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Michelle Paquette

Agriculture & Food

Supply management

Michelle Paquette's promise

Expand Canada’s supply management system (threatened by free trade agreements), to raise farm incomes, and protect food safety and security.

Education & Training

Post-secondary education

Michelle Paquette's promise

Make universal quality public and post-secondary education free to all, including international students, and including textbook and lab costs, with stipends to cover students’ living expenses.

Student loans

Michelle Paquette's promise

Eliminate student debt.

Environment, Climate Change, & Energy

Carbon pricing

Michelle Paquette's promise

Replace cap-and-trade and carbon tax schemes with strict legal limits for pollution and hard caps emissions, especially from industrial sources, that would reduce emissions to zero by 2050. Impose strong penalties for corporations which break the law, including jail time for corporate executives.

Energy production

Michelle Paquette's promise

End corporate driven energy extraction and export policies, which aim to boost profits at the expense of Indigenous rights and the health and safety of people. Cancel all pipeline projects that enable the maintenance and expansion of tar sands extraction, and halt all fracking operations. Phase out nuclear energy and the tar sands operations, and guarantee jobs at equivalent wages for energy workers in the renewable energy sector and in other sectors of the economy.

Green buildings and housing

Michelle Paquette's promise

Build a million units of low-cost, energy-efficient social housing for sale and rent. Upgrade and maintain existing housing units to be safe, secure, affordable, accessible and environmentally sound.

Green governance

Michelle Paquette's promise

Public ownership of energy resources, under democratic control and planning, operated in a transparent manner that ensures responsible economic, social and environmental stewardship. Only public ownership can make it possible to dramatically reduce carbon emissions and to put the interests of people and the environment ahead of private corporate profits.

Green jobs

Michelle Paquette's promise

Create an overall “green jobs” plan to tackle urgent social, economic, transport and environmental priorities. Increase investment in sustainable industrial processes, and to expand renewable energy sources, especially solar, wind, hydro and geothermal power.

Major energy projects

Michelle Paquette's promise

Build an east-west power grid, and rebuild publicly-owned and democratically controlled provincial electrical utility systems that include production, distribution, transmission and bulk electricity system market, to ensure affordable, safe and reliable power supply for industrial and residential use.

Waste & pollution

Michelle Paquette's promise

Transition to a zero-waste economy; set higher standards for product design, reduced packaging, labelling and collection after use to improve waste diversion rates.

Military and the Environment

Michelle Paquette's promise

Cut military spending by 75%, ending the huge carbon footprint related to deployment of fighter-bomber jets, the naval fleet, and other military purposes.


Michelle Paquette's promise

Reduce reliance on private vehicles; build and deliver free urban public transit in all major cities, and encourage alternatives such as cycling, walking, etc. Build affordable and rapid inter-urban rail transit for passengers. Set much higher fuel efficiency standards for vehicles built and sold in Canada; establish a Canadian automobile industry to build affordable and fuel-efficient electric vehicles.


Michelle Paquette's promise

Protect Canada’s food sovereignty and reduce energy costs by promoting sustainable domestic agriculture and farmland preservation.


Michelle Paquette's promise

Build an east-west power grid, and rebuild publicly-owned and democratically controlled provincial electrical utility systems that include production, distribution, transmission and bulk electricity system market, to ensure affordable, safe and reliable power supply for industrial and residential use.

Government & Democracy

Electoral reform

Michelle Paquette's promise

Enact mixed-member proportional representation and the right to recall MPs.

Municipal government

Michelle Paquette's promise

Restore local democracy and autonomy and adequately fund municipal governments and services. Give constitutional status and wealth taxing powers to municipalities.

The Senate

Michelle Paquette's promise

Abolish the Senate and replace it with a House of Nationalities comprised of an equal number of elected representatives from the nations within Canada.

Government Services & Crown Corporations

Canada Post

Michelle Paquette's promise

Introduce postal banking and restore universal home delivery at Canada Post

Child care

Michelle Paquette's promise

Establish a system of universally accessible, affordable, quality public childcare now, with Canada-wide standards. Raise the wages of childcare workers, and make Early Childhood Education qualifications mandatory.

Public broadcasting

Michelle Paquette's promise

Restore funding for the CBC and invest in the National Film Board (NFB-ONF), Telefilm Canada, CBC/Radio-Canada, Conseil des arts du Canada / Canada Council for the Arts, Aboriginal People Television Network, Canadian Museum Association / Association des musées canadiens, and other publicly owned institutions.


Dental care

Michelle Paquette's promise

Expand Medicare now to include universal public pharmacare, dental and eye care, long-term care and mental health care.

Eye care

Michelle Paquette's promise

Expand Medicare now to include universal public pharmacare, dental and eye care, long-term care and mental health care.

Home & long-term care

Michelle Paquette's promise

Expand Medicare now to include universal public pharmacare, dental and eye care, long-term care and mental health care.

Mental health

Michelle Paquette's promise

Expand Medicare now to include universal public pharmacare, dental and eye care, long-term care and mental health care.

Prescription drug coverage

Michelle Paquette's promise

Expand Medicare now to include universal public pharmacare, dental and eye care, long-term care and mental health care. Nationalize the pharmaceutical industry.

Safe access to abortion

Michelle Paquette's promise

Guarantee accessible and publicly funded abortion and reproductive rights services in every province and territory.

Women's & reproductive health

Michelle Paquette's promise

Guarantee accessible and publicly funded abortion and reproductive rights services in every province and territory.


Housing supply

Michelle Paquette's promise

Build one million units of social housing for sale and for rent, create hundreds of thousands of new green jobs in construction and manufacturing. Enact a federal housing policy that recognizes housing is a fundamental human right, and make housing a public utility. Ensure that no-one pays more than 20% of their income on shelter using rent controls and rent roll-backs.

Human Rights

Conversion therapy & intersex surgery

Michelle Paquette's promise

Make ‘conversion’ therapy illegal.

Detainment for anti-terrorism

Michelle Paquette's promise

Stop the drive to a police state in Canada. Repeal C-59 (formerly C-51) and all other undemocratic and repressive “anti-terrorism” legislation.

Gender-based violence

Michelle Paquette's promise

End all forms of violence against women 2S/LGBTIQ and provide adequate funding for crisis centres and transition houses.

Gender-based work discrimination & pay inequity

Michelle Paquette's promise

Close the wage gap – legislate pay and employment equity for women, Indigenous people, disabled people, racialized, and 2S/LGBTIQ people.

Hate crimes

Michelle Paquette's promise

Enforce hate speech laws on campuses and wherever racist, xenophobic, Islamophobic, misogynist, homophobic and transphobic speakers and groups are testing the law. Hate speech is criminal activity. Hate groups should also be prosecuted as criminal organizations.

Racism in law enforcement

Michelle Paquette's promise

Ban racial profiling and carding by the RCMP, provincial and local police.

Sex work

Michelle Paquette's promise

Repeal Harper’s Bill C-36 the so-called “Protection of Communities and Exploited Persons Act” which attacks the human rights of sex workers.

Illicit Drugs & Overdoses

Opioid crisis

Michelle Paquette's promise

Expand public health and reverse service cuts. Reduce drug overdose deaths with harm reduction and ‘safe supply’ policies. Nationalize the pharmaceutical industry.

Immigration, Refugees, & Borders

Economic immigration

Michelle Paquette's promise

Scrap the Temporary Foreign Worker Program, the Seasonal Agricultural Worker Program and the “Live-in Caregiver” Program, and provide a clear and accessible path to permanent residency and citizenship for all foreign and migrant workers in Canada.


Michelle Paquette's promise

No one is illegal. Stop deportations of immigrants and refugees, and reverse cuts to legal aid.

Safe Third Country agreement

Michelle Paquette's promise

Repeal the ‘Safe Third Country’ agreement and stop criminalizing refugees forced to enter Canada illegally and in dangerous conditions.

Quota system

Michelle Paquette's promise

Repeal the racist quota system which discriminates against immigrants from racialized countries.

Indigenous Issues

Indigenous children

Michelle Paquette's promise

Take emergency action to improve living conditions, employment, health, education, and housing of Indigenous peoples, and immediately end the racist and discriminatory cap on educational and health funding for treaty First Nations children.

Indigenous education

Michelle Paquette's promise

Take emergency action to improve living conditions, employment, health, education, and housing of Indigenous peoples, and immediately end the racist and discriminatory cap on educational and health funding for treaty First Nations children.

Indigenous housing

Michelle Paquette's promise

Take emergency action to improve living conditions, employment, health, education, and housing of Indigenous peoples, and immediately end the racist and discriminatory cap on educational and health funding for treaty First Nations children.

Indigenous rights

Michelle Paquette's promise

Recognize and implement the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People, including Indigenous Peoples’ right to veto over any resource or development projects on their land. Guarantee Indigenous rights to full, free, prior and informed consent over all development, including resource extraction and pipelines on or affecting their land or livelihoods. Remove vestiges of colonialism from all federal legislation; act now for just settlement of land claims, including natural resource-sharing agreements,

Reconciliation & justice

Michelle Paquette's promise

mplement the recommendations of the Truth & Reconciliation Commission and the Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls.

Treaties & land claims

Michelle Paquette's promise

Remove vestiges of colonialism from all federal legislation; act now for just settlement of land claims, including natural resource-sharing agreements, without extinguishment of inherent Aboriginal title.

International Relations

Israel & Palestine

Michelle Paquette's promise

Oppose Israeli apartheid – support a just peace in the Middle East based on Israel’s withdrawal from all territories occupied since 1967, the right of return for Palestinian refugees, and the formation of an independent, viable Palestinian state.

Nuclear weapons

Michelle Paquette's promise

Support the global abolition of nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction – sign the Nuclear Weapon Ban Treaty.

Foreign Policy

Michelle Paquette's promise

Adopt an independent Canadian foreign policy of peace and disarmament, cut military spending by 75% and withdraw from NATO and NORAD. Reject the Big Business parties’ drive to war and reaction.

Jobs & the Economy

Auto industry

Michelle Paquette's promise

Nationalize the basic steel industry, Bombardier, and the Canadian operations of the Big 3 US automakers which are moving their operations out of Canada to low wage jurisdictions. Keep the jobs, the plants and the machinery and equipment, and retool to produce urban and inter-urban rapid transit vehicles and an electric car that’s affordable and environmentally sustainable. Make it the centrepiece of a new transportation policy for Canada.

Employment Insurance

Michelle Paquette's promise

Increase EI benefits to 90% of previous earnings for all workers including part-time workers and first-time job seekers – for the full duration of unemployment.

Jobs in oil, gas, and coal

Michelle Paquette's promise

Cancel all pipeline projects based on expansion of tar sands extraction, and halt all fracking operations. Phase out nuclear energy and the tar sands operations, and guarantee jobs for energy industry workers in the renewable energy sector and in other sectors of the economy.

Manufacturing jobs

Michelle Paquette's promise

Develop and implement a comprehensive full employment strategy based on massive public investments to increase value-added jobs in environmentally sustainable manufacturing and secondary industry Expand value added manufacturing and secondary industry in Canada and adopt trade policies that are multi-lateral and mutually beneficial.

Minimum wage & universal income

Michelle Paquette's promise

Raise the minimum wage to $20/hour and legislate a minimum four weeks annual statutory paid vacations.


Michelle Paquette's promise

Ban overtime, ‘two-tier wages’ for new hires, and unpaid internships.

Part-time and contract work

Michelle Paquette's promise

Adopt a full-employment policy and replace precarious work with well-paid, permanent jobs. Let workers share the benefits of AI (artificial intelligence) and other new technology in the workplace with a 32 hour work week for 40 hours pay, with no loss in service to the public. Include part-time, home-based and contract workers under federal and provincial labour laws. Guarantee benefits and pensions for part-time, home-based and contract workers.


Michelle Paquette's promise

Protect and expand the universal public pension system.


Michelle Paquette's promise

Introduce a Guaranteed Annual Livable Income to raise living standards and combat poverty especially among Indigenous peoples, new immigrants, women, youth, seniors and persons with disabilities.

Public infrastructure

Michelle Paquette's promise

Rebuild Canada’s public infrastructure

Public service

Michelle Paquette's promise

Reverse the privatization and contracting-out of public services, Medicare, education, and social programs. Restore and expand public services.

Unpaid internships

Michelle Paquette's promise

Ban undpaid internships.

Justice, Crime, & Law Enforcement

Deferred Prosecution Agreements & SNC-Lavalin scandal

Michelle Paquette's promise

Repeal ‘Deferred Prosecution Agreements’ that allow corporations like SNC Lavalin to avoid prosecution for criminal activities. Strengthen laws governing corporations and prosecute corporate law-breakers to full extent of the law.

Extremism & terrorism

Michelle Paquette's promise

Stop the drive to a police state in Canada. Repeal C-59 (formerly C-51) and all other undemocratic and repressive “anti-terrorism” legislation.


Michelle Paquette's promise

Ban the sale and possession of hand guns and military assault weapons.

Legal aid & access to justice

Michelle Paquette's promise

No one is illegal. Stop deportations of immigrants and refugees, and reverse cuts to legal aid.


Michelle Paquette's promise

Stop the drive to a police state in Canada. Ban racial profiling and carding by the RCMP, provincial and local police. Stop government spying, police violence and agents provocateurs, and use of the courts to repress civil and democratic rights. Strengthen parliamentary oversight of the armed forces and put the RCMP and provincial and local police forces under civilian control. Prosecute police for illegal activities including unlawful use of force and murder.

Military & Veterans

Defence funding

Michelle Paquette's promise

Cut military spending by 75%, ending the huge carbon footprint related to deployment of fighter-bomber jets, the naval fleet, and other military purposes. Redirect military spending to search & rescue, and emergency disaster response capabilities.


Artificial Intelligence

Michelle Paquette's promise

Let workers share the benefits of AI (artificial intelligence) and other new technology in the workplace with a 32 hour work week for 40 hours pay, with no loss in service to the public.

Transit & Transportation

Low-emissions vehicles

Michelle Paquette's promise

Nationalize the basic steel industry, Bombardier, and the Canadian operations of the Big 3 US automakers which are moving their operations out of Canada to low wage jurisdictions. Keep the jobs, the plants and the machinery and equipment, and retool to produce urban and inter-urban rapid transit vehicles and an electric car that’s affordable and environmentally sustainable. Make it the centrepiece of a new transportation policy for Canada.

Public transit options

Michelle Paquette's promise

Substantially expand urban mass transit, eliminating bus and transit fares.

Misc. topics

Arts & culture

Michelle Paquette's promise

Make access to publicly funded museums, galleries, films, and concerts free to the public. Create state agencies such as NFB-ONF that allow creators and workers in the cultural industry a stable and decent job. No to precarious work in the cultural sector. Tax Netflix and all foreign for-profit cultural businesses, and use the funds to support public and democratic cultural work, and workers, across Canada and in Quebec, Acadia, and Indigenous communities and nations. Increase state support for Canad


Michelle Paquette's promise

Introduce a Guaranteed Annual Livable Income to raise living standards and combat poverty especially among Indigenous peoples, new immigrants, women, youth, seniors and persons with disabilities.


Michelle Paquette's promise

Tax the greedy, not the needy! Enact progressive tax reform based on ability to pay, and put the load on those most able to pay: the corporations and the wealthy. Double the corporate tax rate, restore the capital tax, and impose taxes on 100% of capital gains. End tax loopholes and shelters; collect unpaid and deferred corporate taxes and jail corporate tax evaders. Eliminate taxes on incomes under $40,000/yr. Abolish the regressive HST and provincial sales taxes. Enact wealth and inheritance taxes
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Michelle Paquette is a public library worker, youth organizer, feminist Canadian art historian (UQAM) and labour relations student at Algonquin College.

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