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Geoffrey Capp

CHP candidate for Lethbridge

Affordability & Childcare


Geoffrey Capp's promise

The CHP supports parents who want to be able to afford to raise their children at home, but we will help single parents with their child care needs. Home-raised children are healthier, better associated with adults, and leaves daycare spaces for those in genuine need and at more competitive prices.

Food & Nutrition

Geoffrey Capp's promise

Supply management programs impede efficiency. Quotas are owned by farmers, but it would be better if they were leased to farmers so that new farmers can enter the market. A small portion of imports - provided they meet Canadian standards - would help stimulate efficiency.

Climate Change & the Environment

Carbon Capture & Storage

Geoffrey Capp's promise

We've had emissions controls on our vehicles for 50 years, but many countries still don't and have horrible pollution levels. We can and should try harder, but we don't need to punish Canadians for using fossil fuels for essential activities. There should not be carbon taxes on fuel for trucking, commuting and home heating, at least not up to a reasonable level of use. Wasteful use should be taxed

Emissions Reductions Targets

Geoffrey Capp's promise

We are a country with cold winters. We need to heat our homes! Canada accounts for 2% of global emissions, but China is still building coal-fired power stations. Let them try a lot harder, we don't need to be ashamed, and we can still try to do better.

Energy Sources

Geoffrey Capp's promise

Alberta particularly has dry oil and gas wells that could be exploited to develop geothermal energy for heating or electricity. We can also install passive turbines in rivers for electric generation. We should, as a world society, develop ways to lower energy use by common household appliances. There is no consensus on whether wind turbines have adverse impact on humans, so they should be limited.

Sustainable Finance

Geoffrey Capp's promise

Spending is out of control. We would implement sunset laws to automatically close government agencies, boards and corporations at a set date unless renewed by a positive vote in Parliament. We would implement zero-based budgeting in government departments on a rotating basis, a few departments each year.


Geoffrey Capp's promise

We need to work with the provinces on forest management so that natural burns do not become major conflagrations. Ground cover needs to be allowed to burn off regularly. Firebreaks are needed around communities.



Geoffrey Capp's promise

The CHP supports apprenticeship programs. Our young people can choose better by becoming tradespeople rather than trying to earn degrees in intellectual concepts.

Post-Secondary Tuition

Geoffrey Capp's promise

Rather than provide block-funding to universities, the CHP would give students vouchers that they could take to the university that they attend. Universities would have to be more efficient at their expenses, such as salaries for tenured staff, in order to attract students and the funding that comes with them. This would help keep down tuition costs and students would have less debt to pay back.

Health & Healthcare

Access to Abortion

Geoffrey Capp's promise

The CHP is the only party that unequivocally supports the lives of unborn children. We would seek out agencies & groups that support women with crisis pregnancies, providing financial, emotional and physical aid. By the time a pregnancy could threaten the mother's life, the baby can be delivered prematurely and finish its gestation in an incubator. Doctors should always attempt to save both lives.

COVID Testing

Geoffrey Capp's promise

We need a definitive test for active COVID-19 viruses. The PCR test in common use detects the presence of elements that could be from any coronavirus and either active or neutralized by our immune system. We must isolate the ill, but allow the uninfected to freely mix with others and carry on our society's business.

COVID Vaccination

Geoffrey Capp's promise

Vaccination must be voluntary. The vaccine manufacturers must provide verifiable documentation to prove they have overcome vaccine enhanced disease (VED) and antibody dependent enhancement (ADE). VED and ADE have, heretofore, frustrated all attempts to develop a coronavirus vaccine. No such verifiable documentation was supplied for the four vaccines being offered.

Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer and Astra Zeneca have lost uncounted numbers of lawsuits and had to pay out tens of billions of dollars for harm they knew their products (e.g. Vioxx, Bextra, Celebrex, opioids) would cause. That makes those companies convicted felons.  That, and the deals to grant them immunity from prosecution for COVID-19 vaccines, raises a red flag.

Health Funding

Geoffrey Capp's promise

The CHP supports the public billing process, but we also support private enterprise offerings that bill through the public system, not directly to users. Government enterprises tend to be inefficient and do not innovate, as they rely on a theoretically unlimited supply of money. Private enterprises innovate and gain efficiencies; patients will pass them by if they do not work properly.

Medical Assistance in Dying

Geoffrey Capp's promise

We oppose euthanasia and we oppose medical assistance in dying. When legalized, it gets out of control, as it has in Belgium, the Netherlands, Vermont and Oregon; nurses can act on their own to administer fatal doses; pressure groups push to widen the laws; insurers withdraw funding for cures and instead push people to choose MAID.

Palliative Care

Geoffrey Capp's promise

We support palliative care, without alternative.

Review of COVID Response

Geoffrey Capp's promise

The revisionist WHO policy on "cause of death" has made COVID-19-era deaths unable to be compared with a century of records of other virus outbreaks. We need truthful death statistics, and we need to maintain an open policy of questioning what is done and civil, non-judgemental and rational answering of those questions. Masking and lockdowns have been mandated without proper questioning.

At the most liberal interpretation of deaths "caused" by COVID-19, when compared to the most conservative, stingy, nit-picky count of deaths from Spanish Flu in 1918, the Spanish Flu is ten times more deadly, forty times more if you consider the smaller world population.  500 times more deadly when you recognize that only 8 percent of COVID-19 deaths were solely COVID-19; the other 92 percent had other causes listed on the certificate.

Hospital facilities

Geoffrey Capp's promise

See our Infrastructure financing policy below. CHP would use infrastructure financing to develop private rooms in hospitals to prevent cross-infection between patients.

Housing & Homelessness


Geoffrey Capp's promise

I am inspired by George Bailey - people who own their own homes can participate in their local business communities, buying goods to furnish and upgrade their homes. People who earn a decent wage/salary and can bid for homes in a fair Canadians-only housing market can become homeowners. We need to promote the restoration of a prosperous middle class and encourage the strength of the family.

Strong families take care of their own - kids, teens, siblings, parents. Fractious families leave people unable to afford homes, and divorced/separated families end up having to pay for two homes instead of one when support payments are involved.

Housing Prices

Geoffrey Capp's promise

Foreign ownership of Canadian homes should be prohibited. Canadian homes should be for Canadians only, so that they bid against each other, not against deep-pocketed foreign buyers. To own a Canadian home, one should be a citizen or a permanent resident with a full-time job in Canada.


Geoffrey Capp's promise

The worst problem at this time is not mortgages, but the sale prices of homes. We must expunge foreign competition from buying the homes Canadians need to live in!

Human Rights & Equality

Conversion Therapy

Geoffrey Capp's promise

We would agree to prohibit intrusive and chemical methods, such as used on Prof. Alan Turing. Counseling of children by their parents must remain legal, and counseling of others, when welcome by the individual, should also remain legal.

Hate Crimes & Hate Speech

Geoffrey Capp's promise

Speaking the truth, even when it is discomforting, must remain lawful. Advocating harm or abrogation of rights to people on the basis of culture, identity or beliefs must not be acceptable. In a tolerant society, we will hear ideas that we do not agree with, but the Charter of Rights guarantees the freedom to speak and publish, not any right to be spared hearing it.

The Blood Ban

Geoffrey Capp's promise

We support the concept that donors of blood must be healthy, and not carrying any communicable, incurable diseases. Since many STIs cannot be detected for months, those who do not faithfully practice monogamy with someone present a risk to the supply.

Immigration & Refugees


Geoffrey Capp's promise

The correction of the domestic policies of governments is the only long-term solution to the refugee problem. People leave when governments mistreat their own or run their societies in a manner that makes it unviable to remain.

Indigenous Relations & Reconciliation

Drinking Water

Geoffrey Capp's promise

The CHP unequivocally supports safe water service - the end of all boil-water advisories in any community, aboriginal or otherwise.

Indigenous Broadband

Geoffrey Capp's promise

Final resolution of F.N. land claims, phase-out of aboriginal privileges such as unlimited hunting/fishing for commercial purposes, and integrating F.N. into our society would, in the long run, eliminate prejudices and friction, and enable them to celebrate their culture with dignity. For the well-being of F.N. peoples, their leaders and councils must be accountable for tax funds provided to them.

Residential Schools

Geoffrey Capp's promise

The schools were a savage attack on culture and on F.N. families, and the churches placed in control aggravated this attack by not acting on those committing physical, emotional and sexual abuse. The records must be turned over by churches; living individuals who committed abuses must be prosecuted.


Geoffrey Capp's promise

Final resolution of F.N. land claims, phase-out of aboriginal privileges such as unlimited hunting/fishing for commercial purposes, and integrating F.N. into our society would, in the long run, eliminate prejudices and friction, and enable them to celebrate their culture with dignity. For the well-being of F.N. peoples, their leaders and councils must be accountable for tax funds provided to them.


Infrastructure Blockades

Geoffrey Capp's promise

Infrastructure that is to the benefit of Canadians by using our own resources is in the interests of all provinces to support. It is illogical for Quebec to block Cdn. oil and gas, yet import such products from many nations that violate human rights. Much oil comes from Muslim nations that restrict women's rights and persecute/execute homosexuals, yet no ethical objections are raised to that oil!

Infrastructure Funding

Geoffrey Capp's promise

Immediately after World War II, the Cdn. government financed major infrastructure works using no-interest loans from the Bank of Canada. It generated economic activity that produced taxes to pay the loans back, and touched off the longest-lasting period of growth and prosperity in our history. The CHP would reinstate this, rather than borrow from commercial banks that now earn billions in profits!

The loans would be made to governments and crown corporations, and could be used to repair the crumbling infrastructure from the last time this program was used up to the end of the 1960s. Work necessitates workers and contractors and equipment, so equipment is made and sold, workers are hired, they get paid, they buy homes and go on vacations, and income taxes, property taxes and sales taxes are collected to help pay the loans back.  Win, win, win!

Internet Infrastructure

Geoffrey Capp's promise

Huawei and other Chinese-made products for 5G should be prohibited from Canada, consistent with our allies in Britain and (at least to now) the United States. Even the possibility that 5G allows infiltration and information gathering negates any other consideration. Prohibiting Chinese-made products is also the appropriate response to their vindictive arrests of the two Michaels.

Infrastructure financing

Geoffrey Capp's promise

International Relations


Geoffrey Capp's promise

Canada just gave China the job of building a new ferry for Nova Scotia-Newfoundland, and Chinese colonels and generals continue to be in Canada to observe our military, and their pilots practice in our airspace. Xi Jinping must be laughing at our gullible prime minister, who has openly admitted he admires China's basic dictatorship. We must slam the door on China.

China has no respect for human rights and justice. We must stop rewarding their abuse of our people. Let those who admire China's communism and dictatorship MOVE there and stay! Let's have our country back for free-minded Canadians!

Ideally, Canada should prefer relations with the democratic society of the Republic of China, on the island of Taiwan, which has free speech and free elections, while willing to recognize both governments within the territories they now administer.

Israel & Palestine

Geoffrey Capp's promise

Israel has repeatedly extended an olive branch to Arabs, while the Arabs have repeatedly said "no" to peace: 1947 rejection of a partition plan favourable to Arabs in respect to Jerusalem access; 1948-49 war to defeat Israel; 1960s shelling from Golan Heights; 1973 surprise attack; Intifada; rocket attack on Israel early in 2021.

United Nations

Geoffrey Capp's promise

Canada should reconsider the value of membership in the United Nations. If it continues to be pushed toward policies and programs that interfere in internal national preferences, then membership becomes a liability. UN activities should only have coercive effect on international affairs such as marine shipping, atomic energy, radio frequency management, international air traffic.

Jobs & the Economy

International Trade

Geoffrey Capp's promise

The Canadian Trade Commissioner should be empowered to block the import of goods made using child labour or slave adult labour, such conditions in the case of adults being small wages or dangerous factory conditions. These goods should not be allowed to undercut the opportunity to employ Canadians making the goods in Canada, or goods from other free nations.


Geoffrey Capp's promise

Foreign investment must not be in the form of taking outright ownership of Canadian businesses, residential properties and resources. These must be Canadian-owned. Limited-time leases, 99-years at most, but in this fast-moving time, 49-years, that a foreign interest may control a Canadian company, after which it reverts to Canadian control.

News Media & Journalism

Geoffrey Capp's promise

CHP would terminate the Trudeau government's subsidizing of private media. Companies unwilling to operate stations in smaller cities should be required to sell them to local operators willing to run them for the benefit of the community.


Geoffrey Capp's promise

Each Parliament should begin with a review of regulatory laws that are on the books in order to find ones that should be rolled back or modified to promote freedom of business activity.

This is not a CHP policy, but since the CHP promotes free enterprise, it would be an innovative effort to stop-check legislators of previous Parliaments.

Supply Management

Geoffrey Capp's promise

Supply management does not promote efficiency. Rather than quotas being owned by producers, they should be leased to them, and allow the entrance of new producers. There should be some import allowed of goods that meet Canadian regulations to make a small portion of the supply and promote efficiency.

For example, the dairy pools in each province and sub-region should be allowing in up to 10 percent product from foreign sources that adhere to our standards of quality and hormone-free source. This allows Canadian producers to stay in business, but promotes them to gain efficiencies.  Not 10 percent of the Canadian market - it would be 10 percent of each limited dairy pool area in Canada (10% of southern Alberta, 10% of southwestern Ontario, 10% of southern Quebec, etc.). US allows bovine growth hormone by milking pregnant cows - such milk would be prohibited from Canada, and if discovered, would result in temporary suspension of imports.

Natural Resources & Extraction


Geoffrey Capp's promise

We must work with provinces to implement forestry practices that permit natural burns, and we must develop fire breaks around communities and allow dead materials on the ground to burn rather than keep building up.


Geoffrey Capp's promise

We support pipelines, especially if they include replacement or complete modernization of outdated leaky pipes. It makes more sense to use our own oil than to take oil from countries like Saudi Arabia that are hostile to women's rights and hostile to homosexuals.

Public Safety & Policing

Gang Violence

Geoffrey Capp's promise

Criminal penalties would be multiplied for having a firearm while committing a crime. At the root of the problem, children in daycare develop peer attachment, which has been shown to be at the root of teen gang violence. Children do not civilize other children - children need their parents to raise them civilly and guide them to successful adulthood.

Gun Violence

Geoffrey Capp's promise

At present, concealed carry is legal only for police and criminals. Criminals will not obey a gun law while breaking other laws. Liberal policy does nothing to remove firearms from criminals thus giving them the excuse to be harsher on law-abiding citizens. CHP would allow private possession of firearms. Penalties for crimes such as robbery, rape, assault would be multiplied for having a firearm.

If you have a gun in your possession while committing a crime, your sentence should be doubled.  If it is a loaded gun, quadrupled.  If you fire the gun, your sentence should be 12 times the usual.  This makes it extremely punishing to have a gun while engaged in theft, assault, break-and-enter, money laundering, extortion, etc.

Human Trafficking

Geoffrey Capp's promise

The Biblical teaching of loving one's neighbours dictates that human trafficking is a terrible violation of this commandment to love. On that basis, all effort must be undertaken to stop trafficking and prosecute traffickers.


Geoffrey Capp's promise

Our penitentiaries do not achieve full rehabilitation of those who were convicted of violent crimes, yet they are released into society on parole or at end of sentence. We need truth in sentencing: the parole should follow the specified term, and time served should only count when cooperating with rehabilitation efforts. No porn or substance abuse should be allowed in prisons.

Since substances and porn are smuggled into prisons, everyone, the warden and police included, should submit to a search on entering a penitentiary, and all substances present removed in a comprehensive sweep. Possession should be disciplined with reduced privileges, all of which should be earned, not granted liberally. Good conduct should be recognized with privileges. Inmates should be respected as human beings while still disciplined for the offences they committed - guards must respect the innate human dignity of the inmates.

Capital Punishment

Geoffrey Capp's promise

Capital punishment effectively ended in Canada in 1965, and even prior to formal abolition in 1977, the murder rate sharply increased. The CHP favours restoring this option to the law but with the provision that convictions on circumstantial evidence cannot lead to execution. Platitude policies of a liberal nature repeatedly permit the tragedies of people like Tori Stafford, Kristen French.

David Milgard, Donald Marshall, Guy-Paul Morin, Stephen Truscott - all convicted on circumstantial evidence. They would be safer under CHP's policy than Truscott was under the old law.

Personally, I do not want to see anyone executed if they are securely in custody, and I would take great offence if I saw anyone celebrating an execution being carried out, even a man as vile in behaviour as Clifford Olsen or Robert Pickton.

Misc. topics

CBC & Radio-Canada

Geoffrey Capp's promise

The CBC was established in 1936 to create a distinct Canadian voice in radio (and, after 1952, television). With the profusion of channels on-air and cable, this has been achieved. The CBC is not required as it once was, and should be restructured to be more frugal, not duplicate private sector outlets. It should not be used to tell us what to think; it should go back to reporting what we think.


Geoffrey Capp's promise

CHP supports mixed member-proportional representation. The representation in the House of Commons should reflect the popular vote. The cost to taxpayers increases as more MPs are added - it should be limited to 300, no more! Members returned to fill proportional seats should be chosen by voters, not by the order of names a party decides.

After election results are counted, each party's non-winning candidates should be put in order by percentage of votes received, and those who did best in their ridings should fill a seat in Parliament, having demonstrated they have support by voters compared to other candidates of the same party.

The list system used in most countries abuses public preference by letting the party decide who it wants in, and is vulnerable to deal-making and deal-trading that means those chosen owe their allegiance to those they "bought off" to get a high placement.

Public Service

Geoffrey Capp's promise

Hiring and retention in the public service should be based on merit, that is, the person is competent to complete the work required, and demonstrates integrity: honesty, dedication. Nobody has a right to public employment.

Federal financing

Geoffrey Capp's promise

The CHP would implement zero-based budgeting in government departments on a rotating basis - i.e., build the department budget from scratch every few years. Sunset laws should be implemented to terminate agencies, boards, commissions and corporations if they do not earn legislative renewals, and sunset provisions should be added to acts for existing corporations.
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They may still in the future!

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submitted by the candidate or their team
I have a wife and three children, and we have lived in Lethbridge for 14 years.

Reason for running

submitted by the candidate or their team
I wish to be in a position to call out the government on policies and laws that harm families, children, small business.
I will speak against misuse of tax money, such as political funding kickbacks to the main parties after an election!

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