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Derek Gagnon

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If elected, Derek hopes to work towards reconciliation, rebuilding community trust, supporting mental and physical health literacy, and supporting the needs of LGBTQIA2S+ students.

Derek Gagnon is a life-long supporter of education and youth, having worked to benefit the lives of young people in our community through education and life experiences.

Derek currently volunteers with the 2136 Canadian Scottish Regiment Army Cadet Corps, has volunteered with Special Olympics Edmonton, worked with Edmonton Public Schools as a communications consultant, has student teaching experience from my prior career path, and currently works within emergency management as a public engagement officer.

Derek is running on a platform of reconciliation, rebuilding community trust in the board, mental health support, increased musical and physical literacy and that schools should be inclusive and safe for students of all sexual orientations and gender identities (SOGI).

Reason for running

submitted by the candidate or their team
I am running because I believe we must ensure schools are safe and inclusive for all students and staff. I also believe that more must be done to work towards reconciliation.

We all have the right to express and identify ourselves as we see fit, and I will advocate to support the LGTBQIA2S+ community in and out of our schools, and stand against homophobia, transphobia, biphobia and all other forms of bigotry. I will support and raise the platform of SOGI 123 and Policy and Regulation 4305, to keep the Greater Victoria School District at the forefront of inclusive learning.

As a trustee, I will strengthen relationships between the school board and the Four Houses. Indigenous students in SD61 had a five-year graduation rate in 2020 of 49% compared to 83% for non-Indigenous students. This is unacceptable. To address this, we need reconciliation in our schools for Indigenous and non-Indigenous students. This can be accomplished in part through land-based and cultural learning for all children.

We can only truly achieve reconciliation if we are all working together.

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