Children, Childcare, & Youth in Care
BC NDP's promise
Protecting childcare in law: Much in the way that legislation was introduced to enshrine the concept of universal health care, we will protect the principles of affordable, accessible, and inclusive quality child care in legislation.
Bringing $10-a-day child care to more families: Our focus on affordability for families has already led to 32,700 families paying $10-a-day or less on child care for their kids. Partnering with the federal government, we will expand the number of $10-a-day child care spaces while enhancing our other affordability measures - delivering savings of thousands of dollars each month to help families get ahead.
More spaces through a new child care capital program: We will exceed our target of 22,000 new child care spaces by expanding our child care capital program and modular strategy for child care. When government builds a new school, housing complex or other projects we will work to ensure child care is included in their capital plans.
More convenient and secure child care at your local school: A John Horgan NDP government will work towards providing universal access to before- and after-school care on school grounds so parents know their children are safe at one place for the full work day.
More convenient child care options for working parents: Through partnerships with crown corporations, universities, local governments, First Nations, and public and private sector employers, we will work to make sure new office/business construction and upgrades will include space for child care centres, so that more parents can access needed child care at their places of work.
Training and keeping more early learning educators: We'll make sure Early Childhood Educators (ECE) are a well-supported profession, just like teachers and other professionals who work in BC's education system. We will continue to implement and enhance the Early Care and Learning Recruitment and Retention Strategy which includes expanding our successful ECE wage enhancement program.
Integrating child care into the broader learning environment: To make sure child care is brought formally into the learning timeline, we will move responsibility for child care to the Ministry of Education. It will oversee delivery of all childcare initiatives and funding, manage a capital investment program to build more new spaces, and ensure quality care through ongoing curriculum enhancements.
— From Working for You.
Early childhood development
BC NDP's promise
Youth in care
BC NDP's promise
Climate Change & the Environment
BC Parks
BC NDP's promise
BC NDP's promise
[...] we will seek a partnership with the federal government to establish a Watershed Security Fund to fund Indigenous, local, and regionally led clean water initiatives - and create good, sustainable, local jobs for British Columbians in watershed restoration, monitoring, technology, and education.
— From Working for You.
We'll make sure owners of large industrial projects are bonded moving forward, so that they - and not BC taxpayers - pay the full cost of environmental cleanup if their projects are abandoned.
— From _Working for You_.
We will develop a new provincial coastal strategy — in partnership with First Nations and federal and local governments — to better protect coastal habitat while growing coastal economies. A priority will be working with the federal government to address freighter traffic management and anchorage through southern Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands.
— From Working for You.
We'll work with the federal government to develop new strategies that:
- Protect and revitalize BC's salmon populations by building on the successful Broughton process and supporting innovation in fish hatcheries.
- Step up protection of fish habitat through our biodiversity strategy.
- Ensure BC processing of BC-caught fish.
— From Working for You.
Electric bikes
BC NDP's promise
Electric vehicles
BC NDP's promise
Expand CleanBC and our zero-emissions vehicle program to industrial vehicles: [...] We will expand CleanBC's SUVI program to get more trucks, buses, ports, airports, and marine vessels off fossil fuels.
— From Working for You.
BC NDP's promise
[...] we will require realtors to provide energy efficiency information on listed homes to incent energy-saving upgrades and let purchasers know what energy bills they will face.
— From Working for You.
We'll provide additional funding for our CleanBC industrial emissions strategy so that more mines, pulp mills, oil and gas processing plants, and other industrial facilities can reduce harmful emissions and more to cleaner operations.
— From Working for You.
Plastic waste
BC NDP's promise
BC NDP's promise
BC NDP's promise
[...] we will seek a partnership with the federal government to establish a Watershed Security Fund to fund Indigenous, local, and regionally led clean water initiatives - and create good, sustainable, local jobs for British Columbians in watershed restoration, monitoring, technology, and education.
— From Working for You.
Adult learning
BC NDP's promise
Meal programmes
BC NDP's promise
Mental health and schools
BC NDP's promise
BC NDP's promise
School infrastructure
BC NDP's promise
School tuition
BC NDP's promise
Schools and COVID
BC NDP's promise
We'll invest in more computers and tablets, more training for teachers and support staff, and in new ways to improve social e-learning that promotes group interactions between students and teachers.
— From Working for You.
COVID-19 Vaccine
BC NDP's promise
BC NDP's promise
An anywhere/anytime commitment so that all cancer care patients get information and care when they need it, including in rural communities.
Providing more individualized care for cancer patients, including dedicated teams providing a full continuum of care.
improving that continuum of care by investing in new equipment, systems and procedures that deliver leading-edge prevention, screening, diagnosis and treatment services.
Expanding and funding enhanced research and diagnostic capabilities, allowing health professionals to improve the precision of disease risk prediction, prevention, diagnostics and treatment.
— From Working for You.
Care homes & assisted living
BC NDP's promise
...we're investing $44 million to hire and train 7,000 new health care workers for long-term care homes and assisted living facilities. This Health Career Access Program will provide new opportunities for workers who lost their jobs in other sectors due to COVID-19.
— From Working for You.
We will develop a staffing retention strategy that provides workers in long-term care and assisted living with "levelled up wages" even after the pandemic ends, and restore provincial standards for wages, benefits, and working conditions that were cut by the BC Liberals.
— From Working for You.
We're working with non-profits to build public care homes that keep seniors safer, healthier, and more comfortable.
— From Working for You.
... new requirements that will make sure private operators are more transparent and accountable for the public funding they get.
— From _Working for You_.
Working with community groups and the BC Seniors Advocate, we will develop a made-in-BC Silver Alert system to help assist first responders locate missing seniors, particularly those with dementia and Alzheimer's disease.
— From Working for You.
BC NDP's promise
Healthcare staffing
BC NDP's promise
Launching BC's second medical school to expand our health care workforce: This means more doctors, nurse practitioners, nurses and other health professionals trained, graduating and working right here in BC.
A comprehensive health care human resources strategy including credential recognition: From doctors and nurses to long-term care aides, we will make sure BC is well-prepared to deal with future demand and pressures. In addition to expanding training in all fields of healthcare, we'll be improving the provinces credential recognition process and licensing so that people trained in other countries can provide their skills and knowledge here in BC.
— From Working for You.
BC NDP's promise
Invest in a new Hospital at Home programme so patients can get safe care while in the comfort of their homes, and taking pressure off hospitals. It will act as a blueprint for expanding e-health and tele-health services more broadly, so people can get virtual visits from doctors and nurses at home.
— From Working for You.
We'll expand publicly funded home care to provide better care and help with daily living - bathing, dressing, meal preparation and more - so that people can stay in their own homes for as long as is safely possible. It will also improve continuity of care with seniors receiving visits from a more consistent group of care aides.
— From Working for You.
Prescription drugs
BC NDP's promise
BC NDP's promise
BC NDP's promise
Maximizing the capacity of existing surgical and diagnostic space: We're developing new strategies to optimize surgical and diagnostic space and teams, so BC can keep pace with the demand for new surgeries and increase the number of MRIs annually - reducing people's wait for care and relief.
Adding four more MRI machines in the next year: We're putting more MRIs in areas of highest remaining demand - Ridge Meadows Hospital (Maple Ridge), Langley Memorial, Vancouver General and St Paul's, with more to come.
Providing the hospital staff needed to perform more surgeries and other procedures: Our training, recruitment, certification, and retention strategies will help make sure BC has the skilled health workforce to deliver care faster.
— From Working for You.
Housing & Homelessness
BC NDP's promise
Housing affordability
BC NDP's promise
We'll streamline and modernize housing construction by eliminating outdated parking minimums in projects close to public transit, develop a single-window provincial permitting process, and work with communities to streamline approval processes at the local level.
— From Working for You.
Controlling the rising cost of strata insurance: [...] If rates have not corrected by the end of 2021, we will develop a public strata insurance option, similar to Saskatchewan.
— From Working for You.
Providing more homes for Indigenous people in BC: We will deliver the remaining units in our $550 million commitment to building 1,750 new homes, both on- and off-reserve [...]
— From Working for You.
Getting more affordable housing built through Housing Hub partnerships: Through the Housing Hub we launched in 2018, we'll provide additional low-interest loans to add tens of thousands more homes for middle income families. We'll expand the role of this innovative team to partner with non-profit and co-op housing providers to acquire and preserve existing rental housing. We'll also instruct the Housing Hub to look for new pathways to home ownership through rent-to-own or other equity-building programs.
— From _Working for You_.
Rent and evictions
BC NDP's promise
BC NDP's promise
Human Rights & Equality
BC NDP's promise
Diversity in government
BC NDP's promise
Gender pay gap
BC NDP's promise
Gender-based violence
BC NDP's promise
BC NDP's promise
Period poverty
BC NDP's promise
BC NDP's promise
BC NDP's promise
Systemic discrimination
BC NDP's promise
Indigenous Issues
Connection to home communities
BC NDP's promise
Indigenous culture
BC NDP's promise
Indigenous involvement
BC NDP's promise
BC NDP's promise
Jobs, the Economy, and Affordability
BC NDP's promise
Car insurance
BC NDP's promise
Employment standards
BC NDP's promise
Film and TV production
BC NDP's promise
Financial assistance
BC NDP's promise
A one-time $1,000 direct deposit to families whose household income is under $125,000 annually — with a sliding scale up to $175,000.
A one-time $500 direct deposit to single people earning less than $62,000 annually — with a sliding scale up to $87,000.
— From Working for You.
Food security
BC NDP's promise
Infrastructure investment
BC NDP's promise
[...] wherever possible, we will attach our Community Benefits Agreement (CBAs) to projects launched through the Recovery Investment Fund. Through CBAs, we're providing good jobs, fair wages, and skills training to qualified local workers — particularly those who have traditionally been under-represented in the workforce.
— From Working for You.
Precarious & gig workers
BC NDP's promise
Restauraunts & hospitality
BC NDP's promise
Small businesses
BC NDP's promise
Tech & Innovation
BC NDP's promise
We'll create 2,000 new tech-relevant spaces in public post-secondary institutions, provide start-ups with more ISI grants to hire new grads - with a priority on placements for women, Indigenous people, transitioning workers and others - and expand scholarships for people using online courses for necessary skill upgrades.
— From Working for You.
BC NDP's promise
BC NDP's promise
Workplace safety
BC NDP's promise
Mental Health, Drugs, & Addiction
BC NDP's promise
Mental health support
BC NDP's promise
Focus new mental health initiatives on kids and young adults: We've developed an initial mental health approach that focuses on addressing problems early, before they become too big. Moving forward, we'll establish successful Foundry youth centres in more communities and dedicated mental health teams in school districts.
Develop Complex Care housing: We'll provide an increased level of support - including more access to nurses and psychiatrists - for BC's most vulnerable who need more intensive care than supportive housing provides, including in places like the Riverview lands in Coquitlam.
Expand access to counselling: By investing in new e-health and other technologies, we can bring mental health care to more people in all regions of BC - reducing counselling costs for people in rural and remote communities, in particular [...]
— From Working for You.
Policing of drugs
BC NDP's promise
Safe supply
BC NDP's promise
BC NDP's promise
We will build new treatment, recovery, detox and after-care facilities across the province, including in communities with an expressed need such as Maple Ridge, with some beds specifically for British Columbians under age 24. We will also step up oversight of recovery homes and other private treatment providers to ensure quality care, accountability, and value for money.
— From Working for You.
Work-related chronic pain
BC NDP's promise
Public Safety
Gang violence
BC NDP's promise
Resource Extraction & Export
BC NDP's promise
Government support for workers
BC NDP's promise
BC NDP's promise
BC NDP's promise
Transit & Transportation
BC Ferries
BC NDP's promise
BC NDP's promise
BC NDP's promise
Transit fares
BC NDP's promise
Transit service
BC NDP's promise
Expanding transit options for people in growing areas of the province: This includes increased connections within the Tranlink (sic) network for people living in the Fraser Valley and the Sea-to-Sky region, expanded West Coast Express service, and more service for the successful BC Bus North program for rural communities.
— From Working for You.
Improving connections to Surrey and Langley: We'll work with communities to complete the Skytrain (sic) expansion project and add new rail and rapid bus lines.
Delivering better transit for the South island: We will implement the South Island Transportation Strategy, and provide more active transportation infrastructure, rapid bus service to the West Shore, and safety upgrades to the Malahat highway.
Planning for future clean transit projects with long-lasting economic benefits: We'll work with the communities and regions to support planning of key projects, like high-speed transit links for the North Shore and the expansion of rail up the Fraser Valley - bringing cleaner transit and more construction jobs for BC workers.
Promoting cleaner communities and better health through active transportation: We'll work with communities to expand their networks of active transportation as we move towards our CleanBC goal of doubling trips taken via walking, biking and other kinds of active networks by the year 2030.
— From Working for You.
Misc. topics
Arts & culture
BC NDP's promise
Japanese internment
BC NDP's promise
South Asian-Canadian museum
BC NDP's promise
In the meantime, you can learn more about them on their website.
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