a bilateral forum and ongoing process for achieving culturally safe and equitable healthcare

    "Invite First Nations leaders to create a bilateral forum and ongoing process with the goal of achieving culturally safe and equitable healthcare for Indigenous people in New Brunswick." — Team Holt: Focused On You, retrieved 2024-10-12

  • Support and work with First Nations healthcare leaders on the Health Transformation design and implementation process

    "Support, collaborate, and engage with First Nations healthcare leaders in achieving their Health Transformation design and implementation process." — Team Holt: Focused On You, retrieved 2024-10-12

  • Work with First Nations to create and implement mental health and addiction programmes with culturally safe service and practice standards

    "Work in partnership with First Nations to co-create and implement mental health and addiction programs that meet culturally safe First Nation service and practice standards of care." — Team Holt: Focused On You, retrieved 2024-10-12

We don't have any Green policies on Indigenous health.

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See our full 2024 NB election platform comparison