My name is William Morrison, I am originally from Ontario and moved to B.C in 2008. Having worked in the automotive industry for over 20 years I have helped two start-up companies become successful in building their brand and customer base. I believe in sound economics and that government should be responsible with taxpayer funds. Unfortunately, I do not believe our politicians have our best interest at heart. There are far too many special interests in politics today that do not cater to the average citizen.
I have always related to Libertarian principles and believe many others do as well. The principles of freedom, personal responsibility, non-intervention and fiscal responsibility have always spoken to me. We are all in this together and each of us needs to do our part. I never thought of being a politician and still don't consider myself one, however, recent times have urged me to throw my name in the hat. I can no longer stand on the sidelines.
My goal is to help spread the word that there are other choices and we do not have to settle for government monopolies.